King's Business - 1950-07

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Dr. Walter L. Wilson

August 6, 1950

FELLOWSHIP THROUGH SONG Psa. 95:1-6; 98:1-9; Col. 3:16

Soliciting Christian People SOUTHLAND HOTEL Comfortable — Clean Inexpensive 605 S. Flower St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. One block west of Bible Institute

We come into the world in the midst o f song. The friends rejoice, the rela­ tives are glad, and the mother is happy that the baby has come. How wonderful it is that when the life Jias been lived well fo r God, Christ has been Lord, the Holy Spirit has guided, we may leave the world with a song and join with the heavenly host and sing to our Lord. On earth the grace o f God enables us to sing in the night. The music fills hearts with loving fellowship and devotion. Evidently David’s happy spirit ex­ pressed in the song of his heart strengthened the faith, the confidence, and the courage of his fellow fugitives. When all seemed lost and the way was dark and the case seemed hopeless, David sang. It mattered not where he was—in the cave, in the woods, in the battle, or sitting upon the throne, he sang the praises of his Lord -and thus knit together the worshiping people of Israel. His song strengthened the faith o f the fainthearted and has united lives in devotion. Miriam sang a song of triumph which must .have stirred the host of Israel in gratitude and worship to the God who had marvelously brought them through the Red Sea. She turned the hearts of the listeners to the mighty arm of the Lord which had been made bare. She told the story of conquest by her song so that all the people might ascribe great­ ness and glory to the God of their lives. No doubt the tribes took up the refrain as she in a wonderful way lifted her voice in leading the praises o f the people o f God. J U L Y , 1 9 5 0 David Sang in the Cave Psa. 63 Miriam Sang on the Shore Ex. 15:21

Paul Sang While in Prison Acts 16:25

The song of Paul and Silas encouraged one another. Their song aroused the curiosity of the prisoners. Probably they had never heard men with their backs bleeding and their feet and hands in the stocks sing. Certainly the jailor had never heard such singing. He and his family were stirred by the song of praise from these two wounded men. They could sing because they were “ in Christ,” in the prison. They could sing because they knew their Lord so well and trusted Him so fully. They sang and many hearts were blessed. The songs in Heaven link the saints together because o f the One about whom they sing. They all sing about that one wonderful Person, Christ Jesus, and the precious sacrifice He made at Calvary. Many songs o f earth prevent fellowship. The French sing their national anthem when fighting against the Germans who sing their national anthem when fight­ ing against the French. Our bands play the American national anthem in fight­ ing against the Japanese who sing their own songs. There is just one national anthem in Heaven. It concerns that one and only Saviour and the precious blood that He shed. That is the song that unites our hearts with joy. The Heavenly Host Sings in Glory Rev. 5:9 August 13, 1950 RE-CREATION OR WRECK - REATION 1 Cor. 10:31-33; Gal. 6:7, 8 The Scripture is silent on the subject of games, sports, and other forms of

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