King's Business - 1950-07

The Christian Loves Christ’s Work Col. 2:6 The work of our Lord is largely occupied with transforming lives and bringing the light of life to those who sit in darkness. Surely that life will al­ ways manifest itself in this way. Souls are lost all around us and we will care for them if the life of Christ is present. We will be interested in healing broken hearts, bearing the burdens, and seeking to be a blessing to all. This is the work o f our lovely Lord. The life of Christ within us will make us love the work that He loves. 2 Tim. 1:12; Phil. 4:13; Eph. 3:14-21 God’s provisions are for the young and for the old. He has the same gift for every age and it is the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ. A young animal was chosen for the sacrifices. The Israelites brought a young lamb or a young kid or two young pigeons. David gave himself to the Lord as a lad o f about sixteen years. Joshua gave himself to Moses for God’s service while just a lad. Timothy was chosen while a small boy. So God en­ trusts His work to the young. Young People Should Train To Be Intelligent Christians The young believer should know what he believes and why he believes it. He should be informed and taught in regard to justification, forgiveness, redemption, the Lord’s return, the judgments, salva­ tion, the new birth, and other major doc­ trines of the Scripture. There is no rea­ son in this day of Bible distribution and multiplied preaching for the young per­ son to be ignorant o f God’s Word. We should study the Scriptures in order to know the mind of God and His plans. We should know what He says in order to do what He wants us to do. Young People Should Train To Be Useful Christians The path of the believer is not to be a negative path in which he does not do this sin and does not go in for this or that worldly pleasure. The life is rather to be a constructive one in which he knows what God wants done and throws his soul into getting the job done. The believer should be useful in soul win­ ning, useful in helping the backslider to return and useful in teaching the Word o f God to those who are un-enlightened. The Lord has chosen us to bear fruit and more fruit and much fruit. The bar­ ren tree did not receive much mercy from the gardener. Young People Should Train To Be Happy Christians Sorrows and griefs bring burdens that prevent ministry for God and for Christ. Soul winning is accompanied by joy. J U L Y , 1 9 5 0 August 27, 1950 WHAT CHRISTIANITY HAS FOR YOUTH

David said, “ Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation . . . then sinners will be converted unto thee.” Peter said, “ Though now ye see him not, yet . . . ye rejoice . . . receiving . . . salvation of souls.” You can readily understand that it is the happy Christian who spreads happi­ ness, joy, and peace among others. If we would be useful and intelligent, the heart must be free from burdens and the mind unclouded by sorrow and grief. Young People Should Train To Be Valuable Christians The Christian life offers many oppor­ tunities for becoming a blessing to the lives of others. The pastor’s assistant fills a much-needed place. The ushers’ position cannot be overestimated. The organist renders a service which must be given. The church visitor is indispen­ sable. All through the church life there are positions to be filled and work to be done which requires a godly, devoted, and separated believer. Let us make it our business to learn to do well every­ thing that must be done in and for the service o f the King. Our Lord is a good paymaster. Some day He will give a full reward to His faithful servants. BIBLE QU IZ Journeys F«r what purpose did the following characters journey? 1. Jonah went to Nineveh to collect taxes, to preach, to eat. 2. Salome went before Herod to dance, to sing, to confess. 3. Samson went to Timnath for a ring, a boat, a wife. 4. Ezra went to Jerusalem to teach the statutes and judgments in Israel, to enter a chariot race, to poison an enemy. 5. The Lord Jesus Christ went to the Garden of Gethsemane to perform a miracle, to sleep, to pray. 6. Joseph o f Arimathea went to Pilate to sell shoes, to give a gift, to beg the body of the Lord Jesus. 7. Jacob went to Egypt to see his son, for his health, to conquer the land. 8. Moses went to Midian to buy cam­ els, to see his father, to escape, from Pharaoh. —Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes (Answers on Page 34) “What use for the rope if it be not flung Tillthe swimmers’ grasp to the rock be clung? What worth is eulogy’s blandest breath When whispered in ears that are hushed in death? No! No! If you have a word of cheer, Speak it while I am alive to hear.”


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