King's Business - 1950-07

God Does It •t* A remarkably honest admission comes from Dr. Carl Rusche, Presi­ dent of the American Urological As­ sociation, who points out that doctors are always dependent on a divine power in healing the sick, whether they want to admit it or not. At the Association’s annual meeting Dr. Rusche continued: “Men of science are unbelievably intolerant and narrow when they fail to recognize that it is the creative power working through us that brings success to our efforts; that the healing resources of the universe are not invented by us. Whether or not we admit it, we are always de­ pendent on the Power greater than ourselves.” Restless and Rambunctious Mrs. Allison Palmer is leaving her teaching position at the Lincoln School in Bergenfield, N. J., with this report. In her schoolroom there were 22 children, of which 21 had televi­ sion sets at home. The result was that the children were restless and rambunctious for lack of fresh air and exercise. During classes they fidgeted, waiting for the time to go home to the television set again, and all their discussion centered about their video show continuously: just cowboys and Indians and Hopalong Cassidy. Mrs. Palmer is glad to be going to Nevada because it is a country surrounded by high moun­ tains and blessed with poor television reception. Smoker's Larynx ■s* At a recent meeting of America’s throat specialists, an ailment consist­ ing of a tumor-like growth on the vocal chords was described as “ smok­ er’s larynx.” The disorder started with inflammation of the vocal chords induced by excessive smoking over a long period of time. The cure was to stop smoking except when the in­ flammation had become chronic. All this notwithstanding the tremendous barrage of cigarette advertising claiming the harmlessness of certain brands. New Merger It was predicted that there would soon be a merger of the Unitarian and Universalist churches into a sin­ gle organization with a combined membership of 62,000. The occasion was the 125th anniversary convoca­ tion of the American Unitarian So­ ciety held recently in Boston. These two denominations have much in common, both believing and teaching a very greatly attenuated doctrine. What most people do not realize is the extreme smallness of Page Thirty

All of which reminds us of the stern denunciation against this sin set forth in the Word of God, and of the dreadful judgment which God visited upon Sodom and the cities of the plain round about for this very vice. Let America beware! Ten for One «£* In a recent visit with Gen. Mac- Arthur, Dr. T. J. Bach of the Evan­ gelical Alliance Mission reported that the General was very cordial and manifested his deep appreciation and high esteem for missionary efforts. Three times in the course of conver­ sation the General expressed his thankfulness for the prayers of Christians, and as Dr. Bach left he was invited to “ send to Japan ten missionaries for every one you have here.” Dr. Bach told of spiritual vic­ tories in Japan, and of the preaching of the gospel in Bible classes, churches, schools and large open-air meetings and through the printed page. The response has been encour­ aging, with large numbers turning to Christ. Baptist Merger In the 43rd annual Northern Baptist Convention in Boston, 5,000 delegates from 36 states gathered, representing the 1,500,000 member­ ship of the convention. During the course of the meetings a good deal was said concerning projected action which would join the Northern Bap­ tist with their more powerful South­ ern neighbors who have more than 6,000,000 members. The split occurred nearly 100 years ago during the Civil War. Also considered was the possi­ bility of a merger with the nearly ( Continued on Page 31) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

the group. While Unitarianism is one of the oldest church groups in the land, because of the sterility of its modernism it has consistently failed to grow. Lost and Found «3* At Costa Rica’s basilica of Car- tago stood a 5-inch jewel-bedecked image of Costa Rica’s patroness, Our Lady of the Angels, said by tradition to have been given by the Virgin to a Negro slave girl more than 300 years ago. Recently thieves broke into the church, killed a guard, took $185,000 worth o f gold and jewels and, pre­ sumably, the image. The whole coun­ try was plunged into gloom for a few days until a corps of cleaners observed the image where it had been tossed into a dark corner. Then the whole populace went wild, and roads were choked with pilgrims coming to its worship. Few people realize the pitiable abys­ mal ignorance in which the Central and South American Catholic popu­ lations have been enslaved. What a need for the pure teaching of the truth concerning the true God and Jesus Christ, His own dear Son. Modern Sodomites In South Bend, Ind., police offi­ cers arrested members of two clubs of men dedicated to the satisfaction of their own lusts and the recruit­ ment of youth. The members of one club were exclusive and high-brow mixing their genuinely intellectual pursuits with descent into the most debasing forms of eroticism. The second club had a known membership of 200 and was composed of factory workers and business and profession­ al men.

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