Biola Broadcaster - 1973-06

will still show him his utter weak­ ness. It is only when we quit re­ sisting and contending, turning to the Lord for strength, that we find victory. Q. Turlock, Calif. "In Genesis 3:8 we read that Adam and Eve heard the voice of God while walking in the garden. Could this have been the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ?" A. Before the fall Cod was their principle concern and characteris­ tic of their daily lives. What a de­ light to be constantly walking and talking with the Lord. Doubtless this One was the pre-incarnate Christ, visible perhaps in human form. Q. Seattle, Wash. "The Lord Jesus told His disciples, 'Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away' (Matthew 5:42). Does this mean we should give or lend money to those who ask us?" A. Again, we must consider all Scripture in the light of the actual context. This passage is taken from what is known as "The Sermon on the Mount." These were standards to be established for Israel's King who had come in the flesh. It speaks of ideal conditions where the King is ruling in complete sov­ ereignty. It does not mean that we are to apply all of these facets lit­ erally to what we are doing today. The spiritual meaning is that we are not to have a miserly, grasp­ ing, selfish disposition. We are to love our neighbors as well as our enemies, as we love ourselves. It does not hold that we are to give or to lend money to anyone who calls. Paul stated the principle cor- Page 22

rectly, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." Q. San Diego, Calif. "In this age of grace are we still required to rest on Sunday so that we may keep the Sabbath day holy?" A. There has been real confusion among those who would try to equate the Lord's day, Sunday, with what the Jews were commanded to do on the Sabbath which is our Saturday. Israel was under the law. The fourth commandment specifi­ cally told them their responsibili­ ties before the Lord. When our Lord, Paul, and the Apostles went into the synagogue on the Sabbath it was their purpose to preach the message of redemption. They were not there to worship. Sunday should be a time for worship, fel­ lowship, rest, and praise to the Lord. We have no specific com­ mandments relative to our direct responsibilities.

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