Biola Broadcaster - 1973-06

the coming of the Son of Man. One day the trumpet will sound and those who love the Lord will be with him forevermore (I Thes- salonians 4:13-18). As in the time of the flood there will be a great many who will be left outside when God shuts the door. He loves the human race and does not want any to perish. The decision is by choice, not by force. He extends the gracious invitation, "Whoso­ ever will may come." Noah had been preaching for 120 years. What an opportunity those people were given and yet, not one of them would believe the message. What scorn and ridicule he must have endured. God's servant knew he was right. He had heard the Lord's voice. Likewise we know that we are right because we have discov­ ered the Bible to be true. Salvation has been real in our lives. Just as surely as God changes the cater­ pillar into the butterfly He will

greenhouse on a cold day. All of a sudden everything changes. The rays of the sun, instead of being diffused evenly over the earth, penetrate with fierce heat at the equator and intense freezing would occur at the poles. It may be that mammoths and other beasts graz­ ing in the tropical or semi-tropical vegetation of the now frozen north were caught in their tracks. Thus they have been held in a "deep­ freeze" for all these thousands of years. This theory certainly explains a lot of things. It is also interesting to realize how Noah went into the ark. He certainly did not go out and round up all the animals. All the beasts were tame, and God brought them to him. It sounds to me like Noah walked in and called all the ani­ mals who followed him. Then God, on the outside, closed the door. Jesus reminds us that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at

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