Biola Broadcaster - 1973-06

and humbleness of spirit can sense that marvelous evidence of the in­ spiration of the Holy Scriptures. We find its unity from Genesis to the Revelation. In view of these tremendous truths may we con­ sistently study the Bible so that we may learn to think correctly as to our relationship to its truths and the consistent application of them. Christianity presents an author­ itative Christ over life, an authori­ tative Scriptures over truth, and an authoritative Holy Spirit over behavior. Too often we may accept the facts of Christ's authority, as well as the authority of the Scrip­ tures, but in a purely intellectual way. The authority of the Holy Spirit is observable at the point of action. In the believer he validates both the authority of Christ and the authority of the Scriptures. Fre­ quently, form without power char­ acterizes our verbal testimonies. There's a lethargical pomp and ceremony in our so-called worship services. There is seldom a pro­ found sense that God is speaking. Prayer meetings increasingly be­ come preaching services. (The si­ lent gaps have been too embar­ rassing.) Our prayers can be trite, repetitious, and give little evidence of a real communion with God. No fact is more noticeable than lamentable coldness toward Christ. What percent of people in the average fundamental church can converse intelligently in a mutually beneficial discussion in depth about some biblical passage or doctrine? Talk is endless about houses, jobs, clothes, cars, friends, sports, TV, and the like. Too few are capable of talking about our lovely Lord and about the Book of books. There is moral compromise both

against the premature acceptance of the conclusions of sin-biases and terribly fallible unregenerate men. It is our prime responsibility to know the Word of God itself. Let us proclaim its grand truths of a unique God, of an impeccable Saviour, of a just and gracious re­ demption, of a new and dynamic everlasting life, and of the assur­ ance of eternal rewards. This is the message which has always met the needs of man. Man just could not invent such a God as is presented in the Holy Scriptures. Its facts are being con­ stantly reconfirmed not only with­ in itself, but also by secular his­ tory, geology and archeology. The philosophies of men, the highest insight of the most inspired poets fall into insignificance in contrast with these marvelous mysteries in the divine revelation. Think, too, of how Scriptural teaching is so perfect in its pre­ cepts. In comparison to the mor­ ality and paganism abounding on every hand they shine as diamonds against blackness. The profound and yet simply concise language of the Bible defies description. One little group of words form a crys­ tal clear window through which one may peer into the depths of the human soul, or into the very truths of God. The very hearts of sinful men can be moved by a power outside themselves. This blessed volume we call the Holy Bible has been attacked again and again. Yet it continues on, and is verified repeatedly by archeo­ logical discoveries proving its his­ torical accuracy. There is a perfect union between the Old and New Testament. Only those who read the Bible with openness of mind

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