Twelve months of Cookson Adventures

MANTA RAY CONGR EGAT I ON The manta ray is a graceful giant, striking in its appearance and calming with its presence. Watch as these inquisitive creatures gather in large numbers, combing through the ocean for the smallest of prey by using their large fins to channel the water into their wide-open mouths. S ECOND WOR L D WAR R E L I CS Imagine a time long past as you dive to the Second World War wrecks at the bottom of Palau’s ocean. The islands witnessed a massive US attack against the Japanese imperial war fleet which left a graveyard of wrecked ships, rusty tanks and aircraft both in the jungle and below the waves. UNDE RWAT E R B I OD I VE R S I T Y The cold, nutrient-rich waters of this region result in striking underwater activity; divers are often left speechless upon their return to the water’s surface. Watch out for a pod of sperm whales breaching near your private yacht or grey reef sharks, both a common encounter in Palau. CORA L Palau’s underwater garden is a sight to behold, from the thin-leafed lettuce coral to feathery polyps that sway like palm trees blowing in the wind. Meander through the otherworldly whip corals and search closely for the smallest of Palau’s creatures, including the adorable skunk clownfish, often found cleaning itself amongst the soft coral and feeding on algae. ENDANGE R ED DUGONGS The elusive dugong has bewildered humans since its discovery. These shy and gentle creatures are said to be the inspiration behind seafaring tales of mermaids and have since become extinct in a large number of areas they used to populate. Watch out for these slow-moving drifters as they graze on the underwater grasses.

Clockwise from left: Sea caves such as this are one of the many hidden gems around Palau | Two green sea turtles take a moment to rest on the hard coral | Nudibranches, otherwise known as ‘sea slugs’, are not as soft as they look | A seagrass-grazing dugong is sadly Palau’s most endangered marine species



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