Twelve months of Cookson Adventures

B LOWHOL E S Search for the whistling blowholes on Tongatapu which burst from coral reefs up to 18-metres into the air. This spectacle happens when volcanic rock allows water to forcefully blow through its crevasses and create a plume-like effect. D I V I NG With stunning reef systems, shipwrecks, drop-offs, chimneys and underwater caves, diving in Tonga is a spectacular experience. WAT E R S POR T S If you’re visiting Tonga by yacht, you can enjoy a multitude of tenders and toys in its crystal-clear waters. We will find the perfect yacht for you to ensure days filled with entertainment. CORA L R E E F S Animated with activity, the coral reefs in Tonga are teeming with fluorescent fish, inspecting the nooks and crannies of the bright soft and hard coral gardens. HUMPBACK WHA L E S This is the best time of year to view visiting humpback whales and their newborn calves. Despite being known to grow to the size of a school bus, these creatures can perform almost acrobatic moves, leaping out of the water and splashing back down with force. LOCA L MARK E T S & A COOK I NG E XP E R I ENCE Wander through the fresh produce markets and pick your ingredients for an afternoon cooking lesson. Seafood, coconuts and tropical fruits are common flavours in authentic Tongan cuisine.

Clockwise from left: The famous blowholes of the archipelago are found on Tongatapu Island | Snorkel to underwater caves, chimneys or shipwrecks | Keen scuba divers could spend most of their days underwater at Tonga



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