Team Matters January 2023


Infrastructure Investments Show Our Commitment To Growth

East Coast markets, which are in line to see more growth as shippers divert freight from the West Coast. “With a lot of the congestion we’ve seen at different ports around the country, and with the dredging they’re doing in Mobile to allow some bigger ships, we’ve experienced a lot of growth in Mobile this year,” explains DAVID MCGONAGILL of our regional leadership. “In 2022, our PortSide business alone was up almost 100% over 2021.” Barry says the ports are an important part of our long-term strategy. “All of our East Coast ports and Gulf Coast ports are positioned for significant growth for years to come,” he says. “That is why we are investing so heavily in all of those facilities. It is to prepare us for that growth.” Barry adds that the infrastructure plans are part of our overall vision to be prepared. “We have to continue to look well in advance,” he says. “If we wait until we find ourselves in need, it is too late. We are very forward-thinking in terms of properties, equipment and people.” Those commitments can play an important role in helping us secure our future. “Being able to invest in our facilities and our people and our future is much needed, and it creates a lot of excitement,” David says. “I feel like as we continue to upgrade and expand, it gets a lot of people’s juices flowing, it creates excitement, and I think it attracts people from our competition as well.” We’re in this exciting position because of your commitment to delivering excellence. Thank you for those efforts, and we look forward to being in an even stronger position for the future as we lay the groundwork now through our infrastructure enhancements. T m Our new Savannah service center is one of many facility enhancements we’ve made in recent years, and we have a long-term plan to stay ready for the future. One enhancement currently underway is a new facility in Mobile, which will be similar to Savannah.

And right now, there may be no better example of our eye toward the future than our infrastructure enhancements. We currently have 50-plus projects underway throughout our network, from updating our facilities, to dock and yard expansions, maintenance renovations, lighting projects, and new properties purchases. “We are putting together a one-year, three-year and five-year plan, and then a 10-year plan after we get that accomplished,” explains BARRY BLAKELY of our executive leadership. “We want to make sure we have the flexibility and the infrastructure that we need for growth. Commercial real estate is both a significant investment and a challenge to find in some markets. As they say, you are not going to be able to create land opportunities, so we are focused on finding them now.” Infrastructure enhancements are important for our future because they show our customers that we’re ready to partner with them and grow our business. It’s also important for our associates, because we can provide you with the best amenities and quality of life. Additionally, we’re able to attract high-quality people who want a better career for themselves. MOVING IN MOBILE One of our key projects is taking place in Mobile, where we’re building a new facility that will have about 50% more dock doors, a roughly 120,000-square-foot warehouse, more parking, and the ability to provide transloading services. That is particularly important in our Gulf Coast and Our commitment to a bright future is at the forefront of everything we do. It’s why we invest in hiring the best people, and it’s why we focus on having the best equipment and best image through our uniform program.

If you haven’t submitted your application for the Scott Wolf Memorial Scholarship, now is the time to do so. Applications will be accepted through Feb. 1 for the 2023- 24 school year. LAST CALL FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Scott Wolf Scholarship Applications Run Through Feb. 1

SCOTT WOLF served as our Vice President of Corporate Services until his passing in 2012. Honoring his wishes, the Wolf family set up a scholarship fund in Scott’s name as a way to give back to his fellow Averitt associates. The Scott Wolf Memorial Scholarship is open to full-time and part-time associates who have been employed no less than one year at the time of application, as well as their dependents who seek to continue their education beyond high school. For more information about the scholarship, visit . T m

Because of a donation from our team in 2021, the amount of each scholarship continues to be $1,000 for each student! The scholarship recipients are determined by the Wolf family and the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Since the scholarship began in 2013, there have been 73 recipients representing 13 states.

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