King's Business - 1911-08

NO. 8


K I M G ' S



T^LHE Holy Scriptures have a struc- ^ ture exhibiting when seen and comprehended, even imperfectly, the same perfection of wisdom in design and skill in execution that character- izes all God's glorious and wonderful works. —PHILIP MAURO.



Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven.—Psalm 119:89 îiïxbte M&txtut? ( Incorporated ) 260-264 South Main Street (Second Floor) Los Angeles, Ca l i forn ia The King's Business: Entered as Second-Class Matter Nov. 17, 1910, at the postoffice at Los Angeles, Cal Under the Act of March 3, 1879. DIRECTORS: U Lyman Stewart, President Re*. A. B. Prichard, Vice Pre». T. C. Horton, Superintendent J. M. Irvine, Secretaiy-Treas. R. A. Hadden, _sjipt._Exten»ion Work E. A. K. Hackett W. E. Blackstone S. 1. Merrill W. L-.-Green f J DOCTRINAL STATEMENT We bold to the Historic Faith of the Church as expressed in the Common Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Maintainance of Good Works The Deity of the Christ. The Second Coining of Christ The Personality of the Holy Spirit. The Immortality of the Soul. The Supernatural and Plenary au- The Resurrection of the Body, thority of the Holy Scriptures. The Life everlasting of Believers. The Fellowship of the Church. The Endless Punishment of the Im- The Substitutionary Atonement. penitent. The Necessity of the New Birth. The Reality and Personality of Satan. Purnose T h e I n 8 t i t u t e trains accredited men and women, free ^ of cost, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. Denartment«» W 1 1 16 Institute Classes held daily except Satur- u c p n r a e n i s day and Sunday. (2) Extension Work. Classes and conferences held in neighboring cities and towns. (3) Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by compe- tent evangelists under our direction. (4) Spanish Mission. Meetings every night for Spanish-speaking people and house visitation. * (5) Shop Work. Regular services in shops and factories all the year. (6) Jewish Evangelism, Personal work in homes for the Hebrew people. (7) Bible Women. Housc-to-house work and neigh- borhood classes. (8) Aqueduct. Work among the 4000 men on the new aqueduct. (9) Oil Fields. A mission to the men on the oil fields. (10) Books and Tracts. Sale and distribution of selected books and tracts. PRAY FOR THE WORK AND WORKERS OF THE INSTITUTE, If ye abide in me and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.-—John 15:7.

Our 5tew ¿Dean. HE coming of Dr. R. A. Torrey to our Bible Institute marks a new era in the progress of our work. The hand of God has been upon us for good from the beginning. The leading

/ v - A g ^ S w^ K p ^ B f f i ®

of the Lord in connection with all our work has been so manifest and so definite that we cannot doubt His purpose in having for Himself a great Bible University in the City of Los Angeles. When we felt the

years of experi- ence as Dean of the Moody School, the greatest Bible School in the world which he was per- mitted to make great through his untiring e n e r g y and devotion, give him special quali- fications for this new field of labor. Dr. Torreyhas a world-wide repu- tation and acquain- tance and has by his loyalty to the truth ana integ- rity of character, gained the well merited confidence and esteem of the church universal. Dr. Torrey is a man of prayer, and if he had failed in this qualification, all of the others would have lacked the luster which this quality sheds

need and commenced to pray for a Dean we asked of the Lord the best man available for such an import- ant position, but we had not thought that the Lord would give us the biggest as well as the best. Our eyes were not upon men but upon God. When G o d m a k e s a m a n great we ought to re- joice. Dr. Torrey is peculiarly fitted for the important posi- tion for which God has called h i m . A thorough C h r i s t i a n who lives w h a t h e teaches, a ripe schol- ar, a Bible man in the truest sense. He be- lieves the whole Book is inspired of God and he knows the whole Book as few living m e n k n o w i t . He knows how to teach it w i t h u n c t i o n and p o w e r . His many

DR. R. A. TORREY upon t h em. The Institute has been in a peculiar sense a monument of God's faithfulness to men and women who have been incessant in believing prayer, and we are confident that Dr. Torrey's coming to us is in direct answer to our petitions to God to choose for us his own man. It has been my privilege and pleasure to know Dr. Torrey for many years. He is a man with like passions with the rest of us, but he is a true man of God with the seal of God's approval upon a long life of faithful service in which he has had to fight the good fight in his unswerving loyalty to the old Book, and I take great pleasure in felicitating the institute upon its good fortune, and the city and state upon this splendid acquisition to its religious forces. We welcome Dr. Torrey with alloui hearts to the fellowship of the Institute and assure him that at no period of his life has he been permitted to enjoy a fellowship sweeter and holier than that which awaits him in the Bible Insti- tute of Los Angeles. In faith we predict that if our Lord should tarry yet a little season our work of faith and labor of love shall by His grace produce an institution for Christ- ian workers, and a radiating center for all forms of Christian activity second to nonew

(Brewings from JDn Oorre?*

Friends of the Los Angeles Bible Institute :— Mr. Hortori has requested me to send a few words of greeting at this time and I gladly do so. I have been greatly interested in the Institute from its beginning. When the' Institute was being planned, Mr. Horton consulted with me regarding it, and I told him at that time my willingness to help him in any way possible that would not conflict with other duties in making the work a success. ]' have followed its growth from that day to this, with deep interest. In accepting the more definite responsibility in regard to the work, I do so with great expecta- tions regarding, the future; It is widely felt today among far-sighted Christian meri that Mr. Moody was clearly led of the Lord when he founded the Bible Institute in Chicago. It is believed that this Institute Was called into being for just such a time as this, and God has. set His seal upon the work of that Institute as upon no other institution, of which I know. There are what appear to me clear indications that there is a demand at the present time in Los Angeles for another institu- tion following closely the lines and methods of work adopted by the Moody Bible Institute. It was my privilege to map out the course of study at thè Institute and to lay down the general methods of work, which have since been very closely followed. It was also my privilege to superiritefid the carrying out of these plans of work from 1889 to 1906. In undertaking to do a similar work for the Bible Institute in Los Angeles at.the request of the directors of the Los Angeles Bible Insti- tute, I crave'more than, anything else the prayers, not only of all who believe in a Divinely inspired and infallible Bible, in the vicarious atone- ment of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, actual and literal resurrection from the dead, in His Deity and in the impera- tive need that men and women b'e trained to go out definitely filled with the Spirit of God to lay down their lives alongside the lost and to win them to a definite and intelligent acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Saviour, their Lord and their King, that they may thus be saved from sin and its consequences, including an everlasting hell, and saved to holy living, effective service of and joint-heir ship with our Lord arid Saviour Jesus Christ. Sincerely yours, R. A. TORREY.

l>v. Arthur O. His Life Testimony.

The following texts, fohich he had tested for his life's guidance, were given at Northfield, Massachusetts, August 13, 1910, in an address commemorating fifty years of his Christian ministry. I. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the un- godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night.—Psalm 1 : 1 , 2. "For prosperity and peace, meditate in the WoM of God and take delight in it." II. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. —Proverbs 3 : 6. "Never make a plan without seeking God's guidance; never achieve a success without giving God the praise." III. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.—Matthew 6: 33. "In more than twenty years, since giving up all stated salary, the truth of this promise has been fully tested and wonderfully proved in my experience. Never has there been any lack, but always an abundant supply of all things needful for strength and for comfort. IV. If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself..—John 7: 17. "After more than fifty years of Bible study and close observation, I can testify that it pays to follow God and to trust in His Word."

ANALYSIS OF THE FIR Dr. A. B. INTRODUCTION—Ch. 2:4; The Historical PART I—Ch. 1:5-2:28; The Gospel. 1. Its Doctrinal Basis; Sin, Confession, Propitiation; Ch. 1:5-2:2. 2. Its Practical Demand; A Pattern, A Person; Ch. 2:3-6. 3. Its Potential Motive; Love; Ch. 2: 7-11. 4. Its-Safeguard; The Will of God; Ch. 2:12-17. 5. Its Incentives to Fidelity; Anti- Christ; Chrism; Christ; Ch. 2:18-28. PART II—Ch. 2:29-3-24. The Christian Believer. His Divine Sonship; Ch. 2:29-3.:3 Its Criteria: (1) Righteousness, 3:4-10; (2) Love, 3:11-17; (3) Truth, 3:18-24. PART III—Ch. 4:1-5:12. The Christian Teacher, or Credentials of Spiritual Leadership.


Pri chard Fact. Certain, l i t e r a l, Practical. 1. The Christological Test; Ch. 4:1-6. The Person of Christ; the Suprem- acy of Christ; Christ in the Be- liever. 2. The Philadelphian Test; Ch. 4:7-5:2; Love's -Revelation, -Perfection, -Expression, -Liberty, -Examplifi- cation. 3. The Efficiency Test; Ch. 5:3-12; Do- ing His Commandments; Overcom- ing the World; Communicating Life. EPILOGUE—Ch. 5:12-21. 1. A Summary of Gospel Benefits; Knowledge, Access, Life. 2. The Sum of Knowledges We may be kept from sinning; W are of God; Christ is a present fact. "This One is the True God, and Eternal Life."

_^V6am as a ^figure of (Tfyrist

3 . "pollock. Roma ns 5:14.

pear. Yet it is and must be true, or else Adam and Eve could not have been wrapped up in those coats of skin, nor could Abel have been accepted because of his offering, nor could one bit of blessing ever have reached sinful man. The expression, " t h e figure of Him taac was to come," (Rom. 5:14) refers directly to Adam. It occurs in a very striking place and manner. The latter half of Ro- mans 5 is occupied with comparing the HEADSHIPS JOF ADAM AND CHRIST. One brought on the curse; the other, bless- ing. One brought in condemnation; the other, justification. One brought in death; the other, life. And it is just in the midst of the de- scription of the utter failure of Adam in contrast with the perfection of Christ, that we get tnis striking expression, ' ' the figure of Him that was to come." We should not have expected the ex- pression to come in just there. It looks disjointed and out of place. But the ap- parently disjointed place in which it oc- curs arrests and detains us. A moment's thought and our soul is filled with a flood of light. Christ comes before us in two ways; by figure and contrast. Adam, as God made Him, was the figure of Christ; as he made himself in his fall, he becomes a contrast to Christ. What a valuable les- son, if we learn it right. Never was a finer man placed in -finer circumstances than Adam—yet he fell; and, as fallen, became the head of a race of men like himself. What can come from such a source? If the fountain is polluted we shall not expect clean waters to flow there- from. Let us once and for all ' ' cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils," and turn to Him in whom alone incomparable perfection dwells. The earlier a type is found in Scripturt; the more forcible it is. Such a type is made up or very few but very bold strokes. Later types will bring in details, and the more removed the type is from what is

I have in my possession the photograph of an animal. The person who held it in position for the picture is not seen in the picture, but against the wall there is the sharply defined shadow of a man. When the light threw the shadow on the wall, it must have struck the substance first. The form of the man gave form to the shadow. This photograph may illustrate for us the meaning of the old Testament, for there the sharply defined shadow of a MAN is clearly seen on the pages of it. Much more than a man, surely—"God over all blessed for e v e r ," a wonderful glorious Person, "whose being none can k n o w ;" but yet a Man, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ. From Genesis 1 to Malachi 4, we find the sacred page full of the shadow of Christ. He Himself talking to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, "begin- ning at Moses and all the prophets—ex- pounded unto them in all the Scriptures THE THINGS CONCERNING HIM- S E L F " (Luke 24:27.) No wonder their hearts burned within them as they listened to such an unfolding from such a Person. Adam, Abraham, Melchizedek, Isaac, Jo- seph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, Soltf- mon, and a host of others prefigured Christ. In them in divers ways we see the shadow of Him who was to come. Our illustration brings out a most im- portant point. The expression, ' ' the figure of Him that was to come," emphasizes it with all the direct force of Scripture. The light must have shone upon the man before the shadow was cast upon the wall. In the same way all the perfection yet to be manifested in Christ in manhood, and all the excellency of His work, was present, before God, before ever the types set Him forth. The substanee was before the shadow. The antitype was before the type. The New Covenant was before the Old, paradoxical as such a statement may ap-

primitive, the more detailed and less strong as a type it will be found to be. We are now considering the first human-type of Christ found in Scripture. "GOD SAID." In Genesis 1:26 we read, " A n d God said, Let Us make m a n ." What divine prescience and wisdom are revealed in those two words—"God s a i d ." The words are more remarkable than appears on the surface. They must have sorely puzzled the pious scribe in Old Testament times. The words occur nine times in the first account of creation in Genesis 1, We are told that a Hebrew scribe was accustomed to wipe his pen every time he wrote down the most blessed and most awful word we know—God. How sorely puzzled he must have been to have found the word in the plural—not in the singular, which means one, nor the dual, which means two, but in the plural, which means three or more in the Hebrew language. And this followed by the verb said in the singular. A plural noun governing a singular verb. And yet such was the scribe's reverence for" the Scriptures that not a jot, the smallest let- ter in the Hebrew language, or a tittle, its smallest sign, would he alter. And here was an error in grammar apparently nine times repeated in the early verses of Genesis. The plural noun governing a singular verb shows that the word God is a PLU- RAL UNITY, if one may so describe it. It is obvious that the Trinity—God the Father, the Son" and the Holy Ghost—is here indicated. Three Persons—one God; and thus acting. " A n d God said, Let Us make-man in Our Image, after Our L I KENE S S ." Here we get two ways indicated in which Adam is ' ' the figure of Him that was to come,'' viz, IMAGE and LIKENESS, the former referring to what is representative, the latter to moral similitude, IMAGE. Adam represented God in the fair scene of the first creation. How quickly he dis- graced himself as in some sort the visible representation of God in this world. How quickly he tell, dragging after him in his ruin the unborn race, and affecting the loWer creation, which " g r o a n e th and travaileth together in pain until now.'' How one turns instinctively and in re- lief to the Christ, the Image of the invis- ible God. He has more than glorified God as the second Man out of heaven in the

scene where the first man had so signally failed. How good it is that we know Him as worthy of fullest confidence. He is the quickening spirit. He is the last Adara. To Him is committed all judgment as the Son of Man. In His pierced hands lies all blessing for this world. And we looli forward with joyful anticipation to the time when He will probably take His plac 3 in this world as God's Image. LIKENESS. Man is like a battered and well worn coin. You can see the king's head upon the coin. It bears his image. The coin represents him as the guarantee of va ne in currency. But the image is also the king's likeness. But alas! When we look at man how well nigh obliterated the like- ness of God has become. The image re- mains; the likeness has almost ceased. The image and likeness should go to- gether. But in Adam's fall the God was greatly marred. What is man in the flesh like now? Ravening beasts, un- clean birds. Such similes are found in Scripture. Again, we turn with joy of heart to the Christ of God. How fully He bore the moral features of God. He made God known, revealed Him fully. On earth the Father could say, ' ' Th is is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.'' Matt. 3:17. In heaven all the glory of God is seen in His blessed face. HEADSHIP. In Genesis 2 a new name for God is in- troduced—LOED GOD—Jehovah Elohim. Jehovah (God in relation to man in a cov- enant of blessing.) Elohim (God in plural unity.) Headship involves life and nature. Hence it is the LORD God who is promin- ent in Genesis 2, preparing for the race, who should be in association with their Head. And seeing that Adam is " t h e figure of Him that was to come,'' of Christ who was to be the Head in new creation, we examine with deep interest the narra- tive before us. First of all, and showing what was first in God's mind, if not first in point of time, we read: " A n d the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for h i m ." Gen. 2:18. Then every living creature is brought

to Adam and he names them, thus asserting his place as HEAD OVER ALL THINGS. This is surely a figure of Christ. " T h e Head of every man is Christ." 1 Cor. 11:3. He is " t h e Head of all principality and power." Col. 2:10. God " g a v e Him 'to be the Head over all t h i n g s ." Eph. 1:22. As head, Adam ruined and wrecked everything, and that in a scene where all was most favorable. Christ has come, and was tried in the most adverse circumstances He was ever perfect. He has triumphed and now as the risen Man He takes the place of Head. In Genesis 2 the preparation of the gar den and the naming of the animals are imt preparatory to the introduction of the wo- man. In this connection Adam is a figure of Christ as Head OF THE CHURCH: Here we get the first and strongest tv¡>e of Christ and the church. We need to complete the quotation from Eph. 1:22-23, given above. God " g a v e Him to be Head over all things TO THE CHURCH, which is His body, the fulness of Him t h at filleth all in a l l ." Head of the church as to her- self, Jtiead to the church as to her associa- tion with Him in rulé and dominion. What a pláce God has given us in Christ. Could anything be more wonderful? In the type we see how it is brought about. Adam falls j into a deep sleep— figure of the death of Christ, by which alone the church could be brought into ex- istence; The rib taken, the side closed, the woman builded and brought to Adam as a nelp meet, a wife—how striking a

figure of the way the church has been given to Christ. This is the only type of Christ and the. church where the church is typi- fied as of Christ. Adam could say of Eve, " T h i s is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh," even as it could be said of the church, " W e are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones." Eph. 5:30. For indeed the marriage relationship is not a haphazard illustration of the bond between Christ and the church, but was designed to illustrate it. That is to say, God had the eternal relationship between Christ and the church before His mind be- fore ever the time relationship of man and wife was designed by Him to illus- trate this great truth. ' ' This is a gi eat mystery; but I. speak concerning Christ and the church." Eph. 5:32. PARTNERSHIP. God in creating Eve gave her to Adam in the double character that, whilst he was her head, she was his help meet, and said in creating man, " L E T THEM have do- minion." Gen. 1:26. So whilst we shall ever look up to the Lord as Head—nay more, we shall say with one of old, " M y Lord and my God," yet we snail be associated with Him in His dominion and rule. " A n d I saw thrones and they sat upon them;—ani they lived and reigned with Christ a thou- sand y e a r s ." Rev. 20:4. What a pros- pect! To be Christ's help meet, His bride, companion in His kingdom, sharer in His rule. —Scripture Truth.

tÔtble t f t c a ò i i t o j —W.


Delivered at the Bible Conference.

I. Inspiration. II, Pet. 1:20, 21; 2 Sam. 23:2; Acts 3:2'1; Heb. f b f 1 Pet. 1:10-12; Psa. 19:7, 8, and Heb. 3:7, 8, as to New Testament. Jno. 16:12-15; Jno. 17:17; 1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:15, 16; Paul's writings classified by Peter as scripture and co-ordinated ' ' the other scriptures," Gal. 3:16, argument based on a single letter. 2 Tim. 3:16 (Greek) " A ll or every scripture is God- b r e a t h e d ." Gal. 4:30; Isa. 8:20; 2:22; Rom. 3:4. II. Regeneration. Jno. 3:3-8; Gal. 6:15.

Author! God: 2 Cor. 4:15; 1 Cor. 1:30, "of God." Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 2:3; Eph. 2:10. Birth Germ! The Word: 1 Pet. 1:23. Jas. 1:18; 2 Pet. 1:4; 1 Cor. 4:15. Condition! Faith: Jno. 1:12-13. Gal. 3:26. m . Supplication: Eph. 6:18; Jude .20. Rom. 8:26, 27. Luke 11:1. IV. Evangelization. Isa. 42:1-4; 61:1; Luke 24:47-49; Acts. 1:4; Acts 1:8; 8:29; 10:19, 20, 44;Acts. 13:2-4; 16:6, 7, 10; 20:20; Mic. 3:8; 1 Pet. 1:12; 1 Thess. 1:5.

Sin an6 (Tfyrist's ^Atonement

- J F. - C . X t a r s t , Delivered at the Bible Conference

7. Where did He bear our sins? " I n His own body on the t r e e " (1 Pet. 2:24). 8. Is it necessary for Him to repeat the act? "Ch r i st died (B. V,, margin) for sins once' (1 Peter 3:18). Offering of the body for Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:12'). 9. Why did He die? To make an atonement for sin (Heb. 1: 3; 11:17 r. v.; 1 John 2:2). To put away the hindrance of sin (Heb. 9:26). To take away the guilt of sin (Eom. 4:25). To cleanse from the pollution of sin (Eev. 1:5). To make us dead to sins (1 Peter 2:24). To constitute us righteous (Eom. 5:19, r. v.; 2 Cor. 5:21). To deliver us from the world (Gal. 1:4). To separate us from self (2 Cor. 5:14, 15). To bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). I have only called attention to a few of the Scriptures where Christ's death is directly associated with sin. The one thing I want to empnasize is this, that the very words which are used to describe man's sin are found connected directly or indirectly with Christ's sacrifice for sin; showing His identification; with us, and His complete answer to God for it. Let us look at some Old Testament words. I—SIN. The principal word for sin is to miss the mark. Of the left-handed Benjamin- ites it is said they "could sling a stone at a hair-breadth and not miss" (Judges 20:16). The word to "mi s s" is rendered sin again and again. Saul, for instance, confesses, " I have sinned" (LSam. 15: 24). He had deviated from l ie express' command of God to slay all that pertained

Low thoughts about sin will lead to lower thoughts about Christ's sacrifice. He who only sees a man suffering in a good eause in the Christ of Calvary fails to un- derstand the teaching of Scripture. The Spirit's utterance is clear and emphatic as to Christ s death in the form of ques- tions. Let us put the whole subject in the form of questions. 1. For whom did Christ die? Christ is said to have died for " s i n- ners ' ' and for the ' ' ungodly,'' and that God's " e n e m i e s" are reconciled to Him by the death of His Son (Romans 5:6. 8, 10). 2. For what did He. die? " O u r s i n s "—" He died for our sins ac- cording to the Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3). 3. Why did Christ come into the world? To " p u t away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:26). " H e was mani- fested to take away our s i n s" (1 John 3:5). 4. Did God have anything to do with that death for sin? He made " H i s soul an offering for s i n " (Isaiah 53:10). " H e made Him to be sin for u s " (2 Cor. 5:21). " God sending His Son . . . by a sacrifice for sin, condemned sin in the flesh" )Bom. 8:3, margin). 5. Did Christ die willingly? " H e gave Himself for our s i n s" (Gal. 1:4).. 6. What did He do with our sins? " B a r e the sins of m a n y " (Isaiah 53: 12). "Offered to bear the sins of m a n y " (Heb. 9:28)\

boundary of God's law. Man in his self- will daring to "go beyond" (word rend- ered "go beyond" in Numbers 22:18) the prohibition of Jehovah, henee Saul "trans- gressed the commandment of the cove- n a n t " (Hosea 8:1). The word, in a general way, means to pass over or to pass by, as a lamp passing between two ob- jects (Gen. 15:17); as a person passing over a river (Deuteronomy 12:10); and as waves passing over an individual to his submergence (Psalm 124:4, 5). Christ uses the word in this latter sense when He realizes the waves of God's wrath against sin are submerging Him, and as identified with our sins, says, "M i n e iniquities are gone over Mine h e a d " (Psalm .38:4). IV—REBELLION. To sin is bad, to distort the right and make it wrong is worse, to go beyond the Divine fiat is worse, but to add rebellion to these is worse than the worst. God said to Israel, " I have nourished and brought up children, and they have re- belled against M e " (Isa. 1:2). When one has failed to do right, done absolutely wrong, broken the law, and then dares to stand with clenched fist and defy the One against Whom the previous acts had been committed, he deserves to be left for judg- ment. Did God thus leave the sinner? No. Here is the wonder of the Gospel. Four times the word rendered " s i n" and "rebelled is applied to Christ. It is translated in Isaiah 53:5, 8, 12— "Trans- gression" and ' "Transgressors." Here, again, we are impressed with Christ's close identification with our sin, for the literal meaning of the sentence, "wounded for our transgressions" is " H e was the wounded One unto death because of our transgressions." As Newton says, literal- ly, " f r om our transgressions. Our trans- gressions are here spoken of as the source whence the sufferings snoken of flowed out to our Substitute." This oneness with us and our oneness with Him is further emphasized in the words, "Numbered with the transgressors." V—UNFAITHFULNESS, or TRESPASS. The Hebrew word "ma'al" seems to in- dicate faithlessness, treachery and apos- tasy. It is rendered "trespass" about thirty times. Parkhurst says of its mean-

to Amalek. He missed his step and fell to his hurt. The sin offering is a type of Christ as the< One Who has borne the judgment of God against sin. All the offering that was burnt outside the eamp was utterly consumed (Lev. 4:11, 12). The sinner de- serves to be consumed with the judgment of God because of his sin. As the offerer watched the burning of the victim, he would say, " T h e re am I, and my gin be- ing consumed in the offering offered in my s t e a d ." Christ has so identified Himself with our sin that He speaks of it as His own, henee, in the prophetic word we hear Him saying, " T h e re is no rest in My bones, because of My s i n s" (Psa. 51:8). The word for sin is rendered " b a r e the l o s s" in Genesis 31:39, when Jacob re- counts to Laban what he had done in his service. ' ' That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it . . . in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep departed from mine eyes." II—INIQUITY. The Hebrew word " a v a h " means a dis- tortion, as when a person's body is dis- torted because he is in pain, or a woman in travail. It is rendered "bowed down" in Isaiah 21:3. It means also to pervert, as when one goes astray from the right path; hence, it is rendered "perverted" in calling attention to Israel's forgetting the Lord (Jer. 3:21). Its full significance, as descriptive of sin, is to do wrong or wickedly, hence, it corresponds to our word "wrong," namely, that which is wrung out of its course. (See the word rendered "done wickedly" in 2 Sam.24: 17; "done perversely" in 1 Kings 8:47; "done amiss'' in 2 Chronicles 6:37; and "committed iniquity" in Psalms 106:6). Christ in the prophetic Psalm of His suffering says, " I am troubled" (Psa. 38: 6). The word "troubled" or "b e n t" is the same as rendered "iniquity." We had bent ourselves by sin, and perverted the powers which God had entrusted to us for His glory to our own use. Christ had to be bent in suffering for us before we could be righted and brought back to the right path. Ill—TRANSGRESSION. Transgression is the passing over the

i n g—"To straddle with the feet too much to one side, and so deeline towards it a declining ordeflection from duty and t r u t h ." The word is rendered "falsehood" in Job 21:34. This word makes sin yet blacker. It is employed to describe the sin of Achan (.Joshua 7:1), for he was unfaithful to his trust in tak- ing to his own use what Jehovah had consecrated to Himself. Under the law, if an Israelite sinned, committed a tres- pass against the Lord, ignorantly, in the holy things (Lev. 5:15, 16), or if he tres- passed against the Lord i n deceiving his neighbor (Lev. 6 4 :2-7), then he had to make amends according to the Lord's directions, but in each case there had to be a trespass- offering, by means of which the priest had to " m a ke an a t o n eme n t" for the offender, and then, when atonement was made, his trespass " s h a ll be forgiven h i m " (Lev. 5:16; 6:7). No atonement, no forgiveness. VI—OFFENCE, OR SINS OF OMISSION. The one sentence which sums up the meaning of the word "trespassed" (Lev. 5:19), and which is rendered "offend" (Hosea 4:15), "found guilty" (Hosea 10: 2), is, "Though he wist it not, yet is he g u i l t y" (Lev. 5:17). Ignorance does not free the offender from guilt. The word

is rendered "trespass-offering" twenty- one times in the book of Leviticus, and is translated " s i n" in speaking of Christ being made " a n offering for sin" (Isaiah 53:10). These words remind us of the New Testament sentence, " H e hath made Him to be sin for u s " (2 Cor. 5:21). We can not understand. the deep mystery of Christ being made sin for us, but we ac- cept its reality. VII—BURDEN. The Hebrew word '"amal" gives the consequences of sin, rather than its na- ture. It is rendered " t o i l" in Genesis 41:51, "wickedness" in Job 4:8, "trouble" in Job 5:7, "miserable" in Job 16:2, "mischief" in Psalm 10:7, "pain" in Psalm 25:18, "labour" and "travail" in Ecelestiastes 1:3; 2:10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24; and "iniquity" in Hab. 1:13. All this goes to show the toil and misery of sin; the pain it ministers to and the sorrow it causes. The word is applied to Christ in speaking of " t h e travail of His s o u l" (Isaiah 53:11). Park- hurst says of the word, "Afflictive labour, toil, travail, weariness, irksomeness, which one endures oneself. Also what occasions toil or irksomeness to another, or, in our old English phrase, what irketh h i m ."

O l ) e Ì S M b l e C o n f e r e n c e ,

The Third Annual Bible Conference was by f ar the best we have ever held. There was strong helpful teaching at every session. The topics for considera- tion at the afternoon conferences were ably presented and practically discussed. Dr. Marsh gave us ten addresses on the Atonement, illumining that glorious theme in a masterful manner. Mr. Hurl- burt burned his message into the hearts of his hearers as he opened to us the First Epistle of John. There was not a single message that was not scriptural, spiritual and helpful. Brothers Sherman of Sacramento, and Buell of Santa Paula,

and our own brethren, Kellogg, Davis, Habbick, Prichard, Tucker, P r a tt and Hadden ministered to us blessed messages which will bear fruit while the Lord tarries. Wm. Sloan, our oil field evangelist, in an illustrated lecture, brought the field before our eyes and gave us new inspira- tion for prayer for the many men who are without the Gospel save as our brother bears it to them. We rejoice in the bond of fellowship that united so many hearts during these days of privilege and are already planning for a greater and better Conference next year.

(Trumbs UVorn t^e (Tonfereitce.

Dr Marsh, June 19:

God I always in the place of prayer, our coldness and indifference notwithstand- ing._ God is in that secret Just comfort your heart with that thought and

11 we want a live church we must preach a live Gospel and it must be 1 used to think I was an agent running God's business. Now the Lord has put me out of business and God is running me. The Lord said He could do without me and I did not like it. Then He said, you know I can do without you, now I can do with, you. Now the Lord holds me instead of my holding Him, and I can work with both hands. Faith comes up the stairs that Love has made and looks in at the window that Hope has opened, y The atoning work of Christ is a work that is done for us and the meaning of the word " a t o n e m e n t" is to cover over own sinfulness and undoneness. Our old self must be crucified; our good self dis- placed and Christ Himself enthroned. It was necessary that Christ should be incarnated and live the life He dW, but ¡ ¡ g g all in order that He might die the death He died on Calvary. The Scriptures do not say that Christ was hungry for us, or ™ suffered for us, but it does say that He preached by live men. TA o ' June 20:

be still in His presence

_ ."


D r ' P r i c h a r d :

T h e c u r e of conditions in the schools: 1—Intensification of Christian activity.

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l h e l a w o f t h e l a n d -

Dr. P r a t t: Tho ¡TiviriS ¡ „ t w l i


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t C O u ld b e e v a n S e h z e < SI three months if every man, woman and child in the Church felt the responsibility

o f P e r s o n a l evangelism.

Dr. Chapman



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died for us

opint-nlled pastor. What is an evangel- f ^ Y t Z ^ J • " " " ! f r m o n . ^ t h a t 4 s o m e o " ! • &S Said " . A n o t h e r S ^ d a n e v a ^ e h a t l e s e r m o n 18 a se !" provokes a crisis in a man's a T ' ° . I think you can interest the people if y ° u are half a preacher. You certainly h a v e a S r e a t story to tell. Spurgeon said, Gospel sermon is a sermon that has enough of the Gospel in it so that if it w as the only sermon one had ever heard a m a n would know from that sermon what h e must do to be saved. Any sermon is a.poor sermon, no matter how intellectual it may be, if a man could come into the P e w and hear it and not know what to do Evangelism is not a method: it is a spirit. We need an awakening. One man said what we need is an ethical revival. I think what we need is an old-fashioned revival—the more old-fashioned the bet- ter. We need to be old-fashioned as to thinking. to be saved." Preach the sermon God gives you.

Yes, if we are saved we can do what we like; for if we are saved we will have the mind of Christ and like to do what

He likes

Dr. Marsh, June 22:

" L o ok unto Me and be ye s a v e d ." Here we have the greatest possible bless- ing, for the greatest number of people on the easiest possible terms, on the greatest Christ was born among us in order that He might die for us. The Son of Man has the right to redeem; the Son of God No less than 43 times in the Gospel of John is Christ spoken of as sent by God. I t is always wrong to do the right thing at the suggestion of the devil. possible authority. has the power to redeem.

Dr. Hurlburt, June 23:

If we would cut out the prayers to the people in our prayer meetings, there would not be much left for the Lord.

our preaching—preach Christ as the Son of God-^the Bible as the Word of God, and God will honor His Word. The trouble is we put conduct before regen- eration. God is not confined to times or seasons. The Church is not reaching the masses. She is doing a magnificent work, however. I believe that the time has come when the Church ought to go out a f t er the lost. Christ never said wait until they come in. The Church is increasing in membership only about even with the population. I am not a pessimist. I would be if I had my eyes down, but I have my eyes looking up. On our trip around the world, wherever we found a man who was preaching to a crowd we found he was preaching Jesus. The secret of it all is this Keep exalt> ing Christ. The nation is beginning to reap what the nation has been sowing. The elimina- tion of the Bible from the public schools has resulted in depriving the students of the greatest of all books, the choicest of all literature, and has left the schools without the standard textbook on mor- ality. Two significant effeets have ensued. First, the young men and women of today are sublimely 4gnerant of tha> Bible and are unable to appreciate or understand the constant allusions to Scripture found in the writings of ajl great scholars. In the second place, deprived of the one great regenerating influence, the public schools have become hotbeds of immorality. Edu- cators are beginning to lament the condi- tions indicated and proven by this state of affairs. A prominent Berkeley professor in his book, " T h e Idols of Education,'- says he finds the young people absolutely ignorant of the Bible and unable to understand the simplest allusions to the Scriptures or common stories of classic lore, many of which contain Scriptural references, such as culture and education demand. An illustration of the ignorance which prevails among college students is found in the following: " I n a certain college the freshman class

Dr. Hurlburt: Every one who joins the Church at Ki- jabe, British East Africa, is asked to take the names of five different unsaved per- sons in that community and pray for them that they may be won to Christ. Every member is a soul winner. Dr. P r a t t: We - need to see that men outside of Christ are lost. We are losing sight of this truth in these days. Dr Hurlburt: I impress on my converts the respon- sibility of winning souls for Christ. To be in good standing in the Church is to be in good working order. I impress on them that they are not come into the Church as a place of refuge, but a place to work. Ministers do not impress the need of personal soul winning on those who join the Church. " T h e se educated young men were given 22 quotations from Tennyson which allud- ed to some scriptural statement, and re- quired to state the fact to which the writer referred. Nine failed to under- stand 'The thorns that girt Thy b r ow ;' eleven did not know the meaning of ' Manna on my wilderness;' sixteen could not explain about striking 'The hard rock;' sixteen knew nothing of Jacob's wrestling with ' Th at strange angel;' thir- ty-two had never heard of the shadow go- ing back on ' t he dial of Ahaz;' twenty-six were ignorant of 'Joshua's moon;' nine- teen could not explain ' as rough as Esau's h a n d ;' nineteen seemed to know nothing of 'Buth amid the fields of corn;' eight- een could give no light on 'Pharaoh's darkness;' twenty-eight knew nothing of Jonah's gourd; twenty-five knew not the meaning of 'stiff as Lot's w i f e ;' twenty- three could not explain ' Arimathean Jo- seph;' twenty-two knew nothing of 'pearls before swine;' twenty-four Could not re- call the first miracle of Cana; eleven did not know of the mark set on Cain; twenty- four did not know of 'The Church on Pe- ter's rock;''twenty-two failed on 'eating dust like a serpent;' twenty-seven could numbered 34, of about 20 years of age; sons of lawyers, teachers, ministers, mer- chants and farmers. Twenty-nine were members of evangelical churches, two were Jews, one a Unitarian, and one a Boman Catholic.

Sa t an 's Seat lit tlje School.

religion, in the presence of their classes; therefore be it RESOLVED, That as a body of Chris- tion citizens and taxpayers, subject to the law of the State, we do here take occasion to affirm anew our own steadfast faith in the Holy Scriptures as the only true and authoritative basis of the moral life of the people, and to declare our belief that the conditions everywhere arising within our borders indicate that an error has been committed in permitting the use of the Scriptures to be, discontinued in our schools, and we hope for the day when they will again be recognized as the text- book and guide in the moral instruction of our youth. RESOLVED, That we hereby respect- fully call the attention of the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles to the facts above alleged, and in so doing petition their honorable body to investi- gate t he report alluded to, and if it should be found true that any of the teachers of our City High or. Grammar Schools are prostituting their positions by the use of inuendo, ridicule or argument to the dis- credit of the Bible and things regard'ed sacred by the religious people of our State, | that such teachers be warned to discon- tinue, these practices or that they be re- moved from the positions they occupy as instructors of our youth. " I contend that we have impoverished life and literature by the neglect of the English Bible—by striking out of our life and our reading one great monument of our literature,-the source from which much of what is best in later centuries is drawn, the inspiration upon which the best Eng- lish style has been built. I regret it as shameful that we have permitted, this tre- mendous sacrifice of literature, and life, and knowledge, because we can not agree upon questions of religious theological in- terpretation. " I know that the state' statute books are full of laws prohibiting the reading of the Bible in the school. My view is that this is wrong. How can you teach history without the -Bible? Teachers all over this land are trying to teach Chaucer and Spencer, Shakespeare, Tennyson and Browning. How are they to understand

not tell about ' P e t e r 's sheet;' twenty-four knew nothing of Jepthah's vow; eleven, could not explain about ' J a c o b 's ladder;' and eighteen were ignorant of ' t he death- less angel seated in the vacant tomb.' " Th e se 34 young men from Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania could give only 328 correct answers out of 748." The devil is back of it all. When the Book goes the Lord goes with it, and when the Lord goes Satan takes the place of authority. The resultant conditions are such as should send the church on its face in humiliation and to its knees in prayer. As a result of the conference on the sub- ject of the Religious Conditions of our Schools and Colleges, a committee of three consisting of Rev. A. B. Prichard, Prof. Howard Kellogg and Judge S. C. Huddell were appointed to d r a ft suitable resolutions embracing the sentiments of the convention. At the closing service in Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, July 2nd, the following were unanimously endorsed WHEREAS, The law of California for- bids the giving of any " s e c t a r i a n" in- struction in the public schools of the State, and in consequence, the reading of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments has been construed as a violation of the law, and therefore discontinued; and WHEREAS, It is obviously " s e c t a r i a n" and an equal violation of the law for any instructor or official maintained in his po- sition at the public expense to exercise the influence of his or her position to bring the Bible or the religious and moral principles which it represents into ridicule or contempt; and ' WHEREAS, It is matter of current re- port that certain members of the admin- istrative and teaching staff of our Los Angeles x J ublic Schools, including the High School, who are known to entertain views hostile to the Bible,' have taken advantage of their position, as teachers to exploit these views and to express senti- ments derogatory to the religion of Christ and to the Bible as the symbol of that

men who refer to the Bible, that veritable treasure-house or literature, if they can not take the children to the source from which the supply is drawn? The quarrels of religious sects, of churches, each claim- ing this book for its own, have brought

about a state of affairs in which the Eng- lish Bible, a fountain of English litera- ture, has been practically stricken from the reading of a large proportion of the American people." —Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler.

^ n Oasis.

Two things are stirring thoughtful Chris- tians everywhere with grief. First, the open and frequent rejection by those who call themselves Christians, of the substi- tutional atonement and Deity of Jesus Christ. Second, the very great loss- in the number of Christians seeking to lead men personally to Jesus Christ. Lack of »faith in Christ disqualifies men for Gospel work everywhere. Lack of love for personal soul-winning makes even orthodox men fruitless. One feels in many of our modern communities as though he were wandering in a desert with no water, and wonders where the material is to be found that God can use for immediate world evangelization. A few weeks in the Los Angeles Bible Institute impressed the writer that here was one of the oases in the American spiritual desert. Here Jesus Christ is honored and His Wofd believed. Here a company of men and women are seeking to make it the business of their lives to win souls. Such prayers, such spiritual testimonies and such loving fruitful service we have not seen elsewhere during the past year. In a great western city growing more rapidly than any city of its class in America, with all the temptations afforded by such conditions, are associated over 400 young people searching the Word of God, grounded on its fundamental doctrines and reaching out into the community in daily service; until every church in the city feels its influence, and far out through the State its work is felt and often copied. Churches and various religious organi- zations of young people who have aban- doned the old methods for supposedly more "scientific" ways of reaching the lost

might profitably study the aetual results of work in the various departments of this institution and turn again to the old truths and ways. Parents desiring that their children be fitted'for service where the foundations of their eternal life shall not be undermined will rejoice if they may be in toueh with such a body of workers. But such a movement must awaken the bitterest hate of the Adversary and both teachers and students need to be on their guard lest they be removed from the sim- plicity of the Gospel. The humble, eager, joyful life of these soul winners surely presents an oasis to the traveler, wearied with fruitless, formal and heartless efforts, but are not these conditions of loyalty to the great founda- tion truths of Christ's Deity and Atone- ment and the privilege of personal com- munion and service open to all believers everywhere? - Shall not the real Church of Jesus Christ leaxn that only when we are loyal to Him and His work can we expect His blessing? "He that believeth from within him shall flow rivers of living waters." CHARLES E. HURLBURT. THE SECURITY AND SUPPLY OF THE SHEEP. Possession—"The Lord is my shep- jerd." Position—'' He maketh me to lie down." Progress—'' He leadeth me.'' Provision—"I shall not want." Presence—"Thou art with me." Plenty—"My cup runneth over." Prospeet—"In the house of the Lord forever.''


"THE K I N G ' S

B U S I N E S S "

We are planning for larger things for the coming year.

A Correspondence Course For those who cannot come to the Institute.

A Missionary Department To keep in touch with the Fields which we will represent and our own out-going missionaries. A Christian Workers' Department With helpful hints and suggestions for the work and reports from the Field.

A Devotional Department Daily Readings and the Prayer Life.

A Young People's Department Bible Readings for Young People's Societies, Intermediates and Juniors.

Our Regular Bible studies, Sunday School Lessons and Institute Items. A Magazine for the Home—Purely Evangelical.

New Contributors. Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dean of the Institute.

Dr. W. B. Riley, President of the Northwestern Bible Institute. Dr. Elmore Harris, President of the Toronto Bible Institute. L. W. Munhall, Bible Teacher and Evangelist. Some unpublished studies of the late Dr. A. T. Pierson, and many others, the best in the land. The Price will be raised to 50 cents a year January 1, 1912.

ì&rief Ol)ougl)ts for


Unternational Sunòa? School Tessons



(Tomment "Ißith anò "pivot" b? "G. (T. Horton

Lesson for August 20tn

II. THE INCORRIGIBLE NATION. 1. "But neither he (Zedekiah), nor his servants (courtiers and officials), nor the peo- ple of the land, did hearken unto the words of the Lord, which He spake by the prophet Jeremiah" (37:2). 2. They asked prayer (v. 3). In the s ame spirit they had formerly "proclaimed a fast" (36:9. It is futile to ask others to pray for us if wb do not pray for ourselves; we cannot pray for ourselves if we do not pray as penitents in our hearts. "If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me" (Psa. 66:18). Their repentance was insincere. Contrary to law they had kept their enslaved brethren in bondage. In their trouble they let them go, but when the siege of the city was raised and danger, apparently, over they re-enslaved them (see 34:); their "goodness was as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away" (Ho. 6:4). "Rend your hearts, and not your gar- ments," says the prophet (Joel 2:13). Peril- piety and peril-prayers are of no avail. The latter go no higher t h an the former go deep. 3. But, doubtless, J. said, in his heart, with Samuel, "God forbid t h at I should sin . . . in ceasing to pray for you" (1 Sam. 12:13); for he was a preadvent Christian who would "Pray for them who depltefully used" him (Luke 6:28). 4. "Then P h a r a o h 's a r my . .. . when the Chaldeans . . . heard . . . they de- parted from Jerusalem." Was not this an answer to J.'s prayer? A respite was given to test the sincerity of the people's repent- ance. But no sooner were the Chaldeans gone than, as we stowed, they took their brethren back into bondage, which, alone, was enough to prove their repentance only "skin deep." It was not much trouble to the Lord to bring the Chaldeans speedily back. "Wh en the devil was sick 5. Wi th such a proof of their depravity and hypocrisy is it t h at this oracle came: "Though ye had smitten the whole a r my of the Chaldeans, and there remained but wounded men amo ng them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire" (v. 10)? III. THE PROPHET'S ARREST. 1. "Thou fallest away to the Chaldeans!" So the captain of the guard a t the city gate falsely charged J. when he was about to go out as he "came in and went out among the The devil a monk would be; But when the devil was well The devil a monk was he."

THE PATRIOT-PROPHET PERSECUTED AND IMPRISONED. Lesson VIII. Jer. 37. 1. THE STAGE OF PROGRESS IN JU- DAH'S DOWNFALL. 1. Jehoiakim had six more years of pro- bation even a f t er cutting up and burning the inspired roll (36:23); then Nebuchadnezzar carried him off to Babylon in chains, to die in exile, with time to reflect on the futility of opposing God's word with knife and flame. 2. His son Jehoiachin was made king, and reigned an inglorious three months. He soon got into trouble with Nebuchadnezzar, who came a second time to settle the affairs of Jerusalem. "The punishment inflicted on the city w as of signal severity. All the treasures oi the temple and the palace were carried away, the heavier furnishings of the sanctuaries being cut in pieces. Thus w a s the word of the Lord, long and often spoken, fulfilled (2 Kings 24:12, 13). The king him- self, his mother, his wives, and all the of- ficials, whether of the court, the state, or the army, were carried to Babylon" (Eder- sheim), and ma ny thousands of the people, artisans, and soldiery. The end had prac- tically come, b ut an eleven years postpone- ment of the final issue followed. This is certainly to show, for it does show, t h at "the Lord doth not willingly afflict nor grieve the children of men" (Lam. 3:33) b ut would have ail men come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). And yet men do not know t h at "the good- ness and long suffering of God leadeth to repentance" (Rom. 2:3). Truly "the Lord is slow to anger" (Neh. 9:17; Psa. 103:8; 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jon. 4:2; Nah. 1:3). 3. Neb- uchadnezzar "made Zedekiah his (Jehola- chin's) brother king" (2 Chr. 36:10). Zede- kiah "did evil in the sight of the Lord," such is the refrain of this sad history. Would we not think he would have done right, with the evil example and punishment of his pre- decessors before his eyes, and the words of predicted and fulfilled Judgments in his ears? "Though thou shouldest bray a, fool In a mortar . . . Yet will not his foolishness de- part from him." Unregenerate humanity is t h at fool. Wh at has been will be, and the race will not learn wisdom until all predic- tion is come to pass (2 Thes. 2:11, 12).

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