King's Business - 1911-08

our preaching—preach Christ as the Son of God-^the Bible as the Word of God, and God will honor His Word. The trouble is we put conduct before regen- eration. God is not confined to times or seasons. The Church is not reaching the masses. She is doing a magnificent work, however. I believe that the time has come when the Church ought to go out a f t er the lost. Christ never said wait until they come in. The Church is increasing in membership only about even with the population. I am not a pessimist. I would be if I had my eyes down, but I have my eyes looking up. On our trip around the world, wherever we found a man who was preaching to a crowd we found he was preaching Jesus. The secret of it all is this Keep exalt> ing Christ. The nation is beginning to reap what the nation has been sowing. The elimina- tion of the Bible from the public schools has resulted in depriving the students of the greatest of all books, the choicest of all literature, and has left the schools without the standard textbook on mor- ality. Two significant effeets have ensued. First, the young men and women of today are sublimely 4gnerant of tha> Bible and are unable to appreciate or understand the constant allusions to Scripture found in the writings of ajl great scholars. In the second place, deprived of the one great regenerating influence, the public schools have become hotbeds of immorality. Edu- cators are beginning to lament the condi- tions indicated and proven by this state of affairs. A prominent Berkeley professor in his book, " T h e Idols of Education,'- says he finds the young people absolutely ignorant of the Bible and unable to understand the simplest allusions to the Scriptures or common stories of classic lore, many of which contain Scriptural references, such as culture and education demand. An illustration of the ignorance which prevails among college students is found in the following: " I n a certain college the freshman class

Dr. Hurlburt: Every one who joins the Church at Ki- jabe, British East Africa, is asked to take the names of five different unsaved per- sons in that community and pray for them that they may be won to Christ. Every member is a soul winner. Dr. P r a t t: We - need to see that men outside of Christ are lost. We are losing sight of this truth in these days. Dr Hurlburt: I impress on my converts the respon- sibility of winning souls for Christ. To be in good standing in the Church is to be in good working order. I impress on them that they are not come into the Church as a place of refuge, but a place to work. Ministers do not impress the need of personal soul winning on those who join the Church. " T h e se educated young men were given 22 quotations from Tennyson which allud- ed to some scriptural statement, and re- quired to state the fact to which the writer referred. Nine failed to under- stand 'The thorns that girt Thy b r ow ;' eleven did not know the meaning of ' Manna on my wilderness;' sixteen could not explain about striking 'The hard rock;' sixteen knew nothing of Jacob's wrestling with ' Th at strange angel;' thir- ty-two had never heard of the shadow go- ing back on ' t he dial of Ahaz;' twenty-six were ignorant of 'Joshua's moon;' nine- teen could not explain ' as rough as Esau's h a n d ;' nineteen seemed to know nothing of 'Buth amid the fields of corn;' eight- een could give no light on 'Pharaoh's darkness;' twenty-eight knew nothing of Jonah's gourd; twenty-five knew not the meaning of 'stiff as Lot's w i f e ;' twenty- three could not explain ' Arimathean Jo- seph;' twenty-two knew nothing of 'pearls before swine;' twenty-four Could not re- call the first miracle of Cana; eleven did not know of the mark set on Cain; twenty- four did not know of 'The Church on Pe- ter's rock;''twenty-two failed on 'eating dust like a serpent;' twenty-seven could numbered 34, of about 20 years of age; sons of lawyers, teachers, ministers, mer- chants and farmers. Twenty-nine were members of evangelical churches, two were Jews, one a Unitarian, and one a Boman Catholic.

Sa t an 's Seat lit tlje School.

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