King's Business - 1911-08

men who refer to the Bible, that veritable treasure-house or literature, if they can not take the children to the source from which the supply is drawn? The quarrels of religious sects, of churches, each claim- ing this book for its own, have brought

about a state of affairs in which the Eng- lish Bible, a fountain of English litera- ture, has been practically stricken from the reading of a large proportion of the American people." —Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler.

^ n Oasis.

Two things are stirring thoughtful Chris- tians everywhere with grief. First, the open and frequent rejection by those who call themselves Christians, of the substi- tutional atonement and Deity of Jesus Christ. Second, the very great loss- in the number of Christians seeking to lead men personally to Jesus Christ. Lack of »faith in Christ disqualifies men for Gospel work everywhere. Lack of love for personal soul-winning makes even orthodox men fruitless. One feels in many of our modern communities as though he were wandering in a desert with no water, and wonders where the material is to be found that God can use for immediate world evangelization. A few weeks in the Los Angeles Bible Institute impressed the writer that here was one of the oases in the American spiritual desert. Here Jesus Christ is honored and His Wofd believed. Here a company of men and women are seeking to make it the business of their lives to win souls. Such prayers, such spiritual testimonies and such loving fruitful service we have not seen elsewhere during the past year. In a great western city growing more rapidly than any city of its class in America, with all the temptations afforded by such conditions, are associated over 400 young people searching the Word of God, grounded on its fundamental doctrines and reaching out into the community in daily service; until every church in the city feels its influence, and far out through the State its work is felt and often copied. Churches and various religious organi- zations of young people who have aban- doned the old methods for supposedly more "scientific" ways of reaching the lost

might profitably study the aetual results of work in the various departments of this institution and turn again to the old truths and ways. Parents desiring that their children be fitted'for service where the foundations of their eternal life shall not be undermined will rejoice if they may be in toueh with such a body of workers. But such a movement must awaken the bitterest hate of the Adversary and both teachers and students need to be on their guard lest they be removed from the sim- plicity of the Gospel. The humble, eager, joyful life of these soul winners surely presents an oasis to the traveler, wearied with fruitless, formal and heartless efforts, but are not these conditions of loyalty to the great founda- tion truths of Christ's Deity and Atone- ment and the privilege of personal com- munion and service open to all believers everywhere? - Shall not the real Church of Jesus Christ leaxn that only when we are loyal to Him and His work can we expect His blessing? "He that believeth from within him shall flow rivers of living waters." CHARLES E. HURLBURT. THE SECURITY AND SUPPLY OF THE SHEEP. Possession—"The Lord is my shep- jerd." Position—'' He maketh me to lie down." Progress—'' He leadeth me.'' Provision—"I shall not want." Presence—"Thou art with me." Plenty—"My cup runneth over." Prospeet—"In the house of the Lord forever.''

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