King's Business - 1911-08

will of his Lord, there would be no mis- sionary problem. Kimura stirred our hearts to new devo- tion in soul winning and Hurlburt has impressed us deeply with the conviction that some one is responsible for the neg- lected fields and must answer to God for that neglect. We praise God for the new missionary touch upon Our institute life and feel as- sured that it will mean much to our fu- ture work. The claims of the whole world must rest upon our hearts if we are to be in any sense like unto Him whose heart's blood was shed for the whole world. WORK FOE WORKING WOMEN. It is great cause for thanksgiving that the young working women of the city find the Lyceum Club a safe helpful home for themselves and a place where they can bring any girl friend who is away from God, TVho is lonely and discouraged, in doubt or needing mothering and can feel positive that the girl will be looked after and brought into a right place. - Girls need mothering and are alyays ready to respond to the love and sympa- thy offered. This world of ours is too full ot hustle and bustle. The vital things for our girls are too/ often given a very small place, or given no place at all— more's the pity. Many of the girls are in the city away from home, living in small apartments devoid of home comforts. To those who are cognizant of the condi- tions it is a marvel that more of the girls of our city are not falling a prey to the temptations of bright lights and cheerful places of amusement. It would be a small thing for our women to do, if they would thoughtfully and lovingly seek out the homesick girls, invite them to the Sunday dinner and welcome them into a good home atmosphere', not oppressing them by too much effort at entertaining, but give them a sweet restful day of hominess. Many a girl has lost out because no one seemed to care; many a girl has missed her best and highest because of lack of encouragement and helpful sym- pathy from other girls or some good moth- erly woman. There are plenty of agents of the Evil One ready to drag girls down how many women are unselfish enough to give a little time, prayer and kindness to prevent the Satanic work? The ounce of prevention, well applied, is full of bless- ing to all concerned. It is very satisfactory to us all that

each Tuesday night brings in new girls who universally declare, as they say good- night, " I came here homesick and strange, but I ' ve been made so very welcome and happy I want to be counted one of t}ie daughters.'' This is very good and as it should be, but there is wide opportunity for good straight prayerful Christian women to sup- plement the work with a little kindness by the way. None but unselfish genuine Christian women need apply, for it is Christian sympathy and Christian fellow- ship alone that can fill full the need. The great interest which was awakened by Mr. C. E. Hurlburt in his visit to our Institute has resulted in the formation of an Advisory Council of the A. P. M. with the following officers and members T. C. Horton, Chairman; Howard Kel- logg, secretary; Messrs. S. I. Merrill, Rob- ert Watehorn, Giles Kellogg, William Thome, Joseph Irvine and Thomas Han- nay, Jr., members. The following candidates have been ex- amined and commended to the Philadelphia Board for appointment Thos. Hannay, J.Jr., Thomas Youngken, Francis K i ng .and Edith Palmer. Any missionary board might well re- joice in having the privilege of sending forth such splendid missionaries. All of them have proven good and acceptable servants in their ministry in this land and if the Lord sees fit to thrust them forth into Africa we predict for them great usefulness. Special prayer is desired that if it be His will the way may be opened for these candidates to *go to the field. Good news comes to us from Kimura. God used him on board the vessel going across the sea and in Honolulu in winning souls. We hope to have an account of. his home going in the October issue. S. S. Tenyo Maru. Hallelujah! 74 souls at Honolulu: One of biggest time was this; 1000 Japs come to our meeting, so we could not hold them. They all stood outside the 12' saved. Other place clean sweep.- Hallelujah. 261 Japs and 205 Americans have their hearts to God. Oh, boys, pray for me. I am yours, H. S. KIMURA. J u l y 7, 1011. ADVISORY COUNCIL AFRICAN INLAND MISSION.

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