Establish foundational elements across capability development, tech, and data to prepare for activation In the capability development, educating the workforce on essential skill sets like prompt engineering and responsible usage lays the groundwork for effectively utilizing Gen Al. Additionally, investing in talent development and defining redefined roles and responsibilities for employees enables them to effectively embrace Gen Al's potential.
Capability development
Educate your workforce on basic skillsets such as prompt engineering and responsible usage
Invest in the talent and articulate redefined roles and responsibilities for the people 2
Democratize knowledge through communities of practice, experimentation pods, and a Gen Al COE 3
Figure 8. Capability development
On the technology and data front, creating a robust infrastructure is essential. Businesses should set up high-quality data sets, both internal and external, to derive meaningful value from Gen Al models. Moreover, assessing requirements and total cost of ownership (TCO) allows for the seamless integration and maintenance of the required infrastructure.
Tech and data components
Set up high quality datasets, internal and external, to derive meaningful, relevant value from models
Assess requirements and TCO to integrate and maintain infrastructure for Gen Al 2
Evaluate current data and tech governance and define critical roles of a governing Gen Al council 3
Figure 9. Tech and data components
Democratizing knowledge through communities of practice, experimentation pods, and a Gen AI Center of Excellence (CoE) fosters a culture of innovation and collaborative learning, empowering teams to leverage Gen Al's capabilities more effectively.
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