King's Business - 1952-06

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TheBibleInstituteofLosAngeles U happy toannounce the establishment o f two additional courses o f study. Recognizing the de­ mands o f current conditions and with the same emphasis upon our his­ toric Biblical faith, beginning next September there will be inaugurated a two-year Bible course especially for lay people and a three-year Theo­ logical Seminary for college graduates. A NEW TWO-YEAR BIBLE COURSE

This course reverts to the original purpose of the founders of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles to provide a practical and effective training program with strong emphasis upon English Bible for lay people or those not de­ siring to take the full degree courses. While entrance requirements call for Chris­ tian consecration, the course is open to any and all who desire to become effective work­ ers for Christ. High School graduation is not required. Credits are not transferable to the college course. The curriculum will replace the current three-year program. Suc­ cessful completion will merit a diploma.

First Year

Bible Survey Dispensations Personal Evangelism Doctrine I Spiritual Life Choir and Con. Cond. English Grammar Christian Service Bible Survey Bible Analysis Bible Exposition Doctrine III Depart. Specialization Missions Church Music Christian Service

Bible Survey General Biblical Intro. Bible Study Methods Doctrine IÎ Introduction to C.E. Music Appreciation English Composition Christian Service

Second Year

Bible Survey Bible Analysis

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy Organ, and Admin, of C.E. Speech Church History Christian Service

NEW THREE-YEAR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY In an effort to keep theological education on a high spiritual level and to provide qualified students with a course of training adequate to cope with modern conditions, a new three-year Theolo­ gical Seminary is being offered combining a high degree of spiritual maturity, missionary information and evangelical zeal along with a thorough knowledge of Theology, English Bible and original languages. Admittance to the Seminary will be limited to those possessing the Bachelor of Arts Degree. This course will lead to the Theological Degree of Bachelor of Divinity. First Year Second Year Greek Hebrew Old Testament Intro. Church History (Early) Hermeneutics Music in the Church English Bible Greek Hebrew New Testament Intro. Church History (Medieval) Archaeology of the Bible Introduction to Theology English Bible Greek Hebrew Systematic Theology Church History (Reform.) Homiletics Pastoral Theology English Bible Greek Hebrew Systematic Theology Church History (Modern) Homiletics Pastoral Counseling English Bible

Third Year

Greek Systematic Theology Apologetics: Theism Practice Preaching Millennial Views English Bible Elective Thesis

Greek Systematic Theology Christian Ethics Christian Education History of Doctrine English Bible Elective

Address All Communications to: The Registrar BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Radio Luxembourg To 400,000,000 unevangelized souls in Europe, a radio ministry from Luxem­ bourg presents a real challenge. This radio has a geographical coverage of 82 per cent and a potential listening audi­ ence of 34,000,000 radio homes. With a financial responsibility of $1400.00 monthly, a great work for God ' can be accomplished on the European continent. Ministry in Spain In spite of the present attitude of the Catholic-Church-dominated Spanish gov­ ernment, Spain continues to be a mis­ sion field with 29,000,000 perishing souls far away from the Saviour. Under the leadership of Zacarial Cartel of the Spanish Christian Mission, an aggres­ sive evangelistic campaign is being car­ ried on. While in Spain there is little bread for the physical man, there is even greater need for the spiritual bread for the spiritual man. Central American Mission The formal inauguration of Hospital Evangelico Costa Rica, of the Central American Mission, was another triumph of God’s grace. The equipment for this new unit was all in its place as a testi­ mony to answered prayer. Praise is of­ fered to God for His faithfulness and prayer is asked for additional national nurses and an X-ray machine. Kentucky Camps According to Field Director George Fox, there will be three young people’s camps this summer sponsored by the Kentucky Mountain Mission. Last year many decisions were made for the Lord. This work provides an opportunity to reach Kentucky mountain young people with the gospel. Special prayer is re­ quested for the leaders and for addi­ tional equipment needed. Back to Bible Building In a recent bulletin, the Good News Broadcasting Association, Theodore H. Epp, Director, announced the purchase of the Lincoln Star Building in Lincoln, Nebraska. Present plans call for con­ struction of a broadcasting studio, an auditorium on the first floor with the second floor housing the business offices. The Association began broadcasting in 1939 and now releases 500 recorded broadcasts per week in the United States and Canada and 100 per week in foreign countries.

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D Associate Editor

Editor in Chief

Copyright, 1952, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission All Rights Reserved Vol. 43 June, 1952 No. 6 The Work and the Workers, William W. O r r ...................................... 3 Editorially Speaking, William W. O rr ..................................................... ,4 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box.......................................................................... 6 We Believe in Contests, Helen Bouskill ................................................... 7 Happy Marriage, Tom Olson ...................................................................... 8 In the Devil’s Barber Shop, Edward B. Hart ........................................ 9 Reaching Children for Christ, Franklin F. Ellis .................................. 11 Poem, I Brought a Child, Ruth Margaret Gibbs .................................. 13 Send Them the Light—NOW, Anne Hazelton ...................................... 14 New Field Representative........................................................................... 16 Inside Hollywood, Dorothy C. Haskin ...................................................... 17 For Such a Time as This .......................................................................... 19 Poem, Prayer for Humility, Douglas C. Hartley .................................. 19 Poem, Chastening, Mae E. hammers ............................. ......................... 19 BIOLA Family Circle ................................................................................ 20 BIOLA in Asia, J. Russell Davis ............................................................. 21 Events in Japan, George W. Oestreich .................................................. 21 Bible in the News, William W. O rr ........................................................... 22 Book Reviews, Donald G. D a v i s ........................... ................................. 24 Miscellanea ..................................................................... i ........................... 25 Junior King’s Business: Rhoda Sees a Miracle Mignon Brandon R im m e r ...................................................................... 27 Young People’s Topics, Chester J. Padgett .......................................... 29 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ............... 35 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................. 41 Picture Credits: Cover, The Contest Opens, Girls front and right, Grace Orr, Joanne Orr (daughters of Dr. William W. Orr), left, Shirley Melick and back, Sharon John; pp. 9, 10, 27, Wilde Bible Pictures, Boston, Mass.; p. 11, Harold M. Lambert Studios, Philadelphia, Pa.; pp. 12, 13, Eva Luoma, Cove Station, Weirton, W. Va. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—“ The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept rsponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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fall I Went to the Campus Crusade. I received an inspirational message, but as usual forgot about it during the next few days. That Sunday I again went to church. It started me to thinking se­ riously for the first time. “ ‘As I look back on it' now, I know that was the beginning. That Tuesday night I went to another of the Campus Crusades. I told the head of the Crusade I wanted to talk to him about the Chris­ tianity , that he and those other people had who gave their testimony at the meeting. I wasn’t sure I wanted it but I wanted to talk about it. “ ‘The next Saturday we were to play U.S.C. During the game I was praying hard because I knew I hadn’t had a very good season. I think now that it was the Lord’s will because I know that He put me down on the level of the ordinary person. He put me right down to “where would I be if I didn’t play football?” “ ‘Boy, I started to think about that all the more because, as I said, I hadn’t had a very good year. About mid-way through the third quarter, I don’t know why I was over where the ball was but I intercepted a pass and stepped into the end zone for a touchdown. My heart was crying. I was so happy because I knew for the first time in my life that there was a power beyond what I had found. “ ‘I had thought I had everything. I thought I was sitting on top of the world. I really was walking high. But I didn’t have anything, really. I knew I needed something. The day after the U.S.C. game I went to church with Bill Bright. That afternoon in his living room I knelt down and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.’ ” It Can Be Done! S OME recent statistics on missionary giving have caught our attention. They concern the important and in­ fluential Peoples Church of Toronto, Canada, Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. This church has long been known as a missionary church but, of course, even missionary programs have to start some­ where and the missionary program of the Peoples Church evidently had a very humble beginning. The statistics show that in the year 1929 a total of $14,750.00 was contrib­ uted to the cause of world-wide mis­ sions. Other figures follow with the total going upward for a season, then dropping back somewhat during depres­ sion years. In the year 1944 the giving to missions reached the total of $117,- 723.00 which was in itself a magnificent accomplishment, but that was not all, for the advance continues until the figures for last year show a total of missionary giving amounting to $216,- 443.00. This year’s offering amounts to $258,000.00, over a quarter of a million dollars. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

For the Vacation of Your Life I N the last several decades there has grown up in this country a very fine summer Bible conference movement, which has provided a delightful combi­ nation of two important factors. First, it has made possible a place for physical relaxation along with a time of spiritual inspiration. Nearly everyone plans to take a vacation and Christian people, ' because of their new life in Christ, earnestly seek a place which is not over­ run by the obnoxious features of wordly pleasures. To meet this need there are in our land today scores of excellent summer Bible conferences. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles promotes annually three such gather­ ings. Following the outreach of our radio, the first conference is to be held in the Portland, Oregon, vicinity at Jennings Lodge, a beautiful spot just outside the south city limits of Portland on the Willamette River. The dates of this conference are from Sunday after­ noon July 20, through Sunday evening July 27. Speakers will include Dr. Roy L. Brown with his famous Bible charts, Rev. J. Arthur Mouw, 20 years a mis­ sionary to Borneo, and Dr. William W. Orr, master of ceremonies on the Bible Institute Hour. Rates are exceedingly reasonable as, for example, the cost of lodging and meals for the entire confer­ ence (two in a room) is $20.00. The second Bible conference will be held at Glendawn Baptist Bible confer­ ence grounds between Seattle and Ta­ coma just off the main highway. These grounds are located on Five Mile Lake and offer an excellent opportunity for recreation and rest. The dates are Sun­ day afternoon, August 2, through Sun­ day evening August 10. Speakers will be the same as those at the Portland conference. The third conference will be held at beautiful Mount Hermon about 75 miles south of San Francisco in the tall red­ wood territory. All types of accommo­ dations are available and the dates are

Sunday evening, July 17, through Sun­ day morning, August 24. Speakers will include Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. John G. Mitchell, Rev. J. Arthur Mouw, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland with Dr. William W. Orr, Director. All inquiries should be directed to the Extension Office, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los An­ geles 17. An Excellent Testimony W E quote the column by Rube Samuelsen in the Pasadena Star- News, giving the excellent testimony of football star, Donn Moomaw, and we thank God for the excellent work that is being carried on by such campus movements as Young Life, Inter-Var­ sity, Campus Crusade and others. “ Such he-men athletes as Bob Rich­ ards and Donn Moomaw carry tremen­ dous appeal and influence when pre­ senting a religious message. After hear­ ing Richards, who spoke at several Pasadena junior high school assemblies this past week, talk at a Modesto Junior College rally, Anita Kantor, the tennis star, quit smoking. When Moomaw led a ‘Campus Crusade for Christ’ rally at Bakersfield recently, some 150 young people hit the sawdust trail. “ It is safe to say that big Donn never strayed far from the morality path but the moving story of his conversion comes as a breath of fresh air after reading reams of copy about young ath­ letes involved in shadowy deals and ‘fixes’. Here is the brilliant U.C.L.A. line-backer’s own story as related at Bakersfield: “ ‘If you had told me two months ago that I would have been standing up in front of you and giving this message I would have said you’re off the beam be­ cause I didn’t have then what I have now. “ ‘When I went to college I didn’t go to church for two years. The Tuesday night after the California game last

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at unbelievable speeds. All at once it changed directly at right angles and went off at the same speed into the strat­ osphere. The upshot of the entire article was that here were some mysterious goings-on which were not explainable by anything in the scientific books. While it could hardly be expected that the editors of the secular magazine, after having reached the limits of hu­ man speculation, would go a step far­ ther and suggest that this might be the work of God, still this is a known nat­ ural step for anyone who recognizes the imminence of God in human affairs and the inevitability of the accom­ plishment of His purpose in the world. Bible students have long known that one of the features of end-time events is to be stellar phenomena. A part of our Lord’s famous Olivet discourse points out: “ Immediately after the tribulation of thpse days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken” (Matt. 24:29). “ Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the pow­ ers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21:25, 26). It is not illogical at all to believe that God would send such signs and wonders in the heavens to call the attention of the sons of men to soon-coming events While it is true that God’s greatest signpost in the world is the Bible and while God has literally filled the earth to the brim with unmistakable evi­ dences of His wisdom and power, still He is gracious and long-suffering, “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” There­ fore, the Scriptures have foretold, and it is consonant with God’s demonstrated grace, that He once more should by in­ explicable mysteries lift the eyes of the sons of men heavenward. This may be the answer to the present perplexing problem. What should we do? Before us is the all-important truth that time is running out. Israel is back in her own land and God is sending signs in heaven above to call the attention of humanity to Him­ self. Christian people should redouble their efforts and triple their prayer time. The great soul-thrilling event of the Lord’s return for His church may be just around the corner. Doors are fast closing to mission fields. But oppor­ tunities for service are still at hand. Let the people who name the name of Christ serve Him as never before, for our redemption certainly draweth nigh. Page Five

of the President by the Government spokesman, Mr. S. C. Shen. “ After the exchange of greetings, I gave the President the assurance that the true Christians of America were praying for him. He had to admit that though the church knew Christianity to be the mightiest force in the world against Communism, yet as a whole it had failed to ‘take the Gospel to every creature’ in obedience to Christ’s com­ mand and that Communism had been far more zealous to win converts to Stalin than Christians had been to win converts to Christ. “While the official cameras flashed I asked the President, ‘What can the Christians of America do to help Free China and what message do you have for them?’ His reply, ‘I am deeply touched that the church wants to help us. My message to the Christians of America is: We Christians should have ONE principle and not compromise or forsake it for politics as many did on the mainland o f China.’ “ Before leaving the President, I as­ sured him that his personal integrity, Christian testimony, deep love for the Word of God and courageous stand against Communism had been a great encouragement not only to me but to millions of Christians throughout the free world.” More About Flying Saucers M ANY of our readers have seen the article which appeared in one of our national magazines giving the latest reports on the phenomenon familiarly known as “flying saucers.” Whereas be­ fore this time the “flying saucers” have been dealt with in tongue-in-cheek man­ ner or as the latest popular craze, this article reversed the popular position en­ tirely and dealt with the whole matter in the most serious way. Readers will remember that the heart of the article concerned the sifting of all the reports by a very sober commit­ tee of experts. Two possibilities were discounted immediately. The first, that these aerial phenomena were the secret work of any department of the govern­ ment. Secondly, that these strange mis­ siles were the experiments of any for­ eign government. Having dealt with these two possi­ bilities, the report went on to analyze carefully fifteen of the most sober re­ ports. First of all, these were shown to have been observed by thoroughly re­ sponsible people and in some cases men of demonstrated scientific understand­ ing. The reports had been observed by a number and their findings tabulated. It was shown that the flying missiles, whatever they were, could not be ex­ plained on any known law of astro­ physics. For instance, the observers saw one missile traveling along horizontally

It is almost certain that anyone in the Peoples Church would disclaim the thought that this is unique to this church alone. They would most surely suggest that under God and with the proper missionary emphasis, any church could reach such heights. While we do not know the particulars, it is our con­ viction that the Peoples Church is com­ posed mostly of just ordinary Christian folk with average incomes. It is safe to state that, having given this enormous sum, members of this church have not suffered in their own individual lives but have found the scriptural maxim to be true that when one honors God, God honors him. What is the secret of such outstand­ ing financial attainment? We do not know the official answer but our. sug­ gestion would be a constant setting forth of the needs of the world and the scriptural admonition as to how to meet those needs. With proper missionary emphasis and a challenging leadership it is believed that any church the world around can duplicate not only the finan­ cial record of this church but also its spiritual achievement as well. May God give to many churches the ability to realize and meet the challenge of mis­ sions in these closing days of our dis­ pensation. Chiang Kai-shek O NE of the recent graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is Rev. Russell J. Killman. Mr. Killman recently accepted a challenge to spend two months in Formosa where, under the direction of Youth for Christ and working in collaboration with Rev. Dick Hillis, he conducted an intensive evan­ gelistic campaign, speaking over 200 times. Mr. Killman returned to the United States with a deep conviction of the working of the Spirit of God in Formosa and of the utmost need for prayer for future evangelism in that section. One of the highlights of Mr. Killman’s visit was an interview with Chiang Kai- shek. We quote from Mr. Killman’s re­ port: “ For five days the Youth for Christ telephone rang with one Charles S.S. Liao asking for the departure date of Rev. Russ Killman. Yesterday the Office of the President of Free China called and said that the Presidential car would pick me up at 10:00 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. I was ready and waiting anxiously for the arrival of the car. I had written be­ fore I left the States for an audience with the Generalissimo, little realizing that this busy man would ask me to come. “At 10:30 a.m. I was ushered into the Presidential Tea Room to await the appointed time. Shortly after I was seated I was shown into the presence JUNE, 1 9 5 2

the sacred pages of His Book. Such are the typical laws concerning Israel’s food as set forth in this chapter. In Paul’s letter to the Colossians (2:17) we un­ derstand that these laws are a “ shadow of things to come.” To take these dietary laws literally and bind them upon the Christian, thus making them a part of a religious ceremony, is what Paul calls “ the doctrine of demons.” Listen to his words of exhortation to the young min­ ister of the gospel (Timothy) whom he loved to call his “ son.” “Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doc­ trines of devils [demons] . . . command­ ing to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanks­ giving of them which believe and know the truth” (Tim. 4:1,3). Again, the in­ spired Apostle wrote to the Roman Christians, saying, “ The kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteous­ ness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 14:17). Let us consider briefly, how the ani­ mal with the cloven hoof chews the cud, then we shall see the spiritual lesson God has for us in this chapter. The cow belongs in this classification; she goes into the meadow and stores away much food; she then lies down to rest and to chew the cud — to assimilate what she needs for strength and growth. This is the picture, my friend, that God has for us in this matter that has puzzled you. Reading Matthew 25:82, I understand this to be a judgment on the earth, when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. Where will the sheep and the goats go? Here we find the nations will be judged at the return of Christ; some to enter His millennial kingdom; others to go into everlasting punishment. Those are the “ sheep” and the “ goats” referred to in verses 31 to 46. The reward to the blessed, the sheep, will be that they will inherit the kingdom. To those on the left hand, the goats, He will say, as recorded in verse 41, “ Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” It seems very clear that this judg­ ment, immediately following the tribula­ tion, which is “ the time of Jacob’s trou­ ble,” will be to determine how the na­ tions have treated God’s chosen people, Israel, Christ’s brethren according to the flesh, during that time of trouble. Then His covenant with Abraham will be liter­ ally fulfilled, “ I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Gen. 12:3). T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

of the believer as declared in John 16: 8-11, and 3:8. (Please read.) First, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit as Paul tells us in Galatians 4:6, “ Because ye are sons,” not because of anything else, but “because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.” (Read also John 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16: 7,12-15; Rom. 8:14-17; 1 Cor. 12:3.) This last verse is very striking. “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.” In plainer words perhaps, you and I could not acknowledge that Jesus of Nazareth is Lord of lords, if we did not have the* baptism of the Holy Spirit. He (the Holy Spirit) teach­ es us the truth of God as it is in Christ, in whom “ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9). Please explain John 5:45,46: “Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have be­ lieved me: for he wrote of me.” How could the Jews “ trust” .Moses, and yet not “ believe” Moses? Thousands of people are doing that very thing today. What does Moses rep­ resent? The law. There are thousands today who are trusting the law, but they do not believe what Moses wrote about the “ sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow” (1 Pet. 1:11). When Moses gave the law, because he knew that Israel could not keep the law, he gave them a sacrifice. The sacrifice was a part of the law, and part of the teach­ ing of Moses. Israel presumed to try to keep the law, but rejected Christ, of whom the sacrifice spoke. They, like many Gentiles today, sought to obtain righteousness by the deeds of the flesh, rather than by the free gift of God’s grace. And because the Pharisees in the day of Christ refused to give up the law and receive Christ absolutely, they were not saved. Then their nation was set aside—not cast away, but set aside dur­ ing this church age, when God is “ calling out a people for his name.” I am puzzled by the restrictions placed upon the food the children of Israel were told to eat as described in Leviticus, chapter 11. Verse S names but one beast to be eaten by man. God often illustrates deep spiritual truth in simple terms that we can un­ derstand; hence many of the figures and comparisons that are found throughout

Dr. Louis T. Talbot I would appreciate more information on the Mormon system of teaching con­ cerning the baptism for the dead. As stated in a late issue of The King’s Business this is an important question for the Mormons teach that baptism is absolutely essential to salvation, and while there is no Scripture to substan­ tiate such a perversion of the truth of God’s Word, baptism is a picture of our association with Christ in His death and resurrection. It speaks not only of death, but also of our being risen with Him. But if Christ is not risen from the dead, as some evidently contended, then, as Paul asked, “ What shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then bap­ tized for the dead?” (1 Cor. 15:29). In other words, if Christ be not risen from the dead, then we have been baptized unto a dead man, and of what signifi­ cance or value could that be? Baptism speaks of resurrection, as well as of death, but if Christ be not risen, the ordinance of baptism loses all of its significance; for then we should have been baptized for (i.e., “ unto” ) the dead (or a dead man), which would have no meaning at all. The whole trend of Paul’s argument which follows in this Corinthian discourse makes it conclusive that this is what Paul was talking about, for he says in verse 20: “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept.” The errors of Mormonism are legion—they hold that all who are not Latter-Day Saints, that is, members of that move­ ment, will be damned. The gospel of the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is unknown in Mormonism. The work of the Holy Spirit is as clearly set forth in the Word of God as is the work of the Father, and as is the work of the Son. The Holy Spirit con­ victs of sin, and regenerates the heart Poge Six Can you explain just what is the work of the Holy Spirit?

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The Amazing Story of What Faith “ With Works” Accomplished In One Small Church

W E believe in Christ-centered Sunday school contests because the Sunday school is one of our highest potentials for evangelism. Fur­ thermore, the Sunday school of today is the church of tomorrow. Robert Walker, editor of Christian Life, sponsor of annual international Sunday school contests involving hun­ dreds of churches, states: “ Our experi­ ence over the past four years has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that these Sunday school contests are one of the quickest and most effective ways of building attendance and reviving spir­ itual interest in the Sunday school, tiven the losers win ! Their common comment is ‘Our participation in this contest has done more for the spiritual welfare of our church than anything else we have ever done.’ ” Let us examine a typical contest and try to evaluate its impact on children, church, and community. Our proving ground will be Hope Union Church of Rosemead, California, a two-time Grand Prize Winner in the International Christian Life Sunday School Contests of 1950-51. Hope Union is a small town church. There is no organ, no ornate sanctuary, no wealthy members—just folks who love the Lord and earnestly desire to serve Him. The pastor* is a man of God who faithfully preaches the Word.

twelve committees there began such a campaign of community calling, teacher­ training, and child-teaching as this little church had never known. Armed with tracts, church brochures, maps and bus schedules, thirty-five members visited 4,552 homes in an in­ credibly few weeks. Timid souls who had never done church calling before came back radiant. Why, witnessing was wonderful! The neighbors must have thought so too, for they came to church in droves. The slogan “ There’s room for you at Hope Union, too!” became a byword in Rosemead. It blazoned from balloons, floated from the sky in miniature para­ chutes and flying saucers. It was the theme of numerous floats in a commu­ nity parade. Newspaper stories and radio announcements supplemented word-of-mouth invitations, church bul­ letins, posters, and direct mail promo­ tion, Literally thousands of postcards advised “ Bring Your Kin, Help Hope Win.” What happened? Let the people tell it: Said the good pastor, “ Folks are pray­ ing more and more folks are praying. We are nearing that ‘every member evangelism’ goal which I believe is God’s way of spreading the gospel.” The Sunday school superintendent: “ Such enthusiasm, such co-operation! *Dr. William W. Orr

He teaches his flock to expect great things of God and to attempt great things for Him. The church was founded and grounded on believing prayer. In 1950 the average Sunday school attendance was 435. Children sat on planks in over-crowded classrooms. Classes convened in the church bus, rented rooms, private homes, and under the trees. However, the young super­ intendent was not satisfied. He had a vision of still more children for Christ. In the immediate vicinity hundreds of youngsters ran the streets on Sunday. He took the matter up with his teachers. Could they squeeze in more pupils? Should they attempt the impossible? He announced the third annual Christian Life Sunday School Contest. By coin­ cidence, the Grand Prize consisted of one hundred sturdy steel folding chairs. How Hope Union needed chairs! Would the over-worked teachers take on the added burden of an all-out contest? They would. They did. The results made Sunday school history. The first step was prayer. From the Primary Department to the Official Board, everybody prayed about this con­ test to win precious souls to Christ. Then with the will to obey the lofty command of the contest verse “ press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God” they rolled up their sleeves. Under the guidance of

1,036 Attended This Sunday.

They reached their goal! Third from left is Dr. Orr.

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Page Seven

they selected First Corinthians 3:9 “ For we are laborers together with God” as the 1951 motto. Their great faith was rewarded, for they won Grand Prize again in 1951. Not with 1002, but an almost unbeliev­ able 1036! Again church membership increased. Missionary giving was topped, plus one thousand dollars’ worth of clothing and valuable equipment. The year 1951 saw four missionaries safely onto their field of service in South America. Two con­ tinued to serve in Kentucky, and four candidates prepared at Biola. A longed-for building program became a reality. The need for more room was so imperative that men of the church toiled night after night under great floodlights excavating the basement of the new 700-capacity auditorium and classrooms. The general upheaval failed to faze the contest chairman who con­ tinually urged co-workers “ Bring in

HAPPY MARRIAGE J UDGE Joseph Sabath, an outstanding figure in the Court of Domestic Re­ lations, has a long and varied experi­ ence with the affairs of broken homes and wrecked marriages. He has presided for twenty years over what he calls “the nightmare world of the divorce courts.” He says:

This department broke records.

Folks are volunteering who never worked before. Let’s do this oftener.” From the chairman of the Board of Christian Education: “ Increased attend­ ance means more teachers. Result: a six-week’s teacher-training course which gave us fresh inspiration and consecra­ tion.” Teachers reported marvelous answers to prayer for their pupils. One told of a one hundred per cent conversion of a class of twelve little girls as a result of Spirit-inspired presentation of the plan of salvation plus daily earnest prayer. She confessed, “ Though I prepared the lessons carefully, there seemed to be no conviction. During the contest, I decided to devote the opening session to presenting the plan of salvation simply and lovingly. Then we all knelt down and asked Jesus to come into our hearts, into one heart after another He did! God answers prayer!” A new member was joyful. “ Dad used to bring me and leave me at the church door. During the contest, callers came to our home and personally invited my parents to ‘come and see.’ They tried it, liked it, and now we all come together.” Altogether, peak attendance reached 786, a gain of 351 pupils in six weeks. At the same time church membership received new impetus. The evangelism of “each one reach one” was at work. The missionary program of the church benefited particularly from spe­ cial emphasis during the contest. The annual missionary budget voluntarily increased from $8,000 to $12,500. Mis­ sionaries and candidates were mightily encouraged. Young people of the church gathered a factual and pictorial record of the contest in the form of a remarkable 75- page book. It was a veritable “blessing book” of what God had done for a con­ gregation that had dared to do and then to depend on God for the increase. Christian Life judges voted it Grand Prize. The excitement had scarcely died down before officers and workers met for a “What Next?” rally. The new goal? “ 1002 By ’52!” They dared to be definite because Hope Union had tasted victory through the God with whom all things are possible. After much prayer, Page Eight

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“Ninety thousand people, who have come to the parting of the ways through bitter recriminations have stood before me to testify of broken homes, sordid betrayals, and the unbelievable rancor which cause separations. “ Out of my fifty years of married life and my twenty years as a divorce jurist, I have framed a decalogue for those who are married or are contemplating it, which I think would prevent at least ninety percent of the marital smashups. “Here, to me, are the rules of a suc­ cessful marriage: 1. Bear and forbear. 2. Work together, play together, and grow up together. 3. Avoid the little quarrels, and the big ones will take care of themselves. 4. Compromise. (Give and take.) It is the antitoxin of divorce. 5. Practice sympathy, good humor and mutual understanding. 6. Don’t grouch before breakfast— or after it. 7. Respect your “in-laws,” but don’t criticize them or take criticism from them. 8. Establish your own home, even in a one-room flat. 9. Fight for each other, but not with each other. 10. Build your home on religious faith, with love and forgiveness as the watch­ words. The Lord’s word, through the Apostle Paul to saved wives and husbands, is: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” “ Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them” (Col. 3:18, 19). By Tom Olson in NOW T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Advertising was placed in stores and markets.

the unsaved. We will put them some­ where!” Everyone was amazed at the increase. “ It is God working,” folks told one an­ other. The fame of it spread through­ out the community. Rosemead was church-conscious as never before. Church members were burdened for their com­ munity in a new and special way, for their pastor had told them “ Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord.” Where will it end? Please God, soul­ winning in Sunday schools will never end so long as our Lord tarries. And soul winners will ever be willing to pray and to prepare. Yes! We believe in contests!

IN THE DEVIL S BARBER SHOP By Edward B. Hart, D.D.* H UMAN interest!” This is the test by which the daily news editors screen their news. “ Does it have

no contact with the dead. The best source of information is Numbers 6. Verses 1-4 tell us, “No wine.” Wine is a symbol of natural joy. None of this for the Nazar­ ite, that is, his joy was to be alto­ gether the real thing, true joy, not the human imitation of the joy of the Lord. His body was not to be defiled with alco­ holic drinking. This contrast is seen in the Ephesian letter, “ Be not drunk with wine . . . be filled with the Spirit.” Not the human intoxication, of sin and pleasure, lusts of the flesh, but the in­ toxication in a holy sense when one is truly filled, possessed, controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. Wine leads to loss of control. It surrenders the faculties of the body to sin. Alcoholism is more than a “ disease” in spite of the Yale studies and apologies. Dr. Harry Rimmer ex­ posed the fallacy in a poignant state­ ment, “ Alcoholism a disease? So is syph­ ilis.” It is a sinful misuse of the body. No wine for the Nazarite; he was to be holy unto God. The Nazarite vow further demanded, “ No cutting of the hair.” Yet Samson finally found himself in the Devil’s Bar­ ber Shop! Numbers 6:5-7 is the passage to study. Long hair was to be the visible sign of the Nazarite. You cannot see long hair on a man without looking twice, and when you see it, you wonder what’s wrong with him. Something different, to say the least. But while long hair was a shame to a Hebrew man, it was re­ quired of the Nazarite. He was to bear the reproach of long hair. Do we have here a willingness to bear “ the re­ proach” of the Lord before men? “ Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach” (Heb. 13:13). Are we willing to be different for Christ’s sake? That does not mean we should be queer. You see, long hair or short hair is a matter of custom. Short hair helps to identify men, while long hair identifies women. But with the Nazarite the long hair identified one wholly devoted to God. It was the visible sign, something others could see. Our heart-devotion must somehow get out into the open, not to be boasted of, but as a testimony to others. If within the heart and soul of a believer there is true consecration unto God, it will be seen of men in the difference between his life and the sub-normal experiences of oth­ ers. But, oh, how Satan likes to trim down this consecrated life! “No contact with the dead.” That was the third requirement of the Nazarite *Pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church, Pasadena, California.

who was to be a Nazarite, devoted to God. Later Manoah shared the blessed­ ness of the divine visit, this theophany, this manifestation of God to men. Read it yourself in Judges 13. Take time to realize that God made Himself know- able to the parents of Samson. He waits to do the same for us, in different ways from Old Testament appearings, but nonetheless real and personal and in­ timate in our lives. The child Samson was a God-chosen instrument. He was to

human-interest appeal?” If so, it makes the headlines, even the front page. Our Christian message, while changeless in its content and truth, must nevertheless reach people. We must make “ contact” with the minds and souls of men. That means touching them right where they are living.-Our gospel must get beyond a “ philosophy of life” and come to grips with the day-by-day class-room experi­ ences of the school of life. The labora­ tories in which the “ truth of the gospel” will be tested and proved are not in the cloistered halls of learning but out on the highways of life, in the home, the school, the shop, the field. Truth, the call to righteousness, the wondrous of­ fers of Divine Grace, will make their appeal to the heart of man when the approach is on this human-interest level. In the Devil’s Barber Shop! Here is a story of a divine intervention in the life of a family and a nation. Three hundred years of Israel’s national his­ tory were like soiled pages. There were seven apostasies, seven servitudes, seven deliverances. It is the old cycle of in- and-out with God, obedience then dis­ obedience, in fellowship with God then out of fellowship, right with God then rebellious toward the divine will. This period of the Judges of Israel must be summarized by four words which de­ scribe each of the seven cycles: back­ sliding, judgment, repentance, restora­ tion. How often we wait until our sins catch up with us before we believe God’s warnings and heed His call to repentance and a true heart change of our ways of living. We take advantage of the long- suffering and patience of God and test His kindness to the limit. We drift along with cold indifference, or we drag our feet in the Christian life and service with halfhearted devotion. But we can­ not always live thus. Sooner or later we find ourselves in “ the way of sin­ ners” or “sitting in the seat of the scorn­ ful,” no longer avoiding God’s will, but resisting it, and giving God our refusals. Then we compel the Almighty to move in on the scene and catch us up, to startle us awake, to call us back to our lost fellowship and power. Samson, timeless symbol of great strength, was born into a home of re­ ligious devotion, a home of faith (Judg. 13:2, 3). The angel of the Lord whis­ pered to the wife of one Manoah, that she was to become the mother of a son

Verdier The Gates of Gaza Taken by Samson become one of the Judges of Israel. An­ other cycle was about to take its upward turn and the nation be called back from its lethargy and spiritual decay. The parents were carefully instructed con­ cerning the child’s training (Judg. 13:12- 14). He was to be a Nazarite. The mother was also to be a Nazarite (Judg. 13:14). The characteristics of the child were to be in the parents’ lives too. They were called to be godly in life. How often someone used of God can trace back to a spiritual heritage in a devoted parent. What a privilege for Christian parents! The Nazarite vow? We live in a world of promises, of contracts, of vows, of treaties. But this Nazarite vow was a vow between an individual and God. Essentially it was composed of three parts: no wine, no cutting of the hair,

JUNE, 1 9 5 2

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with the godless, and then we feel bound to go along with them, and we find our­ selves at last in the Devil’s Barber Shop. Samson made his first step of surren­ der when he told Delilah, his wife, that if he were bound with seven green branches that were never dried, he could be bound and taken captive by the Philistines. But breaking easily the seven green branches, he told her that if he were tied by new ropes that were never occupied, never used for any other purpose, he could be bound and captured by the Philistines. He was playing at being captured by the Devil. He was playing with his Nazarite vow of devotion to God. He was beginning to treat his vows of consecration lightly. Then, the third step, he told Delilah that if he were bound by the seven locks of his long hair to the beams of the ceiling, he could be taken captive by the Philistines. He was getting very near the real secret of his great

three times, and hast not told me where­ in thy great strength lieth . . . and it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul ..was vexed unto death; that he told her all his heart” (Judg. 16:15-17). Wearied with resisting, a compromise in his heart, Samson yielded to the tricks of Satan. How often the Christian is tempted, under pressure, at last to compromise his dedication, and yield to Satan. “Just to keep peace in the family” or “Just to get along in business.” Now, the final step. “ She made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him” (Judg. 16:19). Shorn of power in the Devil’s Barber Shop! The unsaved, even if they be our loved relatives, are no friends to God. There is an eternal divine cleavage between loved ones where one is a child of God and the other a child of the wicked one! I know a wife or husband may be kind and considerate and morally upright, and loving, but if that eternal chasm exists within the home, one saved and the other a lost soul, the contest of the ages is on in that home. Shall the child of God be true to God and without com­ promise witness to his unsaved partner, or shall he yield step by step to the subtle and Satanic appeals which come through the unsaved partner until at last he is shorn of his Christian testi­ mony, and of his spiritual power! It is the first step of compromise which is apt to be fatal to one’s Christian testi­ mony. That is the first compromise of the heart. Satan does not get us into his chair all at once, only step by step. “And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him” (Judg. 16:20). Defeated! Disobe­ dience to his vow of separation unto God had shorn him of God’s blessing and strength! He had to learn in bitter ex­ perience that his strength was not his own, but only God’s might channeled through a yielded life. Soon he was to grind meal, chained by the Philistines. His eyes were to be put out. Servitude now, under Satan’s cruel bondage, awaited him. Have you ever experienced freezing? A cold night, bitter winds, a long trek ahead, a sense of weariness, a desire just to rest for a few moments and then to complete the journey. I have known this experience. Once I sat down amid the high snowdrifts to rest. A strange sense of warmth came over me. It was like an inner glow, or as if I had by magic come near a warm stove. The biting cold was no longer there. I was beginning to feel comfortable. Then suddenly the thought startled me. This might be the beginning of freezing to (Continued on Page 26) T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Samson Staying the Lion (Num. 6:8-10). Death is the evidence, the sign of God’s uttermost dealing with sin. “ Sin entered into the world, and death by sin” (Rom. 5:12) . . . “ dead in trespasses and sins” . . . “ dead while she liveth.” God’s devoted servant is to have done with sin. His is the victorious life. “ If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). “ Sin shall not have' dominion over you” (Rom. 6:14). The proof of forgiveness of sins is to be seen in de­ liverance from the power of sin! Every Christian should be a Nazarite in this respect, and in all three phases of Naza­ rite separation unto God. We do not mean that consecrated Christians should wear long hair. But every Christian is called to know the true intoxication of the Spirit-filled life, the willingness to be different and bear reproach for Christ’s sake, and real victory over sin’s power. But, our Adversary, the Devil, will lure us into his barber shop by every subtle device to break our dedica­ tion of life to God. Samson goes into the Devil’s Barber Shop! Samson took five steps, fatal compro­ mises, and landed in the Devil’s Barber Shop. Samson’s life-record is not free from stains, from mis-steps. God never covers the record of our lives except by the blood of Christ. David’s sin was ex­ posed before all the nation, Israel, and is written for us to read. But David learned that the mercy and forgiveness of God covered sin out of God’s sight. Samson’s first mistake (Judg. 16:1-9) came through one very near and dear to him, his wife. She was a Philistine at heart. He married the wrong woman. A Nazarite joined to a Philistine. A Christian married to a non-Christian. A devoted and consecrated Christian mar­ ried to a worldling! That sets the stage for a possible spiritual collapse. Satan gets at us through other people. We enter into agreements, into relationships Page Ten

The Death of Samson strength, the long hair. Are we to un­ derstand that the long hair itself gave Samson his strength? Never. The long hair was the visible sign of his Nazarite vow. Touch that visible witness to oth­ ers, compromise it, and power for Christ with others is gone. Samson’s great strength was in his separation unto God, and the long hair was the outward evi­ dence of it, under the Nazarite vow. When Christians begin to treat lightly the visible, tangible evidences which an unsaved world can see in a believer’s separation (unto God from the sinful idols and pleasures of the world) he is almost in the chair in the Devil’s Bar­ ber Shop. Now comes the real test. Should we love God more than we love those who are dearest to us, the sweetheart, the wife, the husband, the children? Delilah put on the pressure, “How canst thou say, I love thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these

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