an opportunity to deal with an entire family. Many families have been won for Christ in exactly this manner. In addition to the training received in Sunday school, supplementary teaching should be given to each child who has accepted Christ. After all, one twenty-minute study period each week is not much to help a child to stand against the powers of evil in this present day. I am convinced that the best way to meet the need for this supplementary teaching is through the continuation of the neighborhood Bible Classes which we have already described. A trained teacher, using a well-planned series of lessons, can give each child in her area a basic understanding of Bible doctrine.
hardened sinner who must be awakened by fear, the loss of heaven will prove to be as good an incentive as the fear of hell. You are now ready to show the child the work of Christ in his behalf. You will have to begin by showing him that Christ was not a sinner. He never committed a sin. As you continue, you can show him that, though Christ was without sin, He willingly accepted the punishment in our place. (Illustrate the idea of substitution with a story or anecdote.) The concluding step in leading the child to Christ is to actually help him to receive the gift. John 1:12 and Revela tion 3:20 are both helpful Scripture passages in explaining that salvation has been purchased; that God offers it to all men and women and boys and girls; and that the only re quirement is that we receive it. Ask him to bow his head in prayer, and then give him the words to use. Now you have led this child to Christ. But before you send him away, spend a few more moments to make sure that he understands what he has done. Give him some basis for assurance: John 1:12 and John 3:36 are excellent passages for this purpose. Likewise, show him the necessity for prayer and Bible reading. Give him a Gospel of John in which you have noted the date of his spiritual birthday, and tell him to read a portion of Scripture every day. Then before you send him on his way, be sure you have taken his name and ad dress so that you can plan to give him further help in the future. I have tried here to give a detailed outline of the steps to be taken in leading a child to Christ. However, I would re mind you that no two children are alike any more than any two adults. Moreover, your task is a spiritual, not a mechan ical one. You will have to seek the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to depend entirely upon Him to perform the miracle of regeneration. With complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit, I believe the above outline will be helpful to you in reaching children for Christ. Follow-Up The only way to insure lasting results in any evangelistic effort is to plan a definite and thorough follow-up campaign. This is especially true in the case of evangelistic work among children. It is generally agreed that the most important aid to the spiritual growth of any Christian—adult, youth, or child—is the regular reading and studying of the Word of God. In the case of a child, two things are necessary to the establish ment of the habit of Bible reading: first, you must present a plan that can be broken into small segments, and secondly, you must provide an incentive. Both of these needs are met in a program used by many Child Evangelism workers, and which can be used by anyone. The plan is as follows: 1. Give each child who accepts Christ a small booklet con taining one of the gospel narratives. 2. Along with the gospel, give each child a list of ten questions to be answered after reading the gospel booklet. 3. Include with your questionnaire an explanation that by sending in the answers to the ten questions, the child may earn another booklet. 4. Repeat the process with four or five New Testament books and finally award the child a complete Bible. The Chicago Child Evangelism recently reported 3550 con verts among boys and girls during a Summer open air pro gram. Of these converts, 1125 entered into the above Bible- Study-by-mail project. Along with individual Bible Study, it is imperative that every new Christian establish himself in fellowship with other believers. And this is as true for children as it is for adults. Naturally, the best place to find Christian fellowship is in a Bible-believing Church or Sunday school. Attempt to knit each child into the fellowship of a sound church and Sunday school. Incidentally, we might point out here that contacts made with homes through the conversion of children often lead to
You should also plan one or more follow-up rallies for children who have accepted Christ. A rally may bring forth some important life-time decisions from youngsters who have already accepted Christ as Saviour. Many Christian workers today can look back to a rally in which they dedicated their lives to Christ for Christian service. The inspiration of a challenging message given in the enthusiastic atmosphere of a rally may change the entire course of some child’s life. Doubtless you will be able to add still other features to a follow-up program which is tailored to your own situation. Again I suggest that you prayerfully seek the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit in your planning. This article by Mr. Ellis is in abbreviated form. The full material is printed in an attractive small booklet entitled REACHING CHILDREN FOR CHRIST and may be had by writing CHRIST FOR EVERYONE, 5U2 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, III. The price of the booklet is 15 cents per cqpy; $1.50 per dozen; $9.00 per hundred. All prices postpaid.
I BROUGHT A CHILD I brought a child to Jesus— I brought a host of days and hours, The promise of oncoming years As fresh and fragrant as new flowers. I brought two willing hands, not yet Weighed down by treasures of the earth, And feet unhampered by regret. I brought a child to Jesus— I brought an honest, humble mind And lips that are not slow to speak Of truth and wisdom that they find. I brought a child: a life to give, A will to choose, a heart to love, And one eternal soul to live.
— Ruth Margaret Gibbs in Sunday School World
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