King's Business - 1952-06

Prayer For Humility (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

For Such A Time As This

When I consider what my lot would be Had not my gracious Saviour bled and died To conquer sin and death, triumphantly, And pay in full for all my sin and pride; That, had He not been good enough, or failed In any way to meet God’s just demands, My sins would not to Calvary’s tree be nailed— The penalty forever on my hands! For me to hold not Christ in fierce desire, Forever barred His loving face to see— Far greater punishment than pain of fire: That would be worse than ‘second death’ to me! Lord, teach me then, I’ve nought in which to boast, And— keep me humble, not puffed up with pride— E’en though by buffets of the enemy, A painful thorn forever in my side! Sufficient then, Thy grace for me shall be, And pleasure give when everything seems wrong: For Christ, who to the uttermost did save, In spite of all my weakness, keeps me strong! Forbid it, then, that I should boast in other Than the cruel Cross on which my Saviour bled— By which I to the world am crucified, And it— and all it means— to me is dead! —Douglas C. Hartley Chastening “Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth”— Oh, can it really be That things which hurt and crush me so are a sign of His love for me? I believed and never doubted when my path was straight and smooth, But I failed in the test completely when His love He tried to prove. I accepted gifts of mercy, His infinite, matchless grace, I was eager and glad to serve Him while running in life’s fair race, But when He, in love, besought me to sit awhile at His feet, I faltered, the while complaining; with my friends I would rather meet. “Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth”— Comfort these words afford To one who walks serenely, ever holding the hand of his Lord. So now I'll trust Him whate'er befalls; I know His way is best. I will walk by faith, and not by sight, and leave to my Lord the rest. —Mae E. Lammers

Class of ’52 O N the third of June the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will graduate an outstanding class of 65 young women and 99 young men, representing 26 states and four for­ eign countries. Their class motto, “ Be Thou Faithful,” based upon Revelation 2:10, bespeaks their spirit and their purpose, and augurs well of their success in Christian life and service. A large percentage of the Class of ’52 expect to be mission­ aries, and have their faces set toward India, Burma, Africa, Tibet, China, South America, Arabia, the West Indies, Mon­ golia, Latin America, Japan, Palestine, Alaska, Formosa, Indo­ nesia and other islands of the Pacific. They will serve in Bible institutes, children’s work, translation, pioneering, medical work, teaching and preaching. Those who remain at home will enter fields of music, nursing, teaching, rural work, Christian education in churches, youth work, child evangelism, pastor­ ates, home missions, evangelism and chaplaincies. The baccalaureate and commencement addresses will be de­ livered by the distinguished radio Bible teacher and preacher, Dr. M. R. DeHaan, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. On June 1st, baccalaureate Sunday, his subject will be: “ The Price of Vic­ tory,” and on commencement night, “ Our Most Powerful Weapon.” On June 2nd, the traditional Class Night, completely in charge of the Class of ’52, Darlene Anthens, representing the Institute graduates, will speak on the theme: “ Faithful in Motive” ; Melvert Byers, representing the School of Mission­ ary Medicine, on “ Faithful in Mission” ; and Burton Hatch, representing the college graduates, on “ Faithful in Message.” Class officers are: President, Ervin Jenkins; First Vice Presi­ dent, Thomas L. Kerfoot; Second Vice President, T. Edward McCully; Secretary, Rosalee Schmidt; Treasurer, Bonnie E. Johnson; Class Poet, Gladys Kerfoot; and Class Musician, Henry J. Lorenz. The prayers of God’s people will follow these well-trained, consecrated young people as they go forth into a hostile world to live and tell the gospel of Christ. May God give them grace ever to carry out their high resolve to be “faithful” even “unto death” if need be, that they, with thousands of Biolans who have gone before them, may some day receive “ a crown of life” from Him who has loved them, saved them, and called them into His blessed service.

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