King's Business - 1952-06

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"JO H N DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to Am erican young people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher of years of experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies of this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s book ex­ posingDeweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers of your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES O F F . R. T E N N A N T and JO H N DEW EY, ove r fiv e hundred pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President S h e l t o n C o l l e g e 340 W est 55 th S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y .

Do not I love Thee, Lord? Oh, search my heart and see. And cast down every idol throne, That dares to rival Thee. Hearken! Hearken! God speaketh in thy soul, Saying, O thou that movest With feeble steps across this earth of mine, To break beside the fount thy golden bowl, And spill its purple wine, Look up to Heaven and see how like a scroll My right hand hath thy immortality In an eternal grasping. Elizabeth Barrett Browning Just As I Am Years ago in London there was a large gathering of noted people, and among the invited guests was a famous preacher of his day, Caesar Milan. A young lady played and sang charmingly, and everyone was thrilled. Very gra­ ciously, tactfully, and yet boldly the preacher went up to her after the music had ceased and said, “ I thought as I listened to you tonight how tremendous­ ly the cause of Christ would be bene­ fited if your talents were dedicated to His cause. You know, young lady, you are as much a sinner in the sight of God as a drunkard in the ditch or a harlot on Scarlet Street, but I am glad to tell you that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, .can cleanse you from all sin.” The young lady snapped out a rebuke for his presumption. He said, “ ‘Lady, I mean no offense. I pray God’s Spirit will convict you.” They all returned to their homes. The young woman retired but could not sleep. The face of the preacher appeared before her and his words rang through her mind. At two o’clock in the morning she sprang from her bed, took a pencil and paper, and with tears dripping from her face, Charlotte Elliott wrote that famous poem: “Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come.” —Alliance Weekly The tree that bears the most fruit bends the lowest. God honors humility. Sow truth, if thou the truth would’st reap, Who sows the false shall reap the vain; Erect and sound thy conscience keep, From hollow words and deeds refrain. —Horatius Bonar

Editorially Speaking (Continued from Page 5) New Version N EXT September 30, the new Prot­ estant version of the Bible called This is the product of more than 14 years of work by 32 of the nation’s top Protestant scholars. The new Bible is expected to retain the beauty of the 17th century King James Version English but also to bring down to today’s language many of the archaic words and phrases, thus making the Scriptures more under­ standable to the present-day reader. The actual work on the revision was begun in 1937, authority for which was given by the International Council of Religious Education, representing more than 40 major Protestant scholars in the United States and Canada. The first work was done on the New Testament which was published in 1946, of which more than 2,000,000 copies have already been sold. The publication of the com­ plete work will have a retail value of more than $5,000,000, requiring 1,000 tons of paper, 2,000 gallons of ink, 140 tons of binder board, 71% miles of 40-inch cloth and 20,000,000 square inches of 23 karat gold leaf. When the Revised Standard New Testament was produced it was given very close scrutiny by conservative Pro­ testant scholars who pronounced it free from any apparent attempt to interpret liberally rather than to translate. It is sincerely hoped that the complete Bible will maintain a high level of scholarship and also translate accurately and fairly the great historical truths of Scripture. — BROWN— FIVE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS John Brown University Siloam Springs, Arkansas “ Training Head, Heart and Hand” Brown Military Academy ' San Diego, California Junior High thru Junior College Junior School—1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach, California Pre-kindergarten thru 9th Grade Brown School for Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School Brown Military Academy of the Ozarks Siloam Springs, Arkansas 1st Grade thru High School WRITE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION

the Revised Standard will be released.

GOSPELLIGHT Correctly Graded Bible Lessons

HENRIETTA C. MEARS, L.H.D Originator and Editor-in-Chief

For a BETTER SUNDAY SCHOOL Teachers are delighted be­ cause children learn eagerly. G ospel Light offers NEWand DYNAMIC courses fo r this fateful "H ou r o f D ecision.” M eet the challenge with these fresh, adaptable les­ sons. N u rsery th ro u g h Adult — graded either by department or age.

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