King's Business - 1952-06

From the book, “ What Happened Before

O NE day one of the friends of Jesus came running very fast to Rhoda’s house and whispered something to her mother. Rhoda’s mother ran out to the field where her father was planting seeds. Her mother and father talked a little while as Rhoda watched them, and then she saw them come hurrying toward the house, her mother helping her father to carry his bag of seeds. Rhoda felt that something not very good had happened. She said, “ Father, why do you come home now? The sun has not gone down yet, and dinner is not ready for you.” Her father was quiet for a little while, and then he said, “ Rhoda, you help Little Brother to get ready, and you put on your best dress. We are going to town. I will tell you what has happened as we go along the road.” Rhoda helped Little Brother to get dressed in his best clothes, and then she dressed herself quickly. Her father brought up their little tiny donkey, and folded a blanket on him to make a seat for her mother. He tied a bag of feed around the little donkey’s neck. Her mother was quickly wrapping up little flat rounded loaves of bread, some dried fishes, and some olive oil. When Rhoda saw her mother and father doing these things, she thought that they might be going to stay in the City of Jerusalem for a long time. Her mother and father looked fright­ ened, so she kept Little Brother quiet and did not bother them by asking ques­ tions. The sun went down behind the hill and soon it was dark. Her father said, “Now we shall go,” and he helped her mother up onto the donkey and put Little Brother up in front of her. Little Brother was big enough now to carry the package of food in front of him. He rested it partly on the donkey’s neck. As Rhoda and her father walkejJ along together beside the donkey, her father told her what had happened. He said, “ You are a big girl now, Rhoda, and you should know. A bad king has come to rule our country. His name is Herod. He doesn’t like the story about Jesus dying for us, and rising up out of the grave again. He told all of Jesus’ friends not to tell about Jesus any more.” Then he was quiet for a little while.

mother lives there, too. We are sure that Jesus will help us. We will all pray that Jesus will keep our wicked king from putting any more of us in prison, and that Jesus will send His Heavenly Father’s angels to let Peter out of prison.” Then her father said, “ Let us walk faster, my daughter, so we can be there soon.” When Rhoda and her father and mother and brother reached John’s big house, it was very dark on the outside. Her father knew where the garden gate was, so they went there and knocked. One of the friends of Jesus opened it. A stable boy came to take the little donkey and put him in a place for the night, after Rhoda’s father had helped her mother and Little Brother to get down on to the ground. They walked along the path to the gate near the house door, and knocked again. This time John opened it him­ self. He was so happy at seeing them, and welcomed them. As they came into the lighted room they saw other boys and girls, and other fathers and mothers gather there in a big circle. *Widow of the late Dr. Harry Rimmer. Page Twenty-Seven

Rhoda wanted to know more and she said, “ I understand, Father. Please tell me more!” Then her father said, “ Today the wicked king arrested John’s brother James and killed him. He put Jesus’ friend in the dark prison, and we are afraid he will kill Peter too, at Easter time; all Jesus’ friends are going to meet at John’s big house to pray. Jesus’

By Martha S. Hooker

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