King's Business - 1952-06


John went and stood in the middle of them all and started talking. He said, “ All you friends of Jesus have been told that our wicked king has put our friend Peter in prison, and we have gathered to pray. We shall pray that Jesus and our heavenly Father will rescue Peter from the prison, and bring him here to us. Let us pray.” Some of the people who were sitting on the floor bowed their heads very low to the floor; some got down on their knees. All prayed with all their hearts that God would let Peter loose from the wicked king’s prison. After they had all prayed a long time, there came a loud knocking at the gate that was near the door to the big room. As Rhoda was close to the door, she jumped quickly to her feet, and opened it. Then she ran the short way to the gate, and saw a man stand­ ing there. He spoke to her and said, “ It is I, Peter. Open the gate.” She knew his voice, but was so excited and happy that instead of opening the gate, she ran as fast as she could back into the big room and shouted, “ It’s Peter! He’s come back! He’s here!” They really thought she was very much mistaken and told her so. Then someone said, “ It’s Peter’s ghost!” Rhoda said, “ No, I tell you it is Peter himself!” So then they all went hurrying out the door together to see. Sure enough! There was Peter outside the gate look­ ing in at them! Rhoda’s father un­ latched the gate, and opened it, and Peter came in. Back they all went into the big room, all talking at once and telling him how very happy they were that he was out of prison. Of course they were all asking, “How Peter? How did you get out? Tell us quickly!” So Peter began to tell them all that happened to him. He said, “ When I went into the prison, two chains were put on me. Each one had handcuffs on it. One was put on my right arm and then fastened to a soldier; the other was put on my left arm and fastened to another sol­ dier. “ I talked to them about Jesus, and they listened a little while. Then they got sleepy and we all three had to lie down together. Soon they were asleep. I began to pray, and asked Jesus to help me. Soon I was asleep, too. “ I don’t know how long I had been sleeping, but I waked up and saw that the room I was in was filled with a very bright light. Then I saw an angel standing by me. He touched me with his hand, and raised me up, and the chains fell off my arms. I thought the light, and the chains dropping would wake the two soldiers, but they stayed sound asleep all the time! “ Then the angel whispered to me, ‘Put on your clothes and your sandals.’ I tried to hurry but my fingers didn’t work very well, because I was so ex­ cited, but I did what he told me to do.

“ Then the angel said, ‘Throw your robe around you, and follow me.’ “ I looked quickly to see if the soldiers had waked up, but no, they were lying very still and sound asleep. “ Then the angel went quickly and I had to hurry to keep up with him. As the angel left the room the great light went with him, and the soldiers were left in the black dark. “ It was all so strange that I really thought that I was dreaming. “We walked past the guards outside the prison door, but they did not see or hear us. I believe God kept them from seeing or hearing us. “ Then we came to the big iron gate that opens out to the streets .of the city.” Peter sat very still for a minute, and did not say anything. Then a look of great surprise came over his face. He said, “ My dear friends, what do you think happened then?” Everybody said, “ Oh, Peter, what? Tell us!” “Why,” said Peter, “that heavy iron gate opened up for us all by itself! We walked through it, onto the street, and it closed of itself again!” They all said, “ Oh, how wonderful, Peter! Go on, tell us what happened next.” Peter said, “ The angel walked on, with me close behind him, until we came to a safe street far away from the prison, then he left me all alone. “ I stood still on the dark, quiet street for a minute thinking what to do. Then I said to myself, ‘Why John’s house is not far away on this very street. I shall hurry there, and he will take me in­ to his house to stay until morning comes.’ So I hurried as fast as I could walk, and here I am. And I see not only John but all of you, praying for me that I might get out of the wicked king’s prison.” Rhoda was so happy over Peter’s coming that she forgot to be ashamed of not opening the gate quickly for him, but she did smile at him and tell him that she didn’t really mean to leave him standing outside. Peter was given a nice warm supper by John’s mother. She had the servant fix a warm, bath for him, and a clean bed. The friends all got down on their knees to thank Jesus, and our heavenly Father for getting Peter free. Then they said good night to each other, and started to go home. Rhoda’s father went to get the little donkey. He put Rhoda and Little Brother on him this time, as Rhoda had walked when they were coming to the city. Little Brother was very, very sleepy, but Rhoda held him so that he could lean back against her and sleep. Rhoda’s mother and father walked back very slowly, beside the donkey, singing softly to themselves. They came to their own little house just as the sun began to come up and make the night go away, and the daytime come again. They were all tired, but very happy. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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