King's Business - 1952-06


July 20, 1952 T h e T e s t t h a t B l e s s e d

Objects: Twenty - one matches, a large magnet, and 3 straight pins. (Soak 3 of the matches in water and insert the pins in the stub ends. Allow these matches to contact, for several hours, one certain prong of the magnet, point­ ing the heads toward the other prong. Mark the prongs so as to be sure to use them the same way when teaching the lesson. Bend 12 of the matches close to the head until the head is almost broken off, and then straighten them, so that the break will not be noticeable.) Lesson: If you were choosing soldiers for the army, what kind of a test would you give them? Most generals want meri with strong bodies and alert minds. Gideon, one of the judges for the chil­ dren of Israel, was choosing soldiers for the army, and the Lord told him to do some very strange things—at least men in the army today would think them strange. First, Gideon was told to ask who among the soldiers were afraid. Those who said that they were afraid were counted out—22,000 of them. I have several matches in my hand. Some of them will nod their heads like the fear­ ful Israelites. Twelve of them nodded their heads, and became useless. (The heads will now fall off, when slightly rubbed with the hand, having been pre­ viously broken.) The Lord told Gideon to send the fearful home, as they could not be. used. There were still too many in Gideon’s army, so the Lord ordered another test. Gideon was told to take the remaining 10,000 down to the water to drink. Those who stood, dipping the water up with

PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE Tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. R A R E BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR AGAIN available! (World's largest collection of sermon- material). Money-saving subscription plan. All booksellers or Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. LIBRARIES OP RELIGIOUS BOOKS PUR- chased. Get our offer—good prices paid. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. BIBLES REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 YEARS experience. Internationally known. Write for prices. The original BIBLE HOSPITAL, 1001 So. Harvard St., Dallas 1, Texas. STENOGRAPHERS — THOUSANDS NEEDED now. Learn Triplespeed NUABC Shorthand. Join Selfstudy Club. Earn Course. Capital City College (40th Year), Washington 5, D. C. WANTED: FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. LENDING LIBRARY — BOOKS BY MAIL. Write for information and sample copy of Chris­ tian Reader's Review, Christian Reader's Library, Veedersburg,. Indiana. SCOFIELD BIBLES — COMPLETE LINE Ex­ cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture, Fowlers' Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York. SHEET MUSIC. WRITE FOR EXCERPTS OF Piano Marches, also list of Sacred Piano and Organ music. Hazelees, Pept. 2, Lake Wales, Florida. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?" “ Judge or Sav­ iour," “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World's History." Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K. B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. BIBLE COLORING BOOKS — OVER MILLION sold. Vacation and Sunday Schools. Ten for dollar. State assorted, uniform. Discount contract basis. Junior Workshop, Grand Valley, Ontario, Canada. THOUSANDS OF'OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel’s Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. OLD BIBLES REBOUND LIKE NEW. A PRICE, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50; Chronograph $10.00; Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guar­ antee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jew­ elry Shop, 231.2 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, 111. SHOE REPAIRING — FIRST CLASS WORK, reasonable prices. Erick Peterson, 5062 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. Tel, WEbster 0404. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS, 2 for 30 cents. 8 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P.O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. BIBLES REBOUND IN ATTRACTIVE LEATHER covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S. W. Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon. GOSPEL OBJECT TRICK TALKS. SELF CON- tained, simple, scriptural. Visual Aids that work. Free sample. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. TUNED MUSICAL COWBELLS. 440 PITCH, long range or short. Also Chorded Cluster Bells, new invention. Evangelist Westphal, Michigan City, Ind. Page Forty-Two

July 27, 1952 G r e w a n d T r u e

Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches. (Fold the paper 4 times, making the following sizes: 8%x5%, 5%x414, 414x2%, 2%x2J^. With the single fold to the left and the double fold at the top, print a small “ S” with a blue crayon. Using a yellow crayon, draw a triangle around the “ S.” Turn the top double fold around to the left and un­ fold toward it with' the single fold to the left and the double one at the top, duplicate the “ S” and triangle, larger than the first. Turn and unfold as be­ fore, making the “ S” and triangle still larger. Continue this procedure until you have returned to the original size, 81/2x11 inches. Fold the paper, before the lesson, and .hold in the palm of the left hand at the beginning of the lesson.) Lesson: Looking carefully, you will see that I have in my hand a piece of paper on which an “ S” is printed. Sur­ rounding the “ S” is a triangle. The “ S” will remind us of Samuel, the little boy who was brought by his mother Hannah to the temple, in order that he might serve God all the days of his life. We will let the triangle remind us of God— the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As the triangle surrounds the “ S,” so the Lord surrounded Samuel from the be­ ginning. His birth was in answer to his mother’s prayer. She promised that she would give him to the Lord for service, so when he was old enough to leave home, she took him to the temple. In First Samuel 2:18 we read, “ But Samuel ministered before the Lorfl, be­ ing a child.” One night later he heard God’s voice, and being instructed by Eli, he said, “ Speak; for thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:10). In verse 19 we are told, “ And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him.” As I unfold this paper, it will teach us an important lesson. The “ S” is getting larger, and at the same time the tri­ angle which surrounds it is growing too. Some foolish people think that as they grow up they do not need God to sur­ round their lives as He did in childhood. Samuel was wise in that he allowed the Lord to surround his whole life. Boys and girls who are wise will have their lives surrounded by the Lord from childhood to old age, even as did Samuel. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

their hands, were to be kept in the army, and those who knelt down to drink were refused. God uses the watchful, not the careless people, in His army. We will use this magnet in making this test. (Put the magnet on its side, and stand the matches on one prong, pointing the heads up toward the other prong.) See, only three stand, and the others go down. These three matches remind me of the three hundred men who stood as they drank that day, and were chosen to be soldiers in Gideon’s army. We should remember that in choosing people today, God wants those who will be brave and watchful at all times.

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