Scholar Zone Extended Learning | Teacher Instruction

READING Teacher Resources and Answer Key


Planning and Pacing

Each Session may be accomplished in one day. If a session takes longer, just complete it the next day. Pacing is flexible, and you may adapt it to meet the needs of the children. Sessions Overview: Grade 2, Volume 1

1 S

2 S

3 S

4 S

Reading Time: Go, Robot, Go!, pp. 4–6

Time for Rhyme Write Your Own Story, pp. 7–9

Reading Time: It’s Slinky® Time Words, Words, Words, pp. 10–11

Word Families Draw and Write About Reading, pp. 12–13 • Practice with the - ack word family • Listen to a read- aloud and draw and write to describe a character

• Share a text about programming a robot; ask and answer questions about a text • Write using ideas from the story

• Identify rhyming words • Write a story about a robot that includes details

• Share an

informational text about the Slinky® toy; identify details

• Use vocabulary words that are synonyms

5 S

6 S

7 S

8 S

Reading Time: The Bell and the Cat, pp. 14–16

Time for Phonics Write Your Own Story, pp. 17–19

Reading Time: Cat Chat Words, Words, Words, pp. 20–21

Word Families Reading and Map Skills, pp. 22–23

• Share a fable that shows it’s easy to make a plan, but hard to carry it out; recall a story and its lesson • Recall and write details from a story

• Practice with vowel sounds • Write a story in order about a friendly cat

• Share a story

• Practice with the - est word family • Learn about a globe; use an illustration and details in a text to understand key ideas

about how a pet cat communicates; summarize

• Use vocabulary words that are verbs


Planning and Pacing (continued)

9 S

10 S

11 S

12 S

Reading Time: At the Pumpkin Farm, pp. 24–26 • Share a text about a visit to a pumpkin farm; ask and answer questions about a text • Summarizing

Time for Phonics Write Your Own Story, pp. 27–29 • Practice with initial digraphs • Write a story about a special pumpkin

Reading Time: Planting a Vegetable Garden, pp. 30–31

Word Families Draw and Write About Reading, pp. 32–33 • Practice with the - ink word family • Listen to a read- aloud and draw and write to describe a character

• Share an

informational text about planting a vegetable garden

13 S

14 S

15 S

16 S

Reading Time: Claude: A Little Moose With a Big Heart, pp. 34–36

Time for Phonics Write Your Own Story, pp. 37–39 • Practice with final digraphs ng • Write a new story with a new squirrel character

Reading Time: Oh, No! Words, Words, Words, pp. 40–41 • Share a story about believing a rumor • Use vocabulary words that name character traits

Word Families Reading and Map Skills, pp. 42–43 • Practice with the - unk word family • Learn about Earth’s land and water; use an illustration and details in a text to understand key ideas

• Share a text about a little moose with a big heart; identify problem and solution • Draw and describe story characters

Just for Fun, pages 44–46


4. click 5. crackle 6. quack 7. achoo 8. whoosh 9. squea 10. ding p. 193 A. 1. sail 2. hole 3. sale 4. wrap 5. whole 6. pear B. 1. two 2. knock 3. take 4. skyscraper p. 195 A. 1. row 2. bat 3. ball 4. pitcher, ball 5. sign 6. row B. 1. no 2. yes 3. yes p. 197 1. cowboy 2. drumstick 3. wristwatch 4. sunflower 5. wheelchair 6. toothbrush 7. starfish 8. scarecrow 9. firefly 10. birdhouse p. 199 1. snowflake 2. goldfish 3. headphones 4. wallpaper 5. clothespin 6. greenhouse 7. playground 8. sidewalk 9. grasshopper 10. houseboat p. 201 A. 1. reuse 2. reread 3. untru 4. remake 5. unhappy 6. uns B. 1. story 2. after a trip 3. broken toy 4. crooked 7. acting with care __________________ p. 203 1. singer 2. joyful 3. painter 4. playful 5. baker 6. careful 7. hopeful 8. writer 9. colorfu 10. builder 8. someone who writes a st __________________ 9. having a lot of color __________________ 10. someone who builds a h __________________ I X G B J M H C A R E F U L H S L E P F U P O R E G U L R W A P L A Y F U L K E B A K E R I A O R F D J O Y F U L L T I S I N G E R A R C L I U R E T T N R H O P E F U L L D E R E E T O R F X Y U F U D C X T R R E T R I Q U L B D E C X T L I R G B J M H C T M R F U L H suffix Word Bank careful colorful hopeful joyful baker builder painter singer

E T I G R U M P Y E E W S I L Z U B T F Z A D C O Z Y A I T Y I A Y S L E E P Y S I M P L E X X T G Q U P S S D S S Y S p. 179 A. 1. smile 2. yell 3. frown 4. laugh 5. whisper 6. hide 7. wreck B. 1. weep 2. fix 3. show

p. 167 A. (top to bottom, left to right) 2, 4, 3, 1 B. 2, 4, 1, 3; Sample answers: Kate went to the library. She chose a book from the shelf. She checked out the book from the library. Kate enjoys reading the book. p. 168 A. 1. 2, 4, 3, 1 2. 2, 3, 4, 1 B. 3, 2, 4, 1; Sample answers: Derek and Sara went into the pool. They splashed around. They saw some ducks nearby. The ducks jumped into the pool to play.

Answer Key

Learning Session 2 Page 7: Rhyming Words

Learning Session 7 Page 20: Reading Time: “Cat Chat” communicate, attention, greeting, different, stretches Think About It! Sample answer: Pearl meows to say “hello” or to get attention. She also purrs to show she’s happy and rubs against her owner’s leg to let him know she’s hungry. She also rolls on her back and stretches to show that she trusts her owner. Page 21: Words, Words, Words: Verbs p. 181 light/dark; tiny/huge; bland/spicy; early/late; loud/quiet p. 183 A. 1. take 2. rest 3. creep 4. grab 5. spin 6. turn B. 1. soup 2. eggs 3. park 4. bedroom 6. feel upset Word Bank climb nibble peek 185 verbs 7. jump on pounce scurry stare stretch surprise wiggle worry

2. weep, deep 3. Fred, bread 7. bench, French 8. swift, lift

Read the clues. Write the word next to its clue. Find and circle the word in the puzzle.

Learning Session 3 Page 10: It’s Slinky® Time invented, watched, tumbled, amusing, machine Think About It! Sample answer: p. 169 Sample answers: Writing Purpose: To tell a story about Nate’s eggs. Opening Sentence: Nate’s family has some hens.

1. look for a long time

1. stare 2. nibble 3. wiggle 4. surprise 5. scurry 6. worry 7. pounce 8. peek 9. climb 10. stretch p. 185 1. stare 2. nibble 3. wiggle 4. surprise 5. scurry 6. worry 7. pounce 8. peek 9. climb 10. stretch 8. a quick look 9. go up high 10. spread out

2. eat small bites

He got the idea for the Slinky when he saw a large spring fall off a shelf, roll over a table, and tumble to the floor. Page 11: Words, Words, Words: Synonyms p. 175 A. 1. glide 2. wish 3. keep 4. shut 5. argue 6. exit B. 1. slip 2. creep 3. wind 4. face Learning Session 4 Page 12: Word Families Sentences in Order: Each morning Nate goes to the henhouse. He collects eggs. Nate’s mother cooks the eggs. Nate eats fresh eggs for breakfast. p. 170 Answers will vary. p. 171 Answers will vary.

3. move around

4. shock or startle

5. run away

Read the clues. Write the word next to its clue. Find and circle the word in the puzzle.


8 a p h y enudoscenc x a h i g z u n v l l p q c a p j a m a g m a p w b i p t p -ap (page 11) Learning Session 10 Page 27: Time for Phonics: Initial Digraphs 1. th 4. sh 2. sh 5. ch 3. ch 6. th cukhervand z t g w f a n l b m m a n j s t x i p q o w z r i y c g a e y l x a b k a v n f qjhndpnosu -an (page 9) n z o yhqwawcejc testdeqsgh l i f u z s k t h e g n a b c t f i x s domvrestut -est Learning Session 8 Page 22: Word Families p. 187 1. gaze 2. crawl 3. fasten 4. sprinkle 5. scoot 6. yank 7. twist 8. soar 9. flutter 10. fade Puzzle answer: action word w a g l t y n u p d v o k j a x i m b q ecnhgfvtar m f p s u l z o g e j ragqawhck z b y i x g s n a g -ag (page 7) 1. someone who sings __________________ 3. someone who paints __________________ 4. acting in a fun way __________________ g sverbkdatu m q l c w e l l o b e n l u h p m i c e l f s h e l l k z l l o t i d j q r n l -ell (page 16) b s k f t l gjefzpvuds c h i n r i q y o p w p k u d n f l s i i a q m x s e g k n -in (page 22) b r i c k e b c v k smhzpwahj i i d l i c k n i e c cyjwogucfk knubvmhkxa 2. feeling joy ____________ q o r s t i c k d l -ick (page 20) h a y p v f e l l k p v e s t l

6. feeling hope ___________ -en (page 17) a m p e l d q o g e i v k n b y c o x u h e c z k i o j e v r u w e y l m t a q v x n e -et (page 19) h t d k w u b e i x c t g n a v l r h p i g w -ig (page 21) -ing (page 23 p o f t s u d i b n r n e g

Answer Key

p. 172 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A VOCABULARY p. 175 A. 1. glide 2. wish 3. keep 4. shut 5. argue 6. exit B. 1. slip 2. creep 3. wind 4. face

5. someone who makes a cake __________________

Learning Session 6 Page 17: Vowel Sounds 1. e 4. a 2. a 5. i 3. e 6. u r l d f x s t a m p kavcbcuwhn omehyajkgf t p s a l m r a m p yugmepnbo i j z i p c l a m p v -amp (page 8) pbwefcmsgj tackoruteq dvnzhagawu hexsmcjcda s a c k l k p k n c y f i b a c k r z k -ack


f e q h a n d i b r a n d v c l

h r z y

s i w l s t a n d b axpacuqgpa nmvnojwhon

MATH Teacher Resources and Answer Key GRADE 2

Planning and Pacing

Each session may be accomplished in one day. If a session takes longer, just complete it the next day. Pacing is flexible, and you may adapt it to meet the needs of the children. Sessions Overview: Grade 2, Volume 1

1 S

2 S

3 S

4 S

Math and Science Time: Cutest Little Thief, pp. 9–12

Math Time: Tiny Blue Baxter, pp. 4–6

Do the Math!, pp. 7–8

Do the Math! Additional Practice, p. 13

• Share a story about a girl who gets a pet fish that grows and grows; to talk about size • Compare and order numbers

• Practice skip counting by 5s and 10s • Recognize odd and even numbers

• Find out how scientists study squirrel behavior • Use a grid and map key

• Add 1- and 2-digit numbers

5 S

6 S

7 S

8 S

Math Time: The Ten Suns, pp. 14–16

Do the Math!, pp. 17–18

Math and Science Time: Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?, pp. 19–22 • Learn about the science of stripes by seeing an experiment with zebras • Create a graph and use it

Do the Math! Additional Practice, p. 23

• Share a folktale about why there is only one sun in the sky; to count to tell the number • Understand place value of tens and ones

• Write a number that is 10 more or 10 less • Match numbers to number words

• Understand place value; add and subtract with tens; add sums of money


Planning and Pacing (continued)

9 S

10 S

11 S

12 S

Math Time: Think About Size!, p p. 24–26

Do the Math!, pp. 27–28

Math and Science Time: Working With Pandas, pp. 29–32 • See how a scientist learns to calm a baby panda • Use information from a chart to answer questions

Do the Math! Additional Practice, p. 33 • Use addition or subtraction to solve a problem

• Share an

• Add and subtract 2-digit numbers • Use addition or subtraction to solve a problem

informational text about the sizes of dogs; to talk about size and weight

• Identify odd numbers

13 S

14 S

15 S

16 S

Math Time: Thank you, Suki!, pp. 34–36 • Share a story about a girl who likes to be kind; to talk about shapes • Identify shapes by the number of sides and/or corners

Math and Science Time: Making Crayons, pp. 39–42 • Find out how crayons are made • Use a timeline to answer questions

Do the Math!, pp. 37–38

Catalog Fun, pp. 43–45

• Use shapes to create images • Use data to create a graph and use it

• Locate information and see how numbers are used in a catalog

Just for Fun, p. 46



2. 8 hundreds 7 tens 3. 4 hundreds 5 tens 4. 7 hundreds 4 tens 5. 9 hundreds 9 tens 7. 7 hundreds 16 tens 8. 1 hundred 15 tens 9. 3 hundreds 13 tens 10. 8 hundreds 1 ten

sure umber?

20 60 20 80 70 40 70 100

347 481 798 809 532 960

p. 229 l 6 l 6 = m ♥ = s s s s Answer Key


50 30 70 30 30 20 80 60 90 80 60 70 30 30 20 50 30 50

733 138 908 527 646 459

Adding 2-Digit Numbers With Regrouping




answer Key

Playful Pup


Practice Page 33: Playful Pup ripped up Davy’s addition homework! To help Davy put his problems back together, find the sum for each equation. Then draw a line to the torn piece of paper that has the matching sum. Use the back of the page to show how you got your answers.

246 273 148 624 565 809 480 800 967


p. 266 Practice Page 27: Answers will vary. Check students’ work. Practice Page 28: 1. 99 2. 48 3. 29 4. 67 Practice Page 29: 1. 48 24 24 14 10 14 9 5 5 9 5 4 1 4 5 2 3 1 0 4 1 2. 49 27 22 14 13 9 6 8 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 0 3 3. 116 58 58 30 28 30 15 15 13 17 6 9 6 7 10 1 5 4 2 5 5 0 1 4 0 2 3 2 4. 106 46 60 21 25 35 11 10 15 20 7 4 6 9 11 5 2 2 4 5 6 3 2 0 2 2 3 3 p. 268 900 700 500 600 900 700 443 852 463 752 Learning Session 4 Page 13: To the Top Date A Cool Swim If the answer is Color the space Help each penguin get to the iceberg. Find the answer to each problem. 6 26 14 16 18 20 skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s 2 4 8 10 12 28 38 40 42 46 48 50

Practice Page 21: 1. 905 2. 797





Learning Session 1 Page 6: Comparing and ordering numbers

5 3 + 2 9

2 6 + 2 5

4 5 + 1 7

787 791 881 764 673 684

3. 1,200 4. 1,491 5. 1,601 Quick Review

p. 260 345 432

p. 253






3 8 + 1 6

7 8 + 1 8

628 626 849 739 916 836

< > > < > <



487 914 896 502

1. 25 2. 23 3. 27 Practice Page 22: medium roar B-10, E-14, U-20, N-12, I-26, L-30, D-38, O-50, R-42, F-18, M-24, A-16 Practice Page 23: Date Colorful Calico If the answer is between Color the space Black Orange Brown Blue 0 and 25 26 and 50 51 and 75 76 and 100 Find the answer to each problem.



1. 30, 35, 55, 70 2. 60, 62, 67, 70 3. 73, 105, 162, 200 4. 72, 54, 45, 27 5. 59, 49, 39, 29 6. 520, 250, 105, 55 p. 231 Odd Numbers: 25, 33, 41, 47, 89 Even Numbers: 6, 52, 78, 80, 94 1. 30, 35, 55, 70 2. 60, 62, 67, 70 3. 73, 105, 162, 200 p. 230 1. Odd 2. Even 3. Even 4. Odd 5. Even 6. Odd Doubling Numbers to 100 Name 23 Color Key



p. 267 300 600 700 900 300 500 600 900 97

p. 261 1. 5 hundreds 4 tens 2 ones 2. 7 hundreds 8 tens 5 ones 3. 3 hundreds 6 tens 9 ones 4. 8 hundreds 0 tens 4 ones 5. 2 hundreds 1 tens 7 ones 6. 4 hundreds 3 tens 0 ones 7. 378 8. 439 9. 990 10. 561 11. 611 12. 105 240








Adding 3-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping


8 8 10

p. 254 1. 29 2. 72 3. 22 4. 62 p. 255 1. 54 2. 4 cards 3. 5 chickens and 4 cows 4. 72, 54, 45, 27 5. 59, 49, 39, 29 6. 520, 250, 105, 55 Learning Session 2 Page 7: Numbers and Operations Answers will vary. 40 + 40 21 + 21 O 14 + 14 O 45 + 45 44 + 44 11 + 11 Bk 49 + 49 B 37 + 37 Br p. 233 8 31 + 31 Br 33 + 33 Br 16 + 16 10 + 10 38 + 38 B B B B O



500 200 500 300 500 400 800 700 900 600 400 900 300 100 400 300 300 500 Color Key

39 Slither and Slide

100 Math Practice

Practice Page 34: the letter m

Find the answer to each problem.

E-245, N-467, R-586, T-368, A L-342, B-553, F-445, D-257, H Practice Page 35: If the answer is between Color the spa Purple Blue Green 100 and 400 400 and 700 700 and 1,000 p. 244 1. 48 2. 76 3. 50 4. 81 5. 33 6. 64 7. 2 + 2 8. thirty 9. 74 10. 1 ten 8 ones 100 + 111 P 474 + 501 G 333 + 345 B 872 + 114 G

16 13 13 counting to 30 st

p. 240 Count by 2s to connect the dots.

p. 262 1. 635 2. 814 3. 572 4. 390 5. 423 6. 709

counting to 30

18 + 18 O 16 12 18 10 14 Bk

12 + 12 Bk

9 + 9

26 + 26 Br

p. 256 1. 48 2. 100 3. 85 4. 26, 32; 65, 76 29 + 29 Br

7. 700 + 30 + 4 8. 200 + 90 + 1 9. 500 + 60 + 8 10. 400 + 30 + 9 11. 600 + 80 + 6 12. 300 + 50 + 2 Adding 1- and 2-Digit Numbers With and Without Regrouping Name 30 30 32 34 36 44


256 + 243 B


8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18

207 + 142 P

24 + 24 O

524 + 173 B 6. 60 7. 78 8. 42 10. 50 + 6 11. 40 + 7 12. 30 + 5 13. 60 685 + 213 G p. 245 2. 81 3. 26 4. 93 5. 57 255 + 121 P

Page 8: Odd and even numbers 29

p. 257 1. 8 2. 32 3. 700 4. 216 5. 6. 7. 8. Count by hundreds. 100, _________ , 300, _________ , _________ , p. 232 12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 odd odd even even even odd even odd odd even p. 258 200, 400, 500, 700, 800, 900 600, _________ , _________ , _________ , 1,000 Write all the missing numbers. 600, _________ , _________ , _________ , 1,000 Write all the missing numbers. Write all the missing numbers. 158 158 169 169 388 388 392 392 160 160 159 161 163 165 167 159 161 163 165 167 171 171 162 162 166 168 170 166 168 170 389 389 390 390 394 396 398 400 402 394 396 398 400 402 391 393 395 391 393 395 399 401 399 401 Count by hundreds. 100, _________ , 300, _________ , _________ , Write all the missing numbers. Practice Page 24: 1. 32* 2. 29 3. 48* 9 5 4. 47 5. 55 6. 58* 7. 29 8. 38* 9. 68* 10. 68* 6 7 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 p. 234

100 Math Practice Pages, Grade 2 © 2015 • Scholastic Teaching Resources







p. 263




271 + 318 B

258 258

858 777 898 697 989 789 24 22


483 742 791 p. 246 64

473 762 691 93


number sequences



number sequences

192 + 107 P


Color Key

Practice Page 30: 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 21 + 9 30 + 0 Yellow Green Blue 30 40 50

483 + 315 G




Skip count aloud by 5s. Write each number you say.

41 54 87


172 172 14 13 15 19 16 18 1. 8 2. 13 3. 12 4. 11

431 473 320 222 433 710

p. 269 5, 10, _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , 100



100 Math Practice Pages, Grade 2 © 2

Practice Page 36: 1. (From left to right) 860, 780 990 , 790 2. (From left to right) 787, 791 684 Practice Page 37: micro-chips O-512, C-455, B-613, A-334, P I-403, H-315, L-627, S-351, R-5 Practice Page 38: 1. 341 2. 1,083 50 90 170 70 80 130 67 78 89 97 69 69 22 43 39 31 41 36

38 + 2 33 + 7 36 + 4 23 + 17 G G G G Learning Session 5 Page 16: Smart Practice Place Value: tens and ones Y Y

795 757 929 849 658 989

25 27 29



p. 264 1. 20 2. 600 3. 700 4. 9 5. 3 6. 80 7. 336 8. 274 9. 108 10. 925 11. 454 12. 668 32 + 43 40 + 0 52 + 0 11 + 51 G Skip count by 10s to 100. p. 241 32 58

25 27 29

164 164 1 1. 79 12. 49 13. 57 14. 17 15. 29 16. 35 Practice Page 25: experi-mints A-49, R-38, E-19, D-16, T-27, X-14, S-47, I-26, P-35, L-42, M-29, N-37 Practice Page 26: 397 397 p. 235 1. 5 2. 9 3. 14 4. 4 5. 10 6. 7 7. 17 8. 3 403 403 p. 236 8 2 1 6 7 2 3 3 4




28 30

Solve It: 599 fans


28 30

p. 247

22 + 8 10, ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ Y


44 + 6 22 + 28


p. 270


28 + 2 Y Y Y 15 + 15 23 + 7


30 + 20 16 + 10

37 138 83 983 255 790

42 + 22 35 + 16 45 31 28 67 79 50 B

9 10 14 15

10 + 60

26 + 24 14 + 29

Count back by 100. Count back by 100. 843, 743, 643, 543, 443, 343, 243, 143 943, _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , 943, _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , 43 _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ , 43 Learning Session 3 Page 12: Map of Nuts


Solve It: The numbers outside the circle have the greater sum; 36

36 4 tens 5 ones 8 tens 9 ones 25 + 25 7 tens 2 ones B B

11 + 39 33 + 33 9 tens 0 ones


50 + 0 35 + 15

100 Math Practice Pages, Grade 2 © 2015 • Scholastic Teaching Resources 6 tens 3 ones 3 tens 1 ones

3. 800 4. 805 5. 761 p. 248 2. 6 tens 1 one 3. 3 tens 8 on 4. 5 tens 4 ones 5. 7 tens 3 on 6. 8 tens 7 ones 8. 4 tens 16 o 9. 1 ten 17 ones 10. 3 tens 14 ones 11. 5 tens 13 ones 12. 8 tens 11 ones 6. 1,029 7. 1,149 8. 662 9. 1,089

Practice Page 31: 20+2 9+10 5+4 18+3 35+5 4+9 44 + 6 22 + 15 41 + 8 62 + 8 34 + 17 28 + 2 13 + 1 43 + 3 66 + 5 33 + 1 44 + 9 52 + 6 52 + 3 38 + 6 88 + 11 12 + 4 27 + 6 21 + 9 39 + 22 17 + 7 8 + 2 10 + 53 62 + 45 55 + 11 71 + 24 55 + 34 28 + 19 82 + 17 29 + 36 99 + 1 Practice Page 32: p. 242 16 45 87 218 364 493 374 645 721 517 892 956 3

1. B3 2. C3 3. the park bench 4. C1

1. 77 2. 89 3. 79 4. 97 5. 65 6. 68 7. 59 8. 98 9. 78


8 9 7

8 9 5



p. 237

p. 249

37 49 54 78 81 100

49 76 354 440 702 125 582 857 304 410 908

84 91 90 85 122 147

10. 87 11. 89 12. 69

1. 67, 78, 89, 97, 69 , 69 2. 84, 91, 90, 85, 122, 147


number words


73 38 89 57 66 45

Write in number form.

100 Math Practice Pages, Grade 2 © 2015 • Sch 17 49 26 37 36 27

108 ___________




Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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