Dual Comp Faculty Onboarding Binder 2022

Wellness Resources for UC-COM Faculty

The vision of the UC-COM Faculty Wellness Advisory Council To be a culture that promotes meaningful work and personal well-being for UC-COM faculty. The mission of the UC-COM Faculty Wellness Advisory Council To empower UC-COM faculty to engage in meaningful work and personal well-being Components of the UC-COM Faculty Well-being Framework Purpose and Professional Development Camaraderie/Community Health (Physical, Emotional, Financial) Control/Autonomy Working Environment Security/Support (Physical and Psychological)

Introduction to the UC-COM Faculty Wellness Advisory Council Faculty well-being is essential to create a productive environment and to model behaviors that promote well- being in our learners. The UC-COM Faculty Wellness Advisory Council was created to advise the UC-COM Dean on the best ways to measure/assess current burden of burnout and faculty well-being, create a central repository of ongoing burnout mitigation efforts across the UC-COM, and eventually recommend new burnout and well-being programs that are locally relevant and fill gaps in our current efforts. The following list was created to collect existing resources for wellness and burnout mitigation for UC-COM faculty. The first page of the list provides a list of local, regional and national mental health resources for UC- COM faculty. The second page contains resources have been organized based on the UC-COM well-being framework components. The resource list will be reviewed and updated by the UC-COM Faculty Wellness Advisory Council.

Last update: 06.03.2022 Owner: Angela Doud

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