King's Business - 1937-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1937

When We Are Tired M atthew 11:28-30 Memory Verse: “ The Lord is good to all” (Psa. 145:9). Approach: We have been talking about God’s great commandment of love. Over and over again in the Bible we read that

Evangelize Russia! That is our aim! To witness for Christ throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. To proclaim the glorious Gospel to millions of Russians living in the Soviet border countries. Hundreds of eager young missionaries are waiting to be sent into the wide Russian fields . . . and Bibles and Christian literature are wanted on every side by Gospel-hungry multitudes. This is the oldest Evangelical mission work among Russians . . . and we are also carrying on the work among the people of sixteen additional countries. Our offices are located in all the leading nations of the world. We earnestly seek your support in our tads of aiding these stricken brethren. RUSSIAN M IS SIO N A R Y SOCIETY, INC. MISS M. E. FETLER, General Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St. Chicago, III. Send for magazine " The Friend of Russians” High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares you for entrance to college. Standard H. S. texts supplied— Diploma. Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Single sub­ jects if desired. High school education is very important for ad­ vancement in business and industry and socially. Don't be handi­ capped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your _ training now. Free Bulletin on request. No obligation. ^American School, Dpt. H-835 Drcxel at 58th, Chicago 5000 S Ï Ï WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, Scrip­ ture calendars, beautiful new KRYSTAL Plax and velvet Scripture mottoes, Scripture Greeting: Cards. Good Commission. Send for free catalog: and price list. GEORGE W . NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C Monon Bide. CHICAGO, ILL. Claude A. Watson ATTORNEY AT LAW H IGH LAND PARK SECURITY BUILDING 5603 North Figueroa Street LOS ANGELES Albany 0155 WILLYOUWEARTHIS SUIT and Make up to $12ina Da Let me send you this fine all-wool union tail­ ored suit Free of Cost. Just follow my easy plan and show the suit to your friends. Make up to $12 in a day easily. No experience^— no canvassing necessary. Send for Samples —Free of Cost. Write today for Free de­ tails. Actual Samples and "sure-fire” money getting plans. Send no money. H. J. Collin, PROGRESS TAILORING CO,* Dept. Y-128, 500 South Throop Street Chicago, III. I N S U R A N C E A L L LINES “ Since 1900" MINES, MacKEIGAN & CO. Pershing Square Bldg. 148 S. Hill St. Phene V A 7102 Los Angeles, Calif.

we are to love God and to love one an­ other. W e have talked about how this isn’t always an easy thing to do. It isn’t always easy to love God. It is very often easier to love the things of the world. It isn’t always easy to love other people,

as possible, two very small such as those used for darning cotton, and three of vary­ ing average sizes.) Lesson: I brought a whole family with me this morning. As soon as you see them, you will be able to tell what their last name is. This is Mrs. Spool and the twins, Betty and Bernice. Mrs. Spool and the twins are Christians, having accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. We will cover them with this red cloth to remind us that in the sight of God a Christian is protected by the blood of Christ—by His death for the sins of those who receive Him. Bill and Bob were older than the twins, and they thought they were too big to be Christians. They said that it was all right for their mother and for Betty and Ber­ nice, but they themselves were not in­ terested. This is Sam Spool, a still older brother. He has been away from home, and has re­ turned with some black sins clinging to him. (Before the lesson, take one of the black cords, fold at the middle, and push through this spool. When the fold extends through the spool a short distance, fold the other cord and push folded tip of the loop through the loop of the first cord for about a half inch. Then pull the first cord back into the spool, bringing the second cord with it, concealing the bent tip of the second loop. The cord should be large enough to fit the hole in the spool snugly. In appearance, two cords run straight through the spool.) These two black cords represent drink­ ing and gambling. When Sam arrived home and found that his brothers Bill and Bob had not accepted Christ, it was an easy thing for Him to get them to drink and gamble. W e will thread these two brothers on the cords, on each side of Sam. Sin not only catches, but it binds those that it has caught. We will take the ends of the cord and tie the three “ Spool” brothers together, showing how sin binds. What can free these spools, caught and bound by sin? The answer is found in ' Isaiah 45:22: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” As I place this red cloth, which reminds us of the blood of Christ, over these spools, they are freed from sin which binds them. (Run the knot through a slit in the red cloth and allow some child to hold it. Slip the center spool toward one side, allowing the cord to be unlooped, and the spools to fall to the floor. With your hands still under the cloth, shift the loops so that you can show a complete circle of two parallel cords.) See, the knot is still tied, and you saw that I did not cut the cord, and yet the spools are free. Christ can free those who are bound by cords of sin.

even our best friends. Very often it is easier to love ourselves. But God has made us a precious promise which will help us when we are tired and need to remember that it is better to love God and others rather than ourselves. Lesson Story: “ Come unto me,” the Lord Jesus said to His followers, “ all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What did Jesus mean by this? In the country of Palestine, donkeys were used to carry burdens. These little animals worked in the fields, they carried passengers back and forth over the roads, and they carried the heavy loads. When Jesus looked around and saw His followers trying so hard to obey Him by loving God with all their heart and their neighbors as themselves, they seemed to Him like these little donkeys who were hard at work all about Him. What a difference a good master made to these little animals! A good master arranged the load carefully on their backs so that their backs would not be chafed. The burden that he laid on was light enough for them to carry. Or if they were plowing, the good master fastened the yoke on so that there was no strain. Jesus knew that His followers needed His help just as the little donkeys needed the help of a good master. How could His fol­ lowers get His help? They were just to ask for it. That is the way we can get it, too. “ Ask and ye shall receive.”

Object Lesson T h e S pool F a m il y

Objects: Six spools, two pieces of soft black cord about a yard long, and a piece of red cloth. (One spool should be as large

“ Prove me now herewith — ” DOES TITH ING PAY? If Interested, Write for Leaflet (Free) “ Why Cheat Yourself” FIELD DEPARTMENT The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 SO. HOPS STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

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