King's Business - 1937-11


November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

nitely declared that there would be no peace for such men (Matt. 10:34-36). Peace, during the present age, is an individual and spiritual matter, promised only to those who are justified by faith in Christ (Rom. 5:1). It is only such men in whom God “ is well pleased” (Lk. 2:14, R.V.). If the alternative reading of the passage is fol­ lowed, then it should be understood only in the limited sense that during the present age God is only extending peace and good will "toward men.” Men must accept it in order to possess peace. Of the others it must be said: “There is no peace . . . to the wicked” (Isa. 57:21). And every man who rejects Christ is “ wicked.” There is coming another age when, under the reign of Christ, peace will be enforced among men and nations. He will rule vtith a rod of iron. Bethlehem brings to us not only the assur­ ance and certainty of faith, but also a re­ newed sense of the presence of Jesus. What greater joy can come to us this Christmas time than to know that Jesus is ours! A little boy had a new baby brother born in his home. Every day that this little lad went to school, he had to tell his teacher something new about the baby. One day he told his teacher about the baby’s hands and feet, and another day he told about the baby’s lovely eyes. One day the teacher said to the little boy, “Johnnie, what is the best thing that you know about that little baby brother of yours ?” Almost as quick as a flash, the boy re­ plied, “The best thing I know about him, Teacher, is, ‘he’s all mine!” ’ Happy we are, when we come to Bethle­ hem, if we can say: Christ is mine and I am His.— L ewis K east . Memory Verse: “Thou shalt call his name J esus : for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). ■ Approach: Next Saturday we are going to celebrate the birth of a wonderful Baby. Yes, of course you know that the day I am talking about is Christmas, the day on which we think especially about the com­ Golden Text Illustration L uke 2:11 When Jesus Came L uke 2:1-20

a great sin, and this sin separated them from the presence of God and from their friendship with Him. There was only one way that they’ could get back into His presence, and that was for their sin to be taken away, their sin and all of the marks of it. They couldn’t do it themselves. It is just as it is when you are writing on a piece of paper and make a mistake. You can rub it out, perhaps, but it still leaves a mark. The only way to get rid of it is to take a fresh piece of paper and to put the fresh paper in place of the old. This is what the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, made possible for Adam and Eve and all of the rest of the people on this earth. He took our place, dying for us and then living again, so that if we are willing to take what He did for us, we may come back into God’s


Ä i S O U T H L A N D H O T E L MRS. R. A. GREEN Proprietor 605 SOUTH FLOWER STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF. One block west of Bible Institute Soliciting the business of particular Christians f M T t h OR I G INA L HIM Vi/POEMS, SONGS For Immediate Consideration. Send Poems to Columbian Music Publishers Ltd. Dept. 192, Toronto, Can.


[Continued on page 442]

A t left is one of. the smaller A.S.S.U. cotton camp Union Sunday Schools. Below is a plank chapel in which numer­ ous evangelistic meetings are conducted and many con­ versions have occurred. Our “ Cotton Camp Evangelist ” sdicited the funds , and did nearly all the work himself.

The Tallest Cotton— O F the United States-—do you realize that it grows in arid Arizona? And do you know that the tallest men and women spiritually may grow from the boys and girls o f the cotton camp section if we reach them soon with the W ord o f God? About eight years ago, Buckeye Valley was reclaimed by irrigation from a dry cactus desert and became one o f the most fertile cotton-growing sections o f the Southwest. Here hundreds o f cotton picking families migrate from eastern cotton states, many o f them remaining the year round. They live in tents and shacks. A t nearly every little cross-roads store liquor is sold and single men and women o f immoral tenden­ cies are a menace to the boys and girls o f these camps. Through its district superintendent, the A.S.S.U. has established cotton camp evangelism. Tents and chapel buildings in some instances have been provided by the cotton growers. M any conver­ sions have taken place among the young and some needed relief work is going forward.

The Arizona cotton camps are but one instance where wide­ awake A.S.S.U. missionaries are entering opening doors. The youth of unreached rural America, is our chosen field. Evangelical in purpose, non- sectarian in method, and true to the Word of God, for more than a century we have car­ ried on this aggressive and needed evangelism. Our or­ ganization covers the nation . Heaven alone will reveal the tremendous results in eternal values. Your church or Sunday School class could choose no nobler missionary project. $12.50 annually establishes a class, $25.00 maintains a Sunday School, $50.00 annually sup­ ports work in an unreached community, and $100.00 in a county. $1200.00 annually supports an a'ctive A.S.S.U. missionary. For full informa­ tion, address —

ing of our Lord Jesus Christ. People give gifts at Ch ristm as time to show their, love for each other. Christians do this in r e m e m b r a n c e of Jesus, who was God’s love-gift to the world. Lesson Story: T o­ day we are going to tell the story of how

AMERICAN- Sunday School Union

DEPARTM EN T OF MISSIONS, K -ll-37 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I wish to sponsor the work of the A. S. S. U. with the unreached millions of Rural America. Enclosed find $ _____to be used for______ _____ _______ ( ) Send your quarterly Field Magazine -—- “ The Sun-

< V v i s » o *

Jesus separated Himself from His Father and came down to earth to live among men. Think of what it meant to leave the pres­ ence of God to do this! Why did the Lord Jesus want to do it? This is a long story, and the beginning o f it is back at the beginning of the Bible itself. Soon after God made Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, they sinned

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day School Missionary”

( ) Mail your Booklet on Annuities. ( ) Send Sample Sunday School Literature.

N am e_______ _____________ _______: ___ |___ _____ _______ Address _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ■______ _________ ] _______ C ity ___;________________________ S ta te______ __ ^ ^ W ITH CH RIST ALONG THE OLD B A C K ROAD PION EER S U N D A Y S C H O O L O R G A N IZ A T IO N OF THE U. S. A.


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