King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

will be satisfied if it gets certain things. Here is a picture of a pair of skates. But the skates do not fill the heart. The heart soon swallows them, and is looking for something else. (A flap in the heart will allow the pictures to fall from sight be­ hind the cardboard.) A girl’s heart tells her that it will be satisfied if she can get a new doll. Here is the doll, but it, too, fails to fill the heart. The deceitful heart is soon looking for something else. The same thing happens when the heart tries to satisfy itself with these other things that I am giving to it. The heart would still be dissatisfied, even though one should get everything that the eye could see. Here is a satisfied heart. What is in it? It is a picture of the Lord Jesus. He said: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). This heart has not tried to be satisfied with mere things, but has opened its door to a Person. You will notice that it is filled with sunshine. The rays of sunshine do not stop with the heart, but radiate to those around it. Boys and girls, do not let a deceitful heart tell you that it will be satisfied with things. Christ is the only One that can satisfy. Accept Him as your own Saviour, and His peace will fill your life.

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[Continued from page 439] Can you help tell me the story of the night when the Lord Jesus came into the world ?

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Object Lesson T he S atisfied H eart

Objects: Various pictures clipped from magazines, and two hearts painted on cardboard, one black, and one with a picture of Christ in it. Lesson: How many of you girls would like a pretty doll for Christmas? Would any of you boys like a new bicycle? Yes, I am sure you would. As we draw near to Christmas, we are in danger of giv­ ing all of our thought to things rather than to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible warns us that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). This black heart is a good illustration of the unsaved heart. It is black to re­ mind us of sin. The heart says that it Lesson Text: Phil. 1:12-26. Golden Text: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). Outline and Exposition I. C onsecration to th e L ord ’ s P rogram ( 12 - 20 ) C ONSECRATION” describes God’s side in an important spiritual experi­ ence while “surrender” tells of man’s side of the same transaction. God alone can consecrate, and He does consecrate what­ ever is surrendered to Him, whether it be material things or the persons of believers. In this lesson there is an excellent picture of what surrender really means. The program that is set before the be­ liever is to make Christ known throughout the world, and surrender to that program brings rejoicing as the program is fulfilled. Paul could rejoice even in his bonds if the bearing of them furthered the divine pro­ gram (vs. 12, 13). He called them “ bonds in Christ,” never admitting that he was a

DECEMBER 26, 1937 CHRISTIAN CONSECRATION M ark 1:16-20; P h ilippia n s , C h apter 1

prisoner of Roman authorities, but declar­ ing he was the prisoner of Christ. Hence the enemy actually was defeated although seemingly victorious. Paul’s bonds in Christ were the agency through which the knowl­ edge of Christ was brought into a sphere which otherwise would be closed to Paul’s preaching. Unbound, he could never hope to gain audience through that whole castle. But when Satan succeeded in having this man shut up in the prison, the Holy Spirit BLACKBOARD LESSON

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