King's Business - 1937-11

Share with Your Friends “The King’s Business” for 1938 Seven Departments (or more) in each issue. . . Stimulating Articles . . . Stories for the Fam ily Circle . . . Suggestions for the Effective Teacher, Preacher, Soul-Winner . . . . .

messages in the hands and hearts of those whom they desire to reach with a spiritual message. Nearly 30,000 Chris­ tians from time to time have availed themselves of the attractive c l u b offers of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Under t h i s convenient plan, you can: enroll a group of friends' for half the usual sub­ scription price (or less, in groups o f ten ); or, should you so desire, you may by merely showing the magazine in your immediate circle, and by collecting t h e regular a n n u a l - subscription price o f $1.50, earn a substantial sum for the C h r i s t m a s holidays. Study the simple sub­ scription offer on the opposite page. Send for samples and other sup­ plies. Or, better still, mail us a list of the friends to whom you would like to have us send sample copies. Cooperation o f Every Reader Desired I f you know and love T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , will you not recommend it to others? Make T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s your business for the next few months.

T h r o u g h o u t T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s , the s ta g g e r in g need f o r Ch ild E vang e lism in America is emphasized. Probably no o t h e r monthly m agazine in America devotes as much attention to the setting f o r t h of God-honored m e t h o d s for winning boys and girls to the Saviour, as does THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS. Would you win children for C h r i s t ? THE KING’S BUSINESS will help you! Pastors, missionaries, a n d personal workers say they c a n n o t do without it. T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s is an interna­ tional publication, mailed monthly to all the great m i s s i o n fields o f the world. Its messages are translated into m a n y l a n g u a g e s and are passed on eagerly from group to waiting group. It is like a letter from home to weary mission­ aries. Moreover, for any Christian, T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s is an effective aid in spiritual warfare. Every issue is a gospel issue. On almost every page, there is a word to the unsaved, the care­ less, and the indifferent —all attractively a n d prayerfully presented.

Symposium on Prophecy By LOU IS S. BA U M A N and Others "In a day like this, it is a privilege and a kindness above any of which we feel worthy, to have the editorial management of a maga­ zine so far-reaching in its message and its in­ fluence as THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS, ask us to continue for the sixth year to write of the wonderful prophecies of the wonderful Word as they are now being fulfilled to the ¡oy of all who have eyes to see."— Louis S. Bauman. Writers who are at once students of

Scripture and of current events, and who are well qualified to discuss from the Bible viewpoint such subjects as the Present European Crisis, the Revival of the Roman Empire, the Sino-Japanese Conflict, and the Outlook in Palestine, will join the growing number of distinguished' contributors to THE KING'S BUSINESS in 1938. How the faithful prophets of God, whose eyes peered with unerring vision far into the future, would rejoice just to be alive in this, our day I How Ezekiel— knowing the final outcome— would rejoice as he would see old Gog, with his fists raised against God, marshaling his forces for the last fatal march in his last fight in the Valley of Hamon-gog (3 9 :1 1 )1 How Daniel’ s heart would thrill with excitement as he would see “ the king of the south” mustering his forces, preparing for the inevitable “ push” at the willful king— the Antichrist himself, while “ the king of the north” is doing exactly the same thing (11 :3 6 -4 5 )1 How well he would understand the present situation in Ethiopa and Egypt, know­ ing full well that when the “ war of the great day of God” (Rev. 16:14, R .V .), which is Armageddon, is over, Anti­ christ and all his forces will “ come to his end, and none shall help him” (Dan. 11:45) 1 Send this prophetic series to your friends. A subscription entered NOW, at the'special subscription rate of 75 cento through club organizers (or a club of ten for $7 .00) will bring to you ALL the articles in the Prophetic Symposium.

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' Ruling Number 73, State Board o f Equaliza­ tion o f California, requires publication o f the follow ing notice: W ithin the State o f California the subscrip­ tion price fo r single subscriptions or in clubs o f 2 to 9, under the above offer is 73 cents plus 2 cents sales tax, or 75 cents in all. In club3 o f 10 or more, 68 cents plus 2 cents tax, or 70 cents in all. Remit same amount fo r State o f California as elsewhere.

Club Offers Popular T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s has never been sold for profit. It is priced solely to serve —with a view particularly to reaching those who otherwise would be without an evangelical publication. More than 12,000 copies are given away

each month, not only by the publishers, and by the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles (for which it is the official or­ gan), but also by a veritable a/rmy of earnest Christians who use this maga­ zine as a convenient and inexpensive way for placing twelve monthly gospel EVELYN M. McCLUSKY, youth’s friend and confidante. . . . Into short stories she pours the winsomeness of heavenly grace. . . . VANCE HAVNER, among the most popular of modern writers on devotional themes. . . . With a pastor’s heart, he dis­ cusses in THE ICING’S BUSINESS “ The Peril of ‘Adjusting’ the Scriptures.” . . . HERBERT LOCKYER, one of England’s most prominent Bible expositors, appealing­ ly magnifies Christ. . . . It is “ The Christ of Christmas” to whom he points reverently in the December KING’S BUSINESS. . . . W . GRAHAM SCROGGIE, Scotland’s peer­ less preacher, clears away misconceptions in his masterful “What Is Christianity?”

Evelyn M. McClusky

Vance Havner

Herbert Lockyer

W . Graham Scroggie

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