King's Business - 1937-11


November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

perils of any kind. But, while personal de­ sire pulled him toward heaven and the Lord he loved, he could not forget the present duty toward his converts at Philippi. If he could be used further to advance their faith, then he was ready “to abide in the flesh” for their sakes.

Christianity and Anti-Christianity In Their Final Conflict By SAMUEL J. ANDREWS Covers completely the teachings of Scriptures respecting the Anti-Christ, the Falling Away of the Church, and the Tendencies of the Present Day in Preparing the Way of the Anti-Christ. “ Pastors, missionaries, Sunday School teachers and social workers, hear with me if I say, you must read this book," are the earnest words of the late Dr. James M. Gray of blessed memory. “ No one who has the responsibility of leadership can afford to he uninformed of these momentous facts,“ writes E. R. Hooper, M. D., of Ethiopia. ORDER TODAY—ONLY $1.25 This outstanding hook is written by a Bible student of exceptional insight, and a prophet for these trying days. The future is luminous with meaning. No one can afford to be ignorant of the signs of the times! Attractive cloth binding; 358 pages, including index; two-color dust jacket of striking design. Reduced price, $1.25, postpaid. Order today! If not satisfied, your money refunded. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n, 810 N. Wells St., Chicago

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Golden Text Illustration P h il ip p ia n s 1:21

The Standard Oil Company wanted two extra men, and out of the twenty who ap­ plied, Mr. Li was one of the two chosen. He was housemaster in a boys’ boarding school of the China Inland Mission. His wages were to be double what he had been earning in the school. Mr. Li prayed much about the matter. He accepted the position, but when he found he would have to work on Sunday, he gave it up. Then the manager offered him three times higher wages than he had received as a teacher and gave him his Sundays free. He returned to the office but became very unhappy, and in the evening after praying with the head teacher of the school, he wrote the follow­ ing letter in English: “ I am sorry I cannot come and work for your company. I have decided to work for God, and win the boys to Jesus Christ. I beg you a thousand par­ dons.” The manager said to one of his triends: “ I thought I did well to engage a Christian, but I see they put Jesus first and business second.” — China’s Millions.

that the words “which happened” are printed in italics in the Authorized Ver­ sion, indicating that they are supplied and do not occur in the original language of the passage. I am rather glad for that, because the word “ happen” in popular English sug­ gests the idea of “ chance.” The Bible writ­ ers, of course, never admit such an idea. Certainly Paul would not. He saw clearly that all those things which ordinary men would say “ happened” to him by chance— the arrest, the shipwreck, the journey to Rome, the permission to dwell in his own hired house as a political prisoner, the chain he wore, the succession of soldiers that guarded him—all these very things had “ fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel” (v. 12). There were no acci­ dents, looking at the matter thus. All was in the great and perfect plan of God. 2. “ So that my bonds in Christ are mani­ fest in all the palace” (v. 13). The Amer­ ican Revised Version translates “throughout the whole praetorian guard” instead of “ in all the palace.” It is thought by competent scholars that while Paul was dwelling in his “own hired house” (Acts 28:30) as a prisoner of the Roman government, the sol­ diers “that kept him” (Acts 28:16) were •members of that special guard which were attached to the palace of Caesar. Each morning a new soldier from this famous guard would relieve the one on watch, fas­ tening to his own wrist the chain which the apostle was compelled to wear day and" night. What a trying experience this would have been to such a man as Paul, never to be alone day nor night, perhaps often chained to men who were rough and pro­ fane! But the apostle, instead of lamenting the situation, saw a great opportunity to preach the gospel to the very “ household” of Caesar. And he preached with such ef­ fectiveness that soldiers were converted, so that he could write in his closing saluta­ tion: “All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household” (Phil. 4:22). One need only read the records of those days in Rome to understand that the “house­ hold” of Caesar was a veritable cesspool of vice and unmentionable sin. Yet when Paul got through preaching, saints could be found there. 3. Philippians 1:22-26 sets forth the Christian choice between desire and duty. As far as Paul himself was concerned, he was ready “to depart, and to be with Christ” (v. 23). For the apostle, this would be “far better”—no more shipwrecks, no more stonings, no more hunger, no more

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Memory Verse: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14).' nyjpjuutn; Ljur memory verse today is something which the Lord Jesus said to people when He was here on earth. After He had grown up and had begun to tell

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promised them that they would be able to bring others to Him. Some of the crowds that followed Jesus came because He did many wonderful works. He was sorry for the sick people, and, because He was the Son of God, He had power to heal them. Many people followed Him to see these mir­ acles. Other people followed to hear what He had to say. They knew that He was a teacher, and they wanted to listen. Still others followed Him just because they saw crowds arôpnd Him and they were curious to know what was going on. Jesus watched these different sorts of people, and He felt sorry for them. He hadn’t come just to work miracles, or to tell people how to be good. He had a dif­ ferent and much more important message.

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