King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


DECEMBER 12, 1937 WHAT MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING? 2 C orinthians 3 :6 ; 1 J ohn 5:12; C olossians 3 :2 Meditation on the Lesson God’s greatest gift to man is eternal life, which is provided freely for every one who has earthly life. Our bodies, if we belong to Christ, are the temples of the Holy Ghost. Although they are important and are a genuine part of our personality, they are not paramount. In our spirits—that part of the personality to which Jesus Christ can give life—are inherent the possibilities of eternal life. Every thinking person has at some time asked himself the questions, “Why am I here?” “What purpose is there is my liv­ ing?” Eor young people a most vital prob­ lem is, “What makes life worth living?” Particularly in a time like the present, when the world is full of confusion and upheaval, with anarchy, crime, and war comprising the major portion of the news, a young man or woman is prone to ask, “ Is it all worth while?” For every question such as these, the Word of God gives a positive, definite, and assuring answer which is never jeopardized by the changing conditions in the world about us. The main issues of life are clear, although there may be temporary fog and haze beclouding them. Very plainly the Word says: “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son hath not life” (1 John 5:12). Again we read that the “spirit giveth life” (2 Cor. 3:6). Could language be more explicit? Jesus Christ is the Wellspring of life, and without Him one is dead, even though he may be strenuously active in earthly affairs. In God’s plan of redemption it is the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the God­ head, who in the present dispensation brings divine life into the soul of one who puts his trust in the blood of Jesus Christ—His substitutionary sacrifice—as the only hope of his eternal salvation. Thus we read that the “spirit giveth life”—the life which was in God and which was brought to sinful men through the Lord Jesus. Not until one has received this new life is he accounted alive In the reckoning of God. It is concerning this issue that the great deceiver, Satan, has confused many souls and led them to reject the Saviour as the way of escape from eternal death. The Lord Jesus Christ came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Without Him there is no life; with Him there is life abounding. One who is possessed with the life of Christ has set his “ affection on things above” (Col. 3:2), and has discovered that such a life is eminently worth living. With the soul anchored in the love of Christ, all phases o f life assume their proper propor­ tions relative to the life which is to come —the eternal life of glory in the presence of God whose brightness melts away all the petty, fading trifles of earth. It is eternal hope in a risen Saviour that makes life worth living. “ Only one life—’twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

FACTS ABOUT THE BOB JONES COLLEGE Cleveland , Tennessee 1. Located in the beautiful Tennessee Valley section of the South. 2. Beautiful and well-equipped modern buildings. 3. Fully state approved high school and excellent business college in connection. 4. Voice, Piano, Speech, Violin, Pipe Organ without additional cost. 5. High educational standards; graduates admitted to leading graduate schools where they have uniformly made good. 6. STANDS W ITH O U T APOLOGY FOR “ TH E OLD T IM E REL IG ION ” AND TH E ABSOLUTE AU TH O R ITY OF TH E BIBLE .

Bob Jones, D.D., Founder and President Bob Jones, Jr., M.A., Litt.D., Acting President

Clear and Complete A R N O L D ’S P R A C T IC A L COMM EN TARY Edited By B. L. Olmstead, B. D., Litt.D. 4 4 T H ANNUAL EDITION S trictly fundam ental in d octrine although m odern in its approach to the problem s o f religiou s education. E qu ip s S unday school teachers so to in still the ideals o f Christian livin g that b oys and g irls gro w naturally in w orsh ip and devotion. A ll illu stration s are taken from actual life experience. A ll m aterial is fresh and new ly w ritten. A bu ndant in helps to teachers and in class discussion suggestions— top ics that a fford stron g exam ples fo r C hristian living. Suggested teaching plans for each depart­ ment o f the school are practical and complete. This 1938 yearbook gives you an inspiring study o f each lesson in the International series. Says Dr. Lanning in the Christian Union Herald, “ The m ost complete book on Sab­ bath school lessons . . . thoroughly orthodox and deeply spiritual.” Order today from your C h u r c h S u p p l y H o u s e or write direct to : LIGHT AND LIFE PRESS Dept. KB Winona Lake, Indiana

A rn old ’s P ra ctica l C omm entary Is again e d ­ ited b y D r. B. L. O lm stead, a renow ned B ible scholar, a gradu ate o f M cC orm ick T h eological Sem inary and recently honored b y W heaton C ollege w ith a degree o f D o c­ to r o f L iterature. T h is life-centered devotional lesson m anual is recognized as ou tstan din g fo r its interest­ in g and sch olarly, con cise and practical lesson m aterial. 232 pages. A ttractively b ou n d in rich blue cloth, title printed in gold . P rice $1.00 each postpaid. (M ail to your church supply house or direct to the publishers) P lease send m e ........... copies o f A rn old ’s P ra c­ tical Comm entary. E nclosed find check . . . . M. O. . . . . fo r $ ............. Name ......................................................... ............... „ A ddress .............................. .. C hurch ............................... . ....................................

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