King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


view of this gripping story by one of the members of the Christian Endeavor society would be a most stimulating addition to the meeting.— S e le cte d . IV. W hat I s Y our A im ? The late Professor Olney, of Ann Arbor, used to tell the story of a heathen who stood by the wayside hacking at a long log. He never struck twice in the same spot. A traveler came along, and, seeing the uncer­ tain hacking, said, “Well, John, and what are you making?” “ Oh, don’t know,” said John. “Maybe idol; maybe bedstead!” Just so 'aimlessly is life often lived that people do not know the real object of their toil.— Onward. V. E ternal V alues Some one has illustrated the value of a soul with a modern parable in this striking manner. A householder took a trip into a far country and left with his servant a child and the child’s clothes. After a while he returned, and the servant said to him: “ Sir, here are all the child’s clothes. They are in excellent condition— clean and mended and pressed. But as for the child, I know not where it is.” So in the last day some will say: “Lord, here is my body—I have neglected nothing that belongs to it. It is strong and well and beautiful. But as for my soul, I have lost it .”—Sunday School Times. DECEMBER 19, 1937 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS? In the Luke account of the birth of Jesus Christ, the worship of angels and heavenly beings occupies a very prominent place. The hosts who proclaimed the birth of the Messiah with glorious signs in the heavens knew that the One who was coming in the likeness of men, born of a virgin, was far, far superior to them. Worship in its highest form was demonstrated by the celestial company which said, “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to­ ward men,” for they realized that the in­ carnation of the Lord Jesus was the only hope of sinful men for whom He came to die. Worship and adoration for One of super­ natural birth was also expressed by the wise men who, as we learn from the story which Matthew tells, came some time after the birth of Jesus to pay their tributes to the infant King. Matthew records that when the wise men reached Bethlehem, the Lord Jesus’ family had removed to a house—a fact which clearly implies a lapse of time. When the wise men failed to return to King Herod, he commanded that all children two years old and under be slain, a detail which suggests that a considerable length of time had transpired since the birth of Christ. Judging from these facts, we cannot cor­ rectly associate the visiti of the Magi with the nativity as is often the case in paint­ ings portraying the birth of Christ. Prophetic and symbolic in their signi- M atthew 2:11; L uke 2:10-14 Meditation on the Lesson

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Helps fo r the Leader I. P erfectly C entered Wheh the center is brought back to God, the circumference will adjust itself. —T. B aird . It is the God-governed and not the self- governed life which counts for most, which is the best worth while.— S elected . II. T he L ife T hat C ounts The life that counts must toil and fight; Must hate the wrong and love the right; Must stand for truth, by day, by night— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must helpful be; The cares and needs of others see; Must seek the slaves of sin to free— This is the life that counts. The life that counts is linked with God; And turns not from the cross, the rod; But walks with joy where Jesus trod— This is the life that counts. —A. W . S. m. W as H is L ife W orth L iving ? A notable example of a life worth living is that of a young millionaire, William Borden, who gave his life for Christ, dying in Egypt while in preparation for mis­ sionary service in China. Borden of Yale, ’09, by Mrs. Howard Taylor, is the inspir­ ing biography of this remarkable young man who turned his back upon fame and riches for the purpose of carrying the gospel, at great sacrifice, to the Christless Moham­ medans of north China. “Borden’s life counted because it was rooted in Christ, fed daily upon His Word, was subject to His Spirit, breathed the atmosphere of prayer, was poured out for others.” A re-

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