King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


tide. It is as if the man had said he had no room for his soul. It is as if the life had said it had no time to live, when it is life. A man is not living without it. And for a man to say, “ I am so full of life that I have no room for life,” you see immediately to what absurdity it reduces itself.— P h illips B rooks . IV. D w e llin g in C la y G. Campbell Morgan says that in the home of a gentleman who was entertaining him, in one room he always detected the fragrance of roses. He said to his host one day, “ I wish you would tell me how it is that I never come into this room without seeming to detect the fragrance of roses.” The gentleman smiled and said: “ Ten years ago I was in the Holy Land, and while there I bought a small phial of attar of roses. It was wrapped in cotton wool, and as I was standing here unpacking it, suddenly I broke the bottle. I took the whole thing up, cotton wool and all, and put it into this vase.” That fragrance had permeated the clay of the vase, and it was impossible to enter the room without consciousness of it. My friends, if Christ be in us, the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon will pervade and per­ meate our whole life. The love which beautifies and glorifies human living shall possess us, and make us a comfort and a blessing to all whose lives touch our own. — L. A . B anks . JINSABURO LIFTS HIS CROSS [ Continued from page 427] he became bloodily unconscious. Under the pine tree I laid him down. Others gathered around, and a woman bandaged his head. No one, not even serving maids, had been hurted, save Uncle. The proprietor called a taxi, and together we lifted him into rear seat while I crouched before to hold him on the cushions. At the hospital, he was removed to a room and the door shut. I waited until dismissed and do not know still if he can live. When I informed Aunt, she became very pale but said no word. Then as I had become man of the house, I dispatched message to the betrothal manager that im­ possible contingencies had arisen so we could not on any account be present at his house that evening. Was this the manner which my prayer was to be answered ? Was Uncle to die and go where is unceasing sorrow and pain? I went to my room to pray. But how to speak to God, I knew not. Before, I had wished Uncle to have accident, and it had come. I felt a strange terror. In my dark distress, I longed for Matsu Chan, my friend, when lo, a voice spoke greeting words at my porch door. It was Hayashi San, who is older Christian than we, and very happy always. I opened to him and soon poured out all my soul, for this man shows understanding kindness to us always. He prayed with me and for Uncle that he might live to acquaint with Christ.

K * « f H i i ; :.. % i f f i ’ü a ä

Here is God’s greatness seen in creation. Like a true scientist. Rev. Benson willingly submits to the known laws o f creation but sees something more in the starry heavens than mere laboratory material. N ote these chapter headings: "T he Creator Greater Than Creation,” “ D o the Stars Influence Human Lives’ ” ImmeasurableDistance,” “ InconceivablePower,” “ The Star of All Stars ” . 10 chapters, 140 pages, 15 illustrations, 8 full page plates. Price $1.50. J, Immensity is a companion volume to The Earth, the Theater o f the Universe by the same author, 144 pages, price $1.50. Order todayfrom yourfavorite publishing house or direct. THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, 8 0 0 N. CLARK ST., DEPT. K . B. CHICAGO EE WHAT I SAW IN SOVIET RUSSIA” I _ ? fter Deyneka, a native o f Russia, but naturalized here in the United States, returned to Chicago, July 29, 1937 from Europe, Soviet Russia through Siberia. Rev. Deyneka who is the General Director o f the Rnssian Gospel Association, reports great victories for the Gospel and herewith gives a brief summary o f his recent eventful four months missionary journey in Soviet Russia and the Russian Border. (Committee) . God marvelously opened the door fo r m e to enter into the atheistic land o f Soviet Union. I have the most important information from that land on the religious conditions and the need. It is very important for us as Christians in America to know just where and how we may help the needy ones in Russia at the present time. This year permission, has been given under the new Constitution to conduct Gospel meetings in the cities and some villages. The churches are overcrowded despite the fear among the people and the suffering that they endure. I find the greatest need in Soviet Russia today is, the preaching o f the Gospel because•o f a spiritual fam ine. I attended some o f the meetings and was deeply moved by the singing, preaching, weeping and pleading for help. I mingled with these people, talked and prayed with them and heard their cry. The clergymen can now travel with tiie Gospel, visit groups and conduct meetings. W e Christians in Am erica must come •A tr ip t™mef £ atdv> grasp the glorious opportunity and g o in through this open door with the Gospel. W e should also help the suffering believers who live in the Provinces like Christian widows, orphans and preachers who are no longer able to work. Sunday morning 4 J p !eada Wlt,h the congregation, “ Please do not come tonight but stay at home and let others have a chance to come.” Oh, what a hunger and thirst after righteousness! Please pray earnestly fo r this urgent need and for the great opportunities on the bordering countries, to open new fields as well and we must not fail to continue the support o f those who are already preaching the Gospel. Send your gifts and make checks payable to THE RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. 64 W . Randolph St., Room 921, Dept K Chicago, 111. Executive Committee:

C. B. HEDSTROM, Chairman (Well-known business man, Evangelist, and Chairman, Chr. Bus. Men’s Comm.) DR. P AU L W . ROOD, V ice Chairman (Pres. Bible Institute o f Los Angeles) MR. GEO. A. BENSON, Sec. & Treas. (Electrical Contractor)

MR. M. D. PLUNKETT, V ice Chairman (Prop. Famous Plunkett Dinners) DR. A RTH U R I. BROWN (Famous Scientist and Bible Teacher) DR. CHAS. PORTER (Asst. Pastor Moody Church) REV. PE TER DEYNEKA (General Director R. G. A .)

I nose desiring information on religious conditions in Soviet Russia and the Borders write us and w e shall gladly give you such information as w e have. Be sure and send for our publication Russian Gospel N ews. The September number will contain interesting pews. and life sketches from recent trips o f our General Director, also um isufl o f thisfcSi’ifta^.n W° rk ln Amerloa together with plans for Conferences in various sections ~ -pa?t0r3 who desire a visit, write us. W e shall gladly give our time to a missionary bring p^ctln^^f^recen^trip^^derired.1,6 either ° " e w SeVera1’ wiU aIs°

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[T o be continued]

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