King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


privileges” of selfish and greedy capitalists, but usually they are bent upon creating special privileges for themselves. In nearly every European nation where dictatorship has arisen, it all began with a demagogue who promised to “ liberate’^ the masses, but who ended up by enslaving them. Even though an individual politician might be sincere, no people permanently can better themselves by giving any politician or group of politicians power to override Constitu­ tional and moral law. Our government must remain “ under God” and not under an all- powerful Caesar who functions with the om n ip oten ce and complete sovereignty which belong to God. Ours is a government “of laws and not of men.” The highest law of our govern­ ment is the Constitution, and the funda­ mental law of the Constitution is the divine moral law. The Constitution enforces and expresses those individual rights and prin­ ciples of liberty and justice which are de­ rived from our Creator. W e must not sub­ stitute for God-given principles, for divine moral law, for a system of government which recognizes the authority of Deity— we must not substitute for these, as our supreme authority, the will and judgment and moral standards of any man, or group of men, or majority, however large or how­ ever well-intentioned. Our government must remain under God and His moral prin­ ciples. Under Him, we have become a great nation. And if we are to become a greater nation, we must keep our government under Him and His law, as provided in our Con­ stitution. Gospel Music Magazine Founded and edited by a young Baptist organist and choirmaster in Scotland, “ The Sacred Choralist and Musical Evangelist” is a monthly magazine which is proving to be popular among choir leaders, gospel soloists, and other music lovers, particularly in Great Britain. This sixteen-page maga­ zine features choir numbers, selections for male voices, solos, and new choruses. Much of the space is given to a discussion of problems faced by the gospel musician. American readers will encourage the editor greatly if they will send to him inquiries concerning his work. He may be addressed: W . Rufus Wright, 3, Henrietta Street, Kilmarnock, Scotland. The price of the magazine. is $1 per year. Christian W orker’ s Gospel In one handy, vest-pocket booklet, the Gospel of John and a series of practical lessons are combined for the stimulation of Christians to the work of evangelism. The author is Earl J. Edwards, pastor, evan­ gelist, and Bible teacher. From him; at 915 Neptune Ave., Wilmington, Calif., copies may be secured at 15 cents each. “The greatest antidote for worldliness and skep­ ticism,” he declares, “ is soul-winning.” And The Christian Worker’s Gospel, prayerfully used by any Christian, will bring a new effectiveness to individual witnessing, lead­ ing to fuller use of “the word of God” which is “living, and powerful, and sharp­ er than any two-edged sword.”

This Book Is Free For the Asking!


The Baptist Book Store 313 W . Third Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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Ask for your copy today We have a limited number of our new booklets, just off the press, which we would like to have in the hands of friends of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. This pamphlet tells you briefly the facts about Insured Annuities, and just how they can be made to serve the needs of Christian givers. As issued through The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, an annuity reinsured with a leading life insurance company does two things: (1) It secures for each purchaser an un­ usually high return upon savings; (2) It includes a gift fo r the Institute, thus enabling you to recognize your responsi­ bility as one o f God’s stewards. Remember, too, that the liberal incom e is calculated on the whole sum you invest. Annuities are grow ing in popularity daily. N ote the analysis o f experts quoted below : “ For certain types o f use, annuities are indispensable. For example, older people, with no dependents, must buy annuities, since if they do not, and sim­ ply live on interest on their money, their principal will revert to the state upon their death, whereas i f they endeavor to live on the principal they may unfor­ tunately find that they live longer than expected, and have nothing left.” — Best's Insurance N ews , Sept. 1 , 1987. In the same issue o f Best's Insurance N ews is noted “ the rapid growth” o f insurance an­ nuities in the United States since 1932. For the thirty-three leading insurance companies whose business is surveyed, the increase was from $189,000,000 o f premium income in 1932 to $442,000,000 in 1936. “ It seems reasonable to suppose,” adds BesVs, “ that the increased writing o f annuity premiums is with us to stay, as the public becomes m ore and more edu­ cated to their advantages.” W rite today fo r your copy o f “ W hy Pur­ chase an Insured A nnuity?” It entails no obligation, and will be sent to you free. Elmer J. Peterson, Business Manager, The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc., 558 South H ope Street, You may send me, without obligation on m y part, a free copy o f “ W hy Purchase an Insured A nnuity?” Name____ __________________________ ___________.... Address.....4.X......—..... ................. _______________ _ Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Mr. Peterson:

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