King's Business - 1937-11

November, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


met with an accident in which their bus overturned in an irrigation ditch. Find­ ing herself under water, Miss Woosley managed to make her way out of the bus to safety. Only one in the party was harmed, and suffered a dislocated shoulder. Stationed in Shanghai at the headquar­ ters of the China Inland Mission, Miss Woosley and Lydia E. Pflueger, ’18, are having unusually heavy tasks these days. Miss Pflueger is a secretary in the execu­ tive offices of the Mission, and Miss Woos­ ley, who is a nurse, has a post of special responsibility in the hospital which occu­ pies one of the floors of the large modern headquarters building. This structure was provided a few years ago from the sale of the Mission’s former building located in what is now a much more dangerous area. Writing from her room in the present headquarters, Jeanie Anderson, a China Inland Mission worker, describes events and evidences of divine protection: “The fighting is so near that many bombs have dropped right in the Inter­ national Settlement, destroying buildings and taking toll of hundreds of lives. From where I sit at my table, I can see the shells from the anti-aircraft guns bursting. The noise is terrific, day and night. This aerial warfare is terrible, causing so many innocent people to suffer. One shell struck and lodged right in our wall on the roof. A British officer came along to look at it and said he could not understand why it had not burst and killed those standing around. We know why it did not burst. It was the good hand of our God upon us. They are leaving it there until they get an expert to take it out. In the meantime •we all give it a wide berth and thank the Lord for His loving care over us. “Another shell landed in the Mission compound, but it was apparently in an open place, and no one was injured. “ A Chinese pastor living not far from us was awakened the other night by hearing a child cry. He got up to see what was the matter, and had not gone a dozen steps when a shell crashed through the roof of his house and right down into the bed he had just left. We hear many instances of God’s care for His own these days.” Biola alumni in China will be depending especially upon prayers of thè Institute family to uphold their testimony during this time o f stress in China. May they not be disappointed ! A Martyr for Christ By F. A. M c G a w (In an article in the “ European Harvest Field/’ F. A. McGaw writes feelingly of a memorial service held in Warsaw on April 14, 1937, at the grave of Grace Mott, ’23, who laid down her life for the Lord in Poland in 1932. Miss Mott served the Lord in Poland under the auspices of the American-European Fellowship. The following account is composed of portions of Mr. McGraw’s article.) It is fitting that one who gave herself whole-heartedly to mission work in War­ saw, and who sealed her sacrificial life with her blood, should be remembered, her [ Continued on page 463]

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William G. (’27) and Mrs. Graves (Madge Henderson, ’23) 1701 Cedar St., Berkeley, Calif., are looking back upon a summer of blessing in Bible conference camps for boys and girls. About one hun­ dred of these professed to believe in Christ to the salvation of their souls. Too, there were scores 'of far-reaching decisions made by those who were already saved. Mr. and Mrs. Graves are burdened for “By- Way Evangelism” to meet the need in ne­ glected communities in California and in other states and are being used in assisting Christian workers in contacting these fields. Divine Protection in China’ s War Area In the midst of the fearful destruction of life in China, missionaries and Chinese Christians, as well as the contending na­ tions and their governments, need prayer for the Lord’s mercy during these days of trial. Real encouragement to prayer is found in some of the messages that have been received from missionaries who have narrowly escaped injury. Returning to Shanghai from Mokanshan after the hostilities had begun at Shanghai, Laura Woosley, ’30, and a party of missionaries



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