Scholar Zone Extended Learning | Student Workbooks


Math Time

Tiny Blue Baxter

Ava Baxter got a goldfish. The goldfish was very tiny. She named him Tiny Blue Baxter. “Tiny Blue Baxter is a silly name for a goldfish,” said her brother, Buck. “Tiny Blue Baxter is a perfect name for this goldfish,” said Ava. “He’s so cute and tiny.”

Ava fed Tiny Blue Baxter. She made sure to feed Tiny Blue Baxter twice a day.

It was seven days after Ava got Tiny Blue Baxter. “Look! Tiny Blue Baxter got bigger!” said Ava. “Much bigger!” said Buck. “Oh, my!” said Mom.

“I think Tiny Blue Baxter needs a bigger bowl,” said Ava. “I think Tiny Blue Baxter needs a much bigger bowl,” said Buck.

Realistic Fiction Teacher: Share the title, and talk about the pictures. Invite children to read the story on their own. Then read through the story together. After reading, talk about Ava and what happens to Tiny Blue Baxter. Purpose: To enjoy a humorous story; to talk about size Written by Bailey Carroll GRSR_OW_G_FF_FAN_TinyBlueBaxter.indd 1

3/2/20 11:19 AM

4 Session 1

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