Scholar Zone Extended Learning | Student Workbooks

Activity Name

Tiny Blue Baxter liked his new bowl. It was much bigger than his first bowl. Ava Baxter kept feeding Tiny Blue Baxter twice a day. And every day, he got bigger and bigger. So Ava had to get Tiny Blue Baxter another bigger bowl.

But Tiny Blue Baxter would not stop growing. He grew bigger and bigger…and BIGGER! So Ava stopped getting him bigger bowls. She got him a big fish tank all to himself.

Even though Tiny Blue Baxter was not blue or tiny anymore, he was the best goldfish that Ava ever had.

Level G

Item #703687 • Pack ISBN: 978-1-338-67179-7

GRSR_OW_G_FF_FAN_TinyBlueBaxter.indd 2 Teacher: Use these questions to talk about size. 1. What is the size of the goldfish at the beginning of the story? 2. Why does Tiny Blue Baxter need two bigger bowls? 3. Why does Ava need to get a big fish tank for Tiny Blue Baxter at the end of the story?

3/2/20 11:19 AM

Session 1 5

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