Scholar Zone Extended Learning | Student Workbooks

Mikel recorded. Mikel recorded what she saw in a notebook. That means she wrote down what the squirrels did. One day, Mikel saw the squirrel named Jeff. Guess what Jeff had in his mouth? Jeff had one of Flame’s yellow nuts! wrote down what the squirrels did. One day, Mikel saw the squirrel named Jeff. Guess what Jeff had in his mouth? Jeff had one of Flame’s yellow nuts! Mikel wrote this down: “Jeff stole Flame’s nut!” Her test had worked. Mikel had discovered that squirrels do steal nuts from each other. She wrote in her notebook, “Mikel is super excited!!!” Mikel answered a question. Mikel wrote a report about what she discovered. People were glad to find out the truth about squirrels. They are cute. But they can be thieves. Sorry, Flame! glad to find out the truth about squirrels. They are cute. But they can be thieves. Sorry, Flame! Mikel recorded. Mikel recorded what she saw in a notebook. That means she Mikel wrote this down: “Jeff stole Flame’s nut!” Her test had worked. Mikel had discovered that squirrels do steal nuts from each other. She wrote in her notebook, “Mikel is super excited!!!” Mikel answered a question. Mikel wrote a report about what she discovered. People were

C T s C T s Science Notebook Science Notebook


Scientists use tools. One of Mikel’s most important tools is a notebook. She uses it to write down

Scientists use tools. One of Mikel’s most important tools is a notebook. She uses it to write down

what she observes. Do you have a science notebook? What could you write in it? what she observes. Do you have a science notebook? What could you write in it?

Here are some other science tools. Which have you used? Here are some other science tools. Which have you used?





hand lens

hand lens

—Erin Kelly

—Erin Kelly

The yellow paint was safe to eat.

The yellow paint was safe to eat.







Teacher: Use these questions to talk about what Mikel does to study squirrels. 1. How does Mikel know which nuts belonged to Flame? 2. What does Mikel find out about Jeff? 3. What does Mikel write about in her notebook? 4. Do you think all squirrels steal nuts?

Session 3 11

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