
E conomic D evelopment

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Economic Development — January 31 - February 13, 2020 — 5A


N ew J ersey

P ennsylvania

As we enter a new year, New Jersey is eager to convey one simple message to the Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal, and real estate professionals across the county: We are ready for your business.

Pennsylvania is starting out the 2020s with a strong economy, a welcoming business climate, and plenty of opportunity for investment. The past few years have brought increasing vi- brancy to every corner of Pennsylvania. The Lehigh Valley is one of the fastest growing regions of our nation. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are drawing new residents of all ages eagerly seeking culture and opportunity. Lancaster has become known nationally as a place attracting new young people

We have a “can’t miss” geographic location, un- matched infrastructure, and boundless opportunities for development and redevelopment throughout our cities and towns. We also possess one of the largest commuter rail systems in the county, which presents numerous transit-oriented development opportuni- ties. These factors make us uniquely primed for com- panies looking for a location that is easily accessible, offers a vast pool of premier talent, and a state government that is eager to work with them to create a home in our great state. We are also making every effort to improve the interaction between state government and the private sector and make it easier to run your business. Permitting processes are being updated, more forms are being made available online, and we are at the forefront of implementing the Opportunity Zone tax incentive program. In fact, census tracts in Jersey City and Newark recently ranked near the top of Smart Growth America’s National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report for growth potential based on criteria such as housing diversity, walkability, job density, and proximity to central business districts. These are just a few of the numerous reasons why the Garden State is a can’t-miss location for the real estate industry. In October, we unveiled an entirely new economic plan to put our strategic advantages into clearer focus. I encourage you to see how New Jersey can fit your plans for a pros- perous and successful 2020. My very best, Phil Murphy, Governor Phil Murphy

Tom Wolf

while retaining longtime residents. And, our smaller communities are thriving due to strategic investments that set our commonwealth on a path to long-term prosperity. Pennsylvania offers unparalleled geography, transportation and culture. We have the sites needed for businesses to thrive along with world-class road, rail and port. And, the investments we’re making in education ensure businesses of all sizes can get the talented, skilled workers they need. Pennsylvania is primed for investment. I commend our local commercial real estate professionals and the Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal for their commitment to our commonwealth and look forward to sharing the new opportunities that continue to arise in Pennsylvania. Tom Wolf, Governor On behalf of the State of Maryland, it is my plea- sure to recognize the real estate industry and all business professionals in Maryland and through- out the Mid-Atlantic region. Our state is proud to provide a business-friendly environment for all en- trepreneurs, from newly-created start-ups to large, established corporations. Economic development has always been one of our administration’s top priori- ties, and we are proud to have the fastest job growth in the Mid-Atlantic region and the highest median household income in America. Maryland is Open for Business, which means our state has many tools and resources to help businesses thrive. The modernization of Maryland’s transportation system includes the largest proposed public-private partnership (P3) highway program in North America to support our state’s robust economy. We’ve also dedicated significant resources to STEM educa- tion with a particular focus on increasing the number of women in computer science and related fields. Maryland has launched a one-stop business portal for Maryland’s commercial real estate professionals and small businesses to plan, start, manage, and grow their business at businessexpress.maryland.gov. I am so proud of Maryland’s com- mercial progress and it is a true privilege to provide this message for the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal. I am happy to learn there is strong interest in this years’ issue and I am sure it will be even more successful than in past years. I wish you continued success and I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Larry Hogan, Governor Larry Hogan M aryland

D elaware

On behalf of the State of Delaware, I am honored to extend greetings to commercial real estate pro- fessionals in the Mid Atlantic region and readers of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal. Your work is an important part of our overall goal to generate economic opportunity in Delaware. Delaware is focused on strengthening our inno- vation economy and bringing new businesses and good-paying jobs to our state. Through supporting

John Carney

small businesses and partnering with the private sector, Delaware is making improvements that will shape our economy for years to come. The Delaware Prosperity Partnership, a public-private partnership that is committed to advancing prosperity in Delaware, works to attract and retain businesses and talent. This strategic partnership focuses on innovative small businesses and large employers alike -- to strengthen our economic climate and bring good jobs to the people of our state. Delaware’s reasonable cost of living, beautiful beaches and tourism industry, and accessibility to major cities in the northeast make it a great place to live, work and raise a family. Thanks for all that you do to support Delaware and our region.

Best wishes, John C. Carney, Governor

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