
Santa Claus Here comes

Embellir la longévité...ensemble!

Centre d’accueil Roger-Séguin

« Nous, les membres du conseil d’administration, le personnel et les bénévoles, offrons nos meilleurs voeux à tous ceux et celles qui, de près ou de loin, bénéficient de notre Centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. »

Orange and rosemary chicken legs

T. 613-488-2053 F. 613-488-2274 435, rue Lemay, Clarence Creek (Ontario) K0A 1N0

BOURBONNAIS Equipment (2003) Inc.

Joyeuses Fêtes! Happy Holidays!

Tender and succulent with a slight hint of citrus, this surprising dish is a guaranteed hit with your guests.

3555, Sarsfield Rd. Sarsfield, On K0A 3E0 Fax: 613-835-1591

Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 2 hours Servings: 4

Ingredients • 1 tbsp. butter • 3 tbsp. olive oil • 4 big chicken legs • 2 onions, finely chopped

T.: 613.835.2623 •T.: 613.835.3212

• 1 tsp. curry powder • 3 tbsp. maple syrup • 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped • 2 rosemary twigs • 1 cup chicken broth • 2 oranges, peeled (remove pith) and quartered • Salt and pepper, to taste • Thinly sliced oranges, to serve

« Nous vous souhaitons un excellent temps des Fêtes! » “We wish you an excellent Holiday season!”

Since 1967 T 613 446-5255 • F 613 446-6719 1211, rue St-Jean, C.P. 368, Rockland, ON K4K 1K5

Directions Heat oven to 175 °C (350 °F). Melt butter in a large casserole. Add oil and brown chicken legs for about 5 minutes each side. Once golden, remove chicken from casserole and add onions, curry powder and maple syrup. Mix well and cook on low heat for a few minutes.

Put chicken back in casserole, add garlic, rosemary, broth and quartered oranges. Add salt and pepper. Mix well. Cover and put in oven for 90 minutes. Stir occasionally, basting the chicken legs with the broth. Serve on thinly sliced oranges and drizzle with cooking juices.

Meilleurs vœux de santé , bonheur et de sourire parfait en ce temps des Fêtes ! Wishing you health , happiness and a perfect smile in this Holiday Season!

Nicholas Fournier Denturologiste /Denturist

613 446-3336 Rockland • Casselman

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