Royal Prestige® Magazine Spring 2025 US English

Red Fish Ceviche

Slice with razor-sharp precision and superior quality. Royal Prestige ® Benefit

6 portions Yield


40 minutes

Ingredients 2 lbs of mackerel fish 1½ cups of lime juice 1 red onion, thinly sliced 6 tomatoes, seeded and cut into small cubes 5 sprigs of cilantro, finely chopped 3 jalapeño peppers, seeded and cut into small cubes ¾ cup of tomato puree 3 tablespoons of olive oil ½ cup of capers ½ cup of green olives, sliced Salt and black pepper, to taste



Using the Royal Prestige ® Chef’s Knife, cut the fish into medium cubes. In a bowl, combine the fish with lime juice, salt, and black pepper to taste. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.


3 Add the remaining ingredients, adjust the seasoning, and refrigerate for another 30 minutes. 4 Serve with saltine crackers and avocado slices.

FOR SERVING: Saltine crackers Avocado slices

Featured Royal Prestige ® Cookware Royal Prestige ® Chef Knife

13 MÉXICO PRIMAVERA 2025 | Nunca dejas de sorprenderte UNITED STATES SPRING 2025 | ROYAL PRESTIGE ® MAGAZINE 13

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