Royal Prestige® Magazine Spring 2025 US English

For Mother’s Day, we’ve carefully selected books that explore motherhood in various contexts: from intimate stories that address its challenges and complexities to narratives that showcase its strength and determination. Through the writings of several Latin American authors, this literary journey honors the mother’s figure in all its forms and nuances, reflecting the cultural and emotional richness of this experience.

I Don’t Like Boleros Jeannette Miller A collection of short

A Bob Dylan Song in My Mother’s Planner Sergio Galarza A story of struggle, grief, and the triumph of light over darkness. Doris, knowing she has little time left, decides to reconnect with her youngest son

The Mother I Can Be Paulina Simón Torres This narrative follows the author’s journey as she explores 21st-century motherhood. Without idealizing the experience, she shares her love and desire to be a mother despite the moments of loneliness and anger.

stories about different women facing everyday dramas related to motherhood, family, society, work, and emotions.

as they embark on a journey together.

Sources: “Madres en la literatura, estos libros podrían inspirarte”, El Sol de

Córdoba. “Sobre la maternidad en tiempos de encierro”, Page 12. “Seis libros que destacan a mamá en la literatura peruana”, Pacífico.


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