PEG Magazine - Winter 2015


“I want to broaden my knowl- edge of APEGA and how the Association serves the public interest. The legislative review sessions are very informative and very important. APEGA is a self-regulating system, managed by the Members themselves, so I think it’s the Members’ responsibility to con- tribute their knowledge during this review process.”

“I’m a Responsible Member for WSP Canada. The Act hasn’t been changed for 30 years and lots of things need to be updat- ed, so it’s important to partici- pate. There have been so many changes in industry. APEGA needs to be able to respond to issues, for example with dis- cipline or enforcement, more promptly or appropriately.”


- VAHID AYAN, Provisional Licensee (Eng.), PhD Edmonton

“It’s important to understand what will affect you as a Member. I came specifically to hear about

the discussion surrounding Members’ privacy. I think

“I’m interested to see the proposed changes and the direction APEGA is going in. I would encourage all Members to be a part of the legislative review process because it’s their Association and it’s their rules for guiding the professions.”

communities tend to be healthier when their population is involved in major decisions and legislation that impacts them.”


- MIKE NOWLAN, P.ENG. Chestermere

“I’m part of the legislative review champions collaborative. APEGA is one of the rare organizations that is run by Members. It’s for the benefit of Members to be informed of the proposed changes and be engaged in the legislative review process. Every Member has a different experience and therefore brings a different perspective. If a Member has an opinion on the proposed changes, he or she can voice it.”

“As a Permit Holder, this is a very important discussion for my company. We’re professionals who maintain a high standard, and it’s crucial for those providing professional services in Alberta to adhere to that. APEGA has the privilege of being self-governing and we need to participate in our governance to make sure that it remains at a high standard and is valued in Alberta.”



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