PEG Magazine - Winter 2015


Keller thrives on challenges and excels where others struggle. Backed by the largest and most comprehensive independent ground engineering specialist in the world, and with over 30 years of local on-site experience, Keller Canada provides the largest variety of piling and geotechnical solutions in the country. (QJDJHXVHDUO\WRH[SHULHQFHWKHWUXHEHQH̬WVRIYDOXHHQJLQHHULQJ/RZHU\RXUWRWDOLQVWDOOFRVWWRGD\ 9LVLW.HOOHU&DQDGDFRPRUFDOOʇ)RUPHUO\1RUWK$PHULFDQ&DLVVRQ/WG

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