Skystone Engineering 2016 Training Courses Pipeline & Facility Installa Ɵ on Inspectors Course January 27-29 Edmonton, AB March 9-11 Grande Prairie, AB April 20-22 Estevan, SK May 11-13 Whitecourt, AB June 15-17 Calgary, AB September 28-30 Fort McMurray , AB October 19-21 Grande Prairie, AB November 22-24 Calgary, AB Regulatory & CSA Z662-15 Pipeline Systems Code Requirements – LITE Course March 1 Calgary, AB May 25 Weyburn, SK June 22 Grande Prairie, AB October 12 Grande Prairie, AB Regulatory & CSA Z662-15 Pipeline Systems Code Requirements – Full Course April 27-28 Calgary, AB November 8-9 Calgary, AB
participation activity equals one PDH. A maximum of 20 PDHs per year may be claimed in this category, with no more than 10 of them coming from community service. • Presentations. Eligible presentations are those of a technical or professional nature that are beyond normal job functions. Presentations might occur at a conference, meeting, course, workshop, or seminar, either within a company or at an event sponsored by a technical or professional organization. Multiple deliveries of the same presentation count as only one presenta- tion. One hour of preparation and delivery earns one PDH. A maximum of 20 PDHs per year may be claimed in this category. • Contributions to Knowledge. Includes activities which expand or develop the technical knowledge base in engineering, geol- ogy, or geophysics. Some examples are committee work, patent registration, publication in a peer-reviewed technical journal, or publication of a book. A maximum of 30 PDHs per year may be claimed in this category, although there are also limits for each activity.
1. If you are unemployed, on extended parental leave, or in a full-time educational program, you can file a non-practising declaration and be exempted from the CPD program. Or if you wish to retain your right to practice while unemployed, on leave, or at school, you can submit a written request to the APEGA Practice Review Board to have your annual PDHs reduced to 30 (which can be claimed in any of the six categories). If you’re not sure which option is best for you, contact and we can explain the benefits of each. 2. If your work doesn’t fall within the legal definitions of engineering or geoscience and if you do not have technical influence over the professions, you can maintain your registration and be exempted from the requirements of the CPD program by submitting a non-practising declaration. If your work does fall within those definitions or if you have technical influence, you are considered to be engaged in professional practice and cannot be exempted. 3. If you influence the practice of engineering or geoscience in a broader, non-technical sense, you could file a non-practising declaration and be exempt, or you could retain your practising designation by meeting the program requirements.
Regulatory & ASME B31.3 Process Piping – LITE Course March 2 Calgary, AB Pipeline Integrity Management Course March 16-17 Calgary, AB
For complete details, read the Continuing Professional Development Program document at
We welcome inquiries from Members with presenter experience who want to share their knowledge at a workshop. Presenting counts towards your CPD hours. For a presenter proposal form, email
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