Proaudio Sound Press Magazine - November 2023

We’ve spent endless hours playing music, planning events, and brainstorming ways we can use our talents to further grow the local music industry. Working towards shared objectives creates a sense of camaraderie and fosters a collaborative environment where everyone is invested in the success. It's essential to remember that differences and challenges are natural in any partnership, but when the overall mission is clear and agreed upon, it becomes easier to navigate through those difficulties. Proaudio Sound Press Magazine: South Africa has a vibrant music scene with a diverse range of genres. How do you see the future of deep house and the electronic music scene in the country? DJ Madam Sp3kr: I believe the future is certainly bright for music in SA; however, it needs a space for everyone to shine. Having known this for a while, I'm excited about a new venture that my team and I are working on called Beat Bass Music, which is currently in development. Proaudio Sound Press Magazine: As a female DJ and artist in the music industry, you are undoubtedly an inspiration to many aspiring women. What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career in DJing, music production, or event hosting? DJ Madam Sp3kr: My advice would be to stay in your own lane, move at your own pace, and stay true to yourself. Remember why you started and don’t use anyone’s ruler to measure your success. Challenges will arise, but as long as you stay true to yourself and your goals, you will succeed and build a successful career in this space. The only competition should be to better yourself; there is only one you.

DJ Madam Sp3kr: Being a creative individual, it was natural to explore all avenues of creative expression. I started writing to assist my team and friends with EPKs and general content creation. We don’t often realize how important the use of words can be and how we can evoke feelings with it. As I lead a very busy lifestyle, it is often difficult to allocate time to writing. Right now, writing is on the backburner, but I will soon need to be cooking up a storm for our new Music Platform Beat Bass Music News, in which I will be writing reviews on songs, events, and all other things music-related. Proaudio Sound Press Magazine: Balancing a busy career as a DJ, attending events, music production, and writing must be challenging. On top of that, you also have kids to take care of. How do you manage this process effectively? DJ Madam Sp3kr: Above all the titles I hold, my first and main title is Mom to my girls. I am super blessed and grateful for my support structure that allows me to play this delicate balancing act. My girls come first always over everything. The key to balancing it all is honesty, communication, prioritization, and understanding you can’t do it all. Proaudio Sound Press Magazine: We understand that you often work alongside your partner, Nash the DJ. How does this dynamic play out during events and music production? What are the advantages and, perhaps, some unique challenges of working closely with your significant other in the music industry? DJ Madam Sp3kr: Nash is such a musically talented individual; it was hard to not get roped into all he does in this space. His passion is infectious, and he has kept me on my toes.

sound press | November 2023

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