Hogan Lovells brochure 2020/21

“Give your supervisor updates on your progress with tasks – it’s a key part of them having condence in your ability.”

“Remember to get involved: throw yourself into socials, organise coee catch-ups, pick people’s brains.”

Let’s say the rst morning of your scheme has arrived. You’re about to meet the people you could be working with long-term. Maybe get your hands on high-prole work for some big-name clients. So how are you going to make every minute count? We asked some of our trainees for tips.

Vacation schemes are also your chance to meet as many dĭerent people at the ¿rm as you can. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to chat informally to partners, associates, trainees and fellow students through things like team meetings, your trainee buddy network, lunch and learn sessions, and social events. So get involved, make new friends and connections – they could well be your colleagues in a few years’ time.

“Throw yourself in at the deep end” was a popular suggestion. Trainees thought taking on tasks “even if they terrify you” was the best way to show what you’re made of and how fast you can pick things up. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they might be silly” was also up there. Everyone appreciates you’re there to learn, and asking lots of questions shows you’re curious and engaged.


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