Hogan Lovells brochure 2020/21

Hogan Lovells International LLP Atlantic House

Holborn Viaduct London EC1A 2FG


Hogan Lovells has offices in:

Rome San Francisco

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“Hogan Lovells” or the “f irm” is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hogan Lovells U.S. LLP and their aff iliated businesses.

The word “partner” is used to describe a partner or member of Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hogan Lovells U.S. LLP or any of their aff iliated entities or any employee or consultant with equivalent standing. Certain individuals, who are designated as partners, but who are not members of Hogan Lovells International LLP, do not hold qualif ications equivalent to members.

For more information about Hogan Lovells, the partners and their qualif ications, see www.hoganlovells.com.

Where case studies are included, results achieved do not guarantee similar outcomes for other clients. Attorney advertising.

Images of people may feature current or former lawyers and employees at Hogan Lovells or models not connected with the f irm.

© Hogan Lovells 2020. All rights reserved. 11186_GR_0816

* Associated off ices

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