
A — September 27 - October 10, 2013 — Fall Preview — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


By Michael Fortna, Fortna Auctioneers Benefits for brokers & realtors selling real estate using the auction method in the U.S. A uctioneer


he auction meth- od is a great way to sell real estate

tion method for both buy- ers and sellers that make it an attractive option. It´s extremely helpful for sellers who are ready to deal with a real estate transaction at that time, for a declared true market value. The auction team you choose to repre- sent your property is a very significant choice that will have a strong effect on your outcome. Benefits of the auction method for brokers and realtors in PA and the

surrounding states: • Competitive Bidding = Higher Prices. By working as a team, having an auction creates the competition of aggressive bidding, bringing top dollar for the property ultimately earning the realtor more money. Together, auctioneers and realtors can sell proper- ties at true market value where no money will be left on the table. • GetMarketWornProp- erties to Settlement . If having trouble with a

current listing that has been on the market for a period of six months or longer, by cooperating with Fortna Auctioneers & Marketing Group, we will be able to provide the seller with an of- fer and closing within 30-45 days, an accelerated selling process. • Auction is a Must for Time-Crunched Clients. You might have clients that must sell quickly for a multitude of reasons and cannot wait three or four months to receive an offer.

The auction method acceler- ates the selling process. • NoContingencies. One of the greatest advantages to selling real estate at auction is that each property is sold “AS-IS” with NO contingen- cies. This process eliminates wasted time and energy by not having to set up prop- erty inspections, negotiat- ing a new price and terms as a result of the inspection results, lining up financing for a buyer and the list goes on and on. Selling a property at auction brings a serious buyer for the seller. • It´s All about MAR- KETING! The auction method produces results with an explosive market- ing campaign designed spe- cifically for each seller and their budget. Marketing is the key behind any success- ful auction. As a team, we need to expose the property to as many potential buyers as possible. This corrals all potential buyers to com- petitively bid against one another on a specific date and time. Use Fortna Auctioneers to sell real estate by auction in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states. Fortna Auctioneers and Marketing Group, pays ex- tremely competitive rates to all cooperating Brokers and Realtors . Introduce Fortna Auctioneers to your clients and they´ll handle all of the marketing such as creating ads to submit to publica- tions, signage, open houses, and conducting the on-site auction. Once the property clears the settlement table, your commission check will be sent to your office. Or, if you are a broker or real estate agent and have a buyer for a particular property for one of Fortna´s auctions, download the “Broker Participation” form on the website to reg- ister the client. You´ll earn a commission if they are the successful bidder. Michael Fortna, presi- dent of Fortna Auction- eers has been in the auc- tion industry for over 35 years and is a graduate of the Certified Auctioneers Institute. n

The auc- tionmeth- od to sell real estate is for inno- vative bro- ke r s and realtors. It will add an additional

Mike Fortna

service to your business and will set you apart from your competitors. There are many benefits of the auc-

High End Auctions for Residential, Commercial, Condos, Land Development,

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Our years of experience, marketplace knowledge and success work to the client’s advantage.

We strive to make the auction process as easy as possible, with complete tactical ÆM`QJQTQ\aNWZTQ^MWZWVTQVMI]K\QWV[IVLIXZWKM[[\PI\ITTW_[NWZJW\P\WJM engaged simultaneously. We can open the bidding for you on a global level.

Total customer satisfaction is at the core of our quest to drive the real estate auction revolution.



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