16B — September 27 - October 10, 2013 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
Completing 365 days with no lost time injuries/accidents Kline’s Services, Inc. honored with safety award
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ALUNGA, PA —Work- place accidents and injuries can happen
This achievement is a result of Kline’s Services’ commit- ment to employee safety and implementation of a “Best in Class” safety program. Car- ley Smith, Kline’s Services safety director, stated “Safety is Kline’s #1 core value. It’s a culture born from a series of guidelines that govern the activities of our employees, subcontractors and vendors – the catalyst that drives everything we do.” Being savvy about safety and trained to recognize
occupational hazards has become part of Kline’s Ser- vices culture. “We have es- tablished a very strong safety culture and it’s reinforced by strong support from our management team,” said Dave Kline , president of Kline’s Services. “Every em- ployee knows and follows the belief that safety is ev- eryone’s responsibility; that in itself motivates our team to take care of one another and make sure everyone goes home healthy at the end of the work day.” Kline’s Services celebrated the milestone with an all em- ployee luncheon co-sponsored by Engle-Hambright & Da- vies insurance brokers. Gary Seiber, EHD commercial ac- count executive, spoke at the luncheon to congratulate em- ployees for their teamwork and commitment to helping change the safety culture at Kline’s. “A company’s safety culture is a commitment in which words are meaningless and actions are everything – its empowering employees to step up when they see an unsafe act or situation,” stated Gary. When implemented effec- tively, proper safety practices produce reduced accidents and injuries. “We consider recognition, prevention and protection to be critical in our daily operations, including taking time in “Doing the Job Right!” – the safe way,” said Dave Kline. n retail outlets is present across the Mid-Atlantic region. With flexibility and forethought, landlords can increase the at- tractiveness of their properties to health care providers, and ultimately create a mixed-use, urban development that re- sponds to consumer demand. Laura Lee Garrett is a partner with Hirschler Fleischer (Richmond, Va.) where she is a member of the firm’s Real Estate Section and the Shopping Center and Retail Practice Group. n By Laura Lee Garrett, Hirschler . . . continued from page 10B
t o anyone at any time; however, on Thu r s da y, Augus t 8 , Kline’s Ser- vices, Inc. was award- ed the No Los t Time
Dave Kline
Accidents Award for com- mitment to safety and com- pleting 365 days with no lost time injuries and accidents.
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