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“I believe we should support Action Champlain,” MacLeod said, noting that township council has already taken a public stand against the company. Last month, Action Champlain asked council to help cover part of the group’s legal costs for its campaign against Cola- cem Canada Ltd.’s plan to build a cement plant near the Village of L’Orignal. The group asked council to commit to $200,000, which would be about half the projected legal and technical costs of its appeal to the OMB. Action Champlain is appealing to the 0.# BHBJOTU UIF 6OJUFE $PVOUJFT PG Prescott-Russell’s decision to approve the company’s rezoning request on the proposed site for the project. The township faces the legal costs of an appeal to the OMB from Colacem Canada because council rejected the rezoning request. Mayor Gary Barton noted that the town- ship spent $7000 last year on its own defence against Colacem Canada’s OMB appeal and has budgeted another $15,000 this year for legal expenses. He indicated “that may not still be enough” when the OMB appeal hearing begins later this September. The public gallery was full during the spe- cial Saturday morning session, March 17, as township council approved MacLeod’s resolution to provide a one-time-only dona- tion of $50,000 to Action Champlain. The resolution passed five votes to three with
Champlain Township will help Action Champlain with the costs of its legal battle against Colacem Canada Ltd. At least up to the amount of $50,000. Council approved, by a split vote of five to three with one abstention, a resolution from Councillor Helen MacLeod. The resolution is to provide financial aid for Action Cham- plain’s appeal on a rezoning application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). &/#3&'r#3*&'4 UCPR CONCERNED WITH ODOUR PROBLEM At a recent meeting, the mayors that sit at the council of the United Counties of Prescott & Russell expressed concern about the odour problem that emanates from the GFL Environmental waste management site in the Moose Creek area. GFL Environmental is planning to develop the remaining areas of the existing landfill on Laflèche Road near Highway 417 and Highway 138. The UCPR council would like GFL Environmental to address the issue before they proceed with any expansion. —Michel Lamy
Le conseil municipal du canton de Champlain a tenu une séance spéciale, le samedi 17 mars, dans la salle du conseil municipal. Le Conseil a approuvé une résolution pour un don unique de 50 000 $ à Action Champlain. L›argent servira à payer les frais juridiques de l›appel interjeté par le groupe devant la Commission des affaires municipales de l›Ontario, à l›encontre de la demande de rezonage de Colacem Canada Ltd. visant un projet de cimenterie près de L›Orignal. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
Councillor Normand Riopel abstaining and excusing himself from the general discus- sion on the grounds of possible conflict of interest. Councillors Gérard Miner, Marc Séguin, and Pierre Perrault voted against the resolu- tion, expressing concern that it would set a precedent for other funding aid requests. They were also concerned that the donation would be at the expense of other municipal budget needs for the township. Action Champlain has been funding both its lobby campaign and appeal, so
far, through public donations. The group has raised about $100,000 on its own and spent about $70,000 on legal costs and consultant fees. Action Champlain will hold a public infor- mation meeting April 12 at Ecole élémentaire catholique St-Jean-Baptiste in L’Orignal, to update residents of the village on the status of the appeal and the projected total cost. Despins explained that Action Champlain will ask village residents, then, if they also are willing to provide further financial support for the group to continue its legal appeal.
Phase de construction du Centre d’énergie solaire de Pendleton Rencontre d’information à l’intention des entreprises de la région EDF EN Canada en collaboration avec l’entrepreneur général PCL Construction invitent les entreprises des Comtés unis de Prescott & Russell à une rencontre d’information adressée aux entrepreneurs souhaitant offrir leurs services. Venez vous informer sur les lots de travail qui feront l’objet d’appels d’offres au cours de la construction de ce projet.
Construction phase of Pendleton Solar Energy Centre Information session for contractors EDF EN Canada and PCL Construction, invite you. We want to welcome companies from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell to an information session addressed to local entre- preneurs wishing to offer their services during the construction of the project. -RLQ WKLV VHVVLRQ WR ¿QG RXW KRZ ZKHQ DQG where to apply for the work packages to be tendered through the project construction.
TUESDAY $35,/ AT 9:30 AM
MARDI $95,/ À 9h30 Centre Communautaire de Curran &DUWLHU6W&XUUDQ ON K0B 1C0 10 $YULO
Curran Hall Community Centre &DUWLHU6W&XUUDQ ON K0B 1C0 10 $SULO
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