Blue Sky PT. Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Mark Twain once said that growing old is an issue of “mind over matter,” but if you struggle with knee or hip pain, then you know that this isn’t true at all. Knee and hip pain can really take the spring out of your step, causing you to move slower and leaving you with pain that becomes more difficult to cope with, step after step.

The Newsletter About Caring for Your Health Health+Fitness

A L S O I N S I D E : Who needs Physical Therapy? • Have You Met Your Annual Insurance Deductible? Patient Success Story • Exercise Essentials • Healthy Recipe • Staff Spotlight The Most Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief Running Your Way Towards A Pain-Free Life!

The Most Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief Running Your Way Towards A Pain-Free Life!

Mark Twain once said that growing old is an issue of “mind over matter,” but if you struggle with knee or hip pain, then you know that this isn’t true at all. Knee and hip pain can really take the spring out of your step, causing you to move slower and leaving you with pain that becomes more difficult to cope with, step after step. There is an endless list of reasons as to why knee or hip pain may develop, from a slip or fall-related accident to a sports injury or even a car accident. Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late! When an injury develops, seeking the support of a physical therapist is the best course of action. Working with a physical therapist soon after an injury develops can help reduce your recovery time and improve your ability to cope with the pain and discomfort by introducing you to targeted exercises and

stretching techniques that can enhance your ability to recover from the injury. Whenyouaredealingwithakneeorhip injury,everysteprequires moreeffortthantypical.Thiscanreallydrainyourenergylevelas you attempt to go about doing even basic tasks, such as taking care of your home or walking around the office. What Can Physical Therapy Do to Help? Physicaltherapy isnotaone-stopcure-allforpainmanagement. This isa long-termsolutiontopainand lossof functionthrough theuseoftargetedexercisesandstretchingtechniquesthatare designed to strengthen the targeted areas and help the body recover and heal. By identifying the exact points on the body that are not moving as they ought to be, it is possible to make a plan to increase flexibility, motion, strength and even improve coordination and balance.

Call Blue Sky Physical Therapy at 303.388.1537 or visit to schedule your appointment today!

Who Needs Physical Therapy?

Get Ready For Halloween! Looking for things to do for Halloween in Denver? Check out the Enchanted Hallows at the Denver Zoo Oct. 3rd - Oct. 25th or the Are you moving like you should be? Your hips and knees are essential to everyday movement; whether you are sitting, standing, walking or running, you need your hips and knees in great shape. Sometimes, when your hips and knees are in pain, it can cause you to change the way that you are moving, causing you to change the flow and pace of your gait, which is the way that you walk. Other times, prolonged pain can cause you to stop doing movements that are indicative of healthy joints. If you’ve experienced any hip or knee pain and are considering whether physical therapy is a good choice for your health needs, consider the following: • From a standing position, are you able to lean over and touch your toes? If so, then this indicates that you have proper hip and low back flexibility. If not, then you may need to improve your flexibility and joint range of motion, and physical therapy could be helpful. • In a sitting position, can you comfortably cross your legs, leaving your ankle to rest comfortably on the opposite knee? If this is painful, or one kneeconstantlymustbe lowerthantheother,thenthismaybe indicative of knee concerns that could be addressed with physical therapy. • From a standing position, with your feet planted flat on the floor, can you push your body into a squatting position? You should be able to

squat all the way down so that your buttocks are almost touching your heels. If you aren’t able to do this, then physical therapy may be helpful in improving your range of motion. • Standing near a wall or countertop, arrange your feet so that you are standing with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other, as if on a balance beam, and see how long you can stand still. Can you balance for 10 seconds? If not, then physical therapy may be able to improve balance and coordination. The goal of any physical therapy program is to restore range of motion and improve flexibility and strength while reducing the general experience of pain. Unfortunately, hip and knee injuries often tend to linger. Every movement relies so heavily on the hips and knees that it makes it difficult to allow these joints to actually rest following an injury. Physical therapy provides targeted exercises that support the joints with precise movements that help reinforce strength and range of motion. For more information, contact your physical therapist to learn more about options that will suit your health needs.

If you are suffering from hip and knee pain, call Blue Sky Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment today!

Exercise Essentials

BALL SQUAT Place theexerciseballon thewalland lean against it with the ball set at the level of your lowerback.Your feetshouldbea little greater thanhipswidthapart.Squatdown on your heels by bending at your knees until 60-90 degrees of knee flexion. Make sure that your back maintains contact with the ball throughout the motion. Push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat as directed. You can also do this exercise without the ball present as a wall sit.

Glow at the Gardens at the Denver Botanical Gardens Oct. 21st- Oct. 25th

Patient Success Story

"Thanks to Danielle, I can run again!"

"Danielle is a miracle worker! I have fought with my hamstrings for years and thought I would never be pain free. Thanks to Danielle, I can run again! She is always friendly, enthusiastic, and truly listens when it comes to designing a program that works for you. Physical therapy has not worked for me in the past but this was a completely different experience - and outcome!"- Erika H.

Have You Met Your Annual Insurance Deductible? IF YOU'VE MET YOUR ANNUAL INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE, YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY AT NO COST TO YOU! An insurance deductible is the amount of money thatyoumustpaybeforeyour insurance company pays for your medical services. If your deductible is met, your Physical Therapy may not cost you anything. Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeries or have a chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. This means that the cost of physical therapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan. If you are close to or have met your insurance deductible for the year, then now is the time to come in for Physical Therapy! Are you feeling aches and pains? Need to work on your core? Let us help you get a head start for 2020. Have you undergone surgery recently? Call us today at (972) 837-4450 to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll guide you to affordable treatments that will place you one step closer to pain relief.

Service Spotlight

LSVT BIG Program for Parkinson’s Disease

We want to recognize Samantha Harmon, PT, DPT for completing her certification for the BIG program at the beginning of August. For more information on

this transformative program, please see the LSVT BIG Program on our website under the How We Treat section. Call 303.388.1537 to make an appointment today!

Healthy Recipe Slow Cooker Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Ingredients • cooking spray, butter or coconut oil • 1 cup steel-cut oats • 2½ cups water • 1½ cups unsweetened almond milk • 1 cup pumpkin • 3 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tsp vanilla • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • ¼ tsp salt

Instructions Coat your slow cooker with cooking spray, butter or coconut oil. Add all the ingredients into slow cooker and mix well. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. If you have a programmable slow cooker, set it to cook on low for 7 hours and then switch to warm. In the morning, give the oats a good stir as the oats will settle to the bottom. Portion into a bowl to serve and top with pecans, maple syrup and almond milk.


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